Dragon Hatchery!!

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    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Well, I don’t really need 3 vine adults but I would feel bad just abandoning her/him 🙁

    You could also freeze your hatchling That way you always have a baby on your scroll. :lol:


    I did 🙂 Thanks! I couldn’t kill her and I suppose she’s kind of worthless as a hatchling she can’t do anything while frozen but then again all adults can do is breed anyhow lol


    Yay I got a pink one!!


    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    I did 🙂 Thanks! I couldn’t kill her and I suppose she’s kind of worthless as a hatchling she can’t do anything while frozen but then again all adults can do is breed anyhow lol

    Yes but they are so cute 😆 I’m trying to get one of each as a hatchling 😉


    I like to just raise mine. I want to get one of each, then get duplicates. I love raising virtual things! 😀


    I’m trying to get a female in each color. I already have all the males. Two of some. If I get a male hatchling I freeze it since I’d also like one of each type of hatcher. No dinos or chickens yet. not really interested in those right now. I want to get done with the dragons first. Although by the time I get what I want they may have the new ones added! 😆
    I’m really hoping they add the ability to sort your dragons to the scroll.


    😳 Put it in the wrong thread 😆


    khat7 wrote:

    I’m trying to get a female in each color. I already have all the males. Two of some. If I get a male hatchling I freeze it since I’d also like one of each type of hatcher. No dinos or chickens yet. not really interested in those right now.

    Said like a true Windstone collector! LOL 😆


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    khat7 wrote:

    I’m trying to get a female in each color. I already have all the males. Two of some. If I get a male hatchling I freeze it since I’d also like one of each type of hatcher. No dinos or chickens yet. not really interested in those right now.

    Said like a true Windstone collector! LOL 😆

    If Only I could do that with the real Windstones !
    😯 😆


    pegasi1978 wrote:

    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Do you know what the description for the pink one is? Which one is in a puddle and which one is surrounded by fog?

    How many is too many? I killed one egg and one adult
    The pink egg says “It’s Bright and It’s pink.” It grows up into the pink dragon.

    The egg sitting in a puddle grows up into the blue dragon swimming in water.

    The egg surrounded by fog grows up into the Grey/Storm Dragon.

    I think I read that too many was 10.

    So as far as getting one of each (don’t want any chickens or dinosaurs right now lol) I’m missing the two headed which I think the description says this egg is split right down the middle in two colors? And the paper dragon. Am I missing any others?



      lWhen do you find out if you have a male or female? My new Orange one does not have a sex when I click it?
      I’m, missing hte Gold, both silvers, the chicken and the paper one. If the currents ones I have grwo up I will have all the Dino’s

      I can not find any eggs now though


      I think eggs come out on the hour exactly so 9:00 10:00 and so on and so forth. I think someone said you don’t know the sex until their wings start coming in and they’re almost ready to grow up. I think i’m missing the gold too now that you mention it


      They don’t show the gender until the “physical changes”
      occur an your hatchling. You will see the gender there when you view your hatchling


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        So as far as getting one of each (don’t want any chickens or dinosaurs right now lol) I’m missing the two headed which I think the description says this egg is split right down the middle in two colors? And the paper dragon. Am I missing any others?

        You are missing several adults: Mint, Purple, Gold, Pink, Red, Paper, Stone, Two-Headed and the Silvers.

        You currently have a Mint hatchling, two Red eggs, a Pink egg and a Split egg which grows up into the two headed dragon.


        So i’m missing purple, gold, stone, and paper… does anyone know what they say in their egg descriptions? Thanks!

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