Dragon Hatchery!!

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    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Do we know if we’re talking a few days, weeks, a month..?

    No idea. But at least we know whats going on this time 😀 No Fog 😆


      khat7 wrote:

      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      Do we know if we’re talking a few days, weeks, a month..?

      No idea. But at least we know whats going on this time 😀 No Fog 😆

      Per TJ at the dragon cave forum earlier this afternoon:


      Site should now be up, and it seems like the time extension (About 23 hours) worked.


        OK My orange has hatche3d but it does not tell me if I have a Male or Female????

        I’m also VERY sorry to report that Khat7 and Wolflodge100 each lost one


        Dragon Master wrote:

        OK My orange has hatche3d but it does not tell me if I have a Male or Female????

        I’m also VERY sorry to report that Khat7 and Wolflodge100 each lost one

        You have to wait til they get wings or gills or whatever change defines them as “growing up” 😆


        Hmm my egg had no marks on it this morning (cracks) and it hatched already lol! Are the green eggs always going to be the vine dragons? I already have 2 adults in that kind 🙁


        The dark green eggs I had were vine dragons; the light green like yours turned out to be a mint dragon. And I think there’s another shade of green out there.


          tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

          Hmm my egg had no marks on it this morning (cracks) and it hatched already lol! Are the green eggs always going to be the vine dragons? I already have 2 adults in that kind 🙁

          The dark green eggs will always be the vine dragon. The description of the egg is “This egg is sitting in a patch of grass and small flowers even though there’s no sun in the cave.”

          The green egg will always be the green dragon. The desctiption is “This egg is sitting in a pile of small pebbles.”

          The light green egg will always be the mint dragon. The description says “This egg is hidden behind the others, as if it is shy.”

          If you don’t want to raise another vine dragon you can abandon the hatchling.


          Well, I don’t really need 3 vine adults but I would feel bad just abandoning her/him 🙁


            There are always people looking to adopt abandoned dragons.


            Hmm abandon isn’t a choice..?


            And I tried to kill one of my adults I had the doubles of the vine dragons and revive isn’t a choice now either. And the description they give when you did it- I felt really bad! 😥 no more of that!


              tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

              Hmm abandon isn’t a choice..?

              Had you named the hatchling? I think once you name them you can’t abandon them. Oh and be careful when it comes to killing dragons/eggs. If you kill too many your scroll gets blocked and you can’t get a new one. TJ had to do it because there one person last year that snagged up gobs and gobs of abandoned eggs just so he could kill them.

              And the chances of revival are very small so that could be why the revive link didn’t show up.


              yeah I named him 🙁 I don’t want to kill him though! But i’ll be back to two vine dragons then. I need to pay closer attention to which eggs are which in their descriptions and stuff lol. Now I’ve got another black egg again (it says you haven’t had this egg long enough to abandon it, i’d much rather abandon then kill if people will pick them up… I just want to get one of each color before I go getting multiples of each). But I got a red one! Do you know what the description for the pink one is? Which one is in a puddle and which one is surrounded by fog?

              How many is too many? I killed one egg and one adult


                I can’t kill any of mine… 😕 I love all of them eventho some of them are the same with different names… 😉



                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  Do you know what the description for the pink one is? Which one is in a puddle and which one is surrounded by fog?

                  How many is too many? I killed one egg and one adult
                  The pink egg says “It’s Bright and It’s pink.” It grows up into the pink dragon.

                  The egg sitting in a puddle grows up into the blue dragon swimming in water.

                  The egg surrounded by fog grows up into the Grey/Storm Dragon.

                  I think I read that too many was 10.

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