Dragon Hatchery!!

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      Is the Server still down??
      I think I may have lost a hatcher
      I can’t get any response at all from the site


      I can’t get a response from the site either. No images here. bummer. I can’t even check to see if anyone’s eggs hatched or grew up or anything…

      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


        I had 2 rectangular boxes for my 2 remaining hatchers and now I have a square box where my baby stone dragon was so I think I have lost my first one due to the site being down. Since I had 2 grow up yesterday I was not worried, but after seeing this I’m a MESS with worry


          I think the site is back up but still no eggs.
          I removed the Dragon Collector completely I only had 1 egg/hatcher and he/she grew up completely. Please post him/her in the Adult thread!!
          I say him/her since it was a Silver dragon and I did not check to see if it was a male or female before I did the removal sorry
          My 2 little hatchers are both alive too
          I still have a few to get so I hope we have more eggs soon

          My bad it’s a Malre Silver. He is all grown up so if you can remove him that would be GREAT! Introduce him in the Adult thread please!!
          I also have one more adult to remove emlerald something sorry can’t remember who’s he is right nowOK it was Khat7 Emerald Frye that growed up and got removed.

          Please post them in the Adult Thread!!
          Griffoness also has a full grown adult chicken dragon, I know it’s an adult and I removed it from the front page but she is just too cute not to post here

          I wonder if she can breed with the other dragons??


          Aww its soo cute! I will have to try it lol!
          Oh my silver grew up too!!
          Come on paper dragon…


            WOW a Silver Female I wonder if she can produce an egg even though we can’t get eggs from the site. I’m not going to breed anymore right now. 5 hatchers was too much to worry about at one time. I still have 1 I’m worried about. She has been off and on sick.
            I want new ones anyway

            Griffoness I removed your paper dragon since he/she/it grew up completley

            I hope we get more eggs soon

            I had 5 hatchers at one time and now I only have 1!! A LOT less stress!!


            I moved him!! Thanks! 😀

            My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


              Khat7 you just had your female Silver Dragon mature you lucky Mama you!! I’m jealous now!!
              I have removed her from the hatchery but please post her in the adult dragon thread!!


              YAY My dragons grew up. I was pretty worried about those two.

              It will be interesting to see what they come up with once they are done “tweaking” the system


              Dragon Master wrote:

              Khat7 you just had your female Silver Dragon mature you lucky Mama you!! I’m jealous now!!
              I have removed her from the hatchery but please post her in the adult dragon thread!!

              Yep Thanks. I was really surprised. And I did it, 😳 I didn’t mean too, really but….. I bred my silvers. Just couldn’t resist 😆

              DM I’d give it too you if I could 😉


                Thanks for the thought. I added this on to the hatchery

                I’m out of hatchers and eggs My last hatcher Nicki just grew up!! I’ll still update the hatchery as we get more but I’m out until I get some more

                CONGRATS EVERYONE!!


                  Keplilly our red one is all grown up now so I have removed him from the hatchery please post him in the adult thread for all of us to see

                  There MUST be something wrong I was told the dragons I was trying to breed had just recently bred and I had NEVER tried with either of them


                    KepLilly and I had beeeding success so please click our eggs in the first thread!! Thanks!!!
                    New egg from Maebnus3 in the first thread also


                    I have a new egg for the first page. I was trying to get another silver to “donate” and I hit the wrong male 😕 I may start freezing some hatchlings just to keep one of each on my scroll. They are just so cute 😀


                      Added to the front page. If you could by chance remove it from the above post to keep things here clean that would be GREAT
                      I hope they have new eggs soon

                      Leigha I’m sorry yoru egg did not make it!!
                      Khat7 your Grass grew up and got moved to the adult thread

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