Dragon Hatchery!!

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    YAY! I finally got me a purple one! The one Ive been waiting for since it’s my favorite color! Click the heck out of that baby so it hatches, please!!!!

    Oh, and nabbed this one too but I dont know if Im keeping it:


    my orange one will die in the next day 🙁 no clicks and very few views


    *clicks on li’l orange*

    someone abandoned a split egg with over six days left…

    and I found a mint:


    Dont worry Lyo… I have a theory about the dragon site. I think very few of them die and that it goes more by how much time is left than the amount of clicks one gets. Ive seen some with over 3000 clicks still cracking and yet some with under 100 clicks and hatching. Obviously it’s no fun if the dragon dies so I think they made the site so that near the end of the time given, is more so when it does hatch.

    But I clicked your orange one and he is growing in his wings so hang in there and everyone will give their morning clicks (around the world) and perhaps that will sprout him upwards. My orange didnt stay in this stage long; grew up fast.



    BINGO! I just adulterated your orange dragon!!!



      PhoenixTears wrote:

      BINGO! I just adulterated your orange dragon!!!

      *Squeeks in terror*


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      Dont worry Lyo… I have a theory about the dragon site. I think very few of them die and that it goes more by how much time is left than the amount of clicks one gets. Ive seen some with over 3000 clicks still cracking and yet some with under 100 clicks and hatching. Obviously it’s no fun if the dragon dies so I think they made the site so that near the end of the time given, is more so when it does hatch.

      But I clicked your orange one and he is growing in his wings so hang in there and everyone will give their morning clicks (around the world) and perhaps that will sprout him upwards. My orange didnt stay in this stage long; grew up fast.


      Thanks :3 Now I have to figure out what to name him ^-^




      It’s ALIIIIIIVE! ^_^ congratulations!


      mmloda all yours grew up! congrats!


      Dragon Cave FAQ

      Jus trying to be helpful here. 😆 Especially for those who don’t want to mess with more than one forum 😉

      Views, Unique Views, and Clicks are statistics that determine if your egg will hatch and if your hatchling will grow. Views are accumulated every time someone views your egg/hatchling/adult. Unique Views are obtained in the same way, except only one unique view is given per egg per person. A “click” occurs when someone clicks on your egg in your signature or wherever you place it. As with Unique Views, clicks are only given once per person.

      Your clicks, views, unique views, and the amount of time that has passed since the dragon last changed stages are variables in a mathematical function that produces a fictional ‘score’ for your dragon. An egg’s ‘score’ must reach a certain amount before it will hatch, and a hatchling’s ‘score’ must reach an even higher amount before it will mature.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q: How did my egg die?
      A: There are several ways an egg can die. The most common is that it ran out of time. From the moment you get your egg, you have 7 days to help it hatch or the egg will not survive. Eggs can also die from disease caused by abnormal conditions, such as more clicks than unique views (After all, how can 30 people click an egg if only 20 people have even seen it)

      Q: When I want to do any option in the actions menu it says: “Warning! An invalid referrer has been detected. This is possibly an attempt to get you to kill your own dragon or do something else you don’t like, and has been blocked. If you came to this page on your own, make sure referrers are enabled in your browser.”
      A: The page you get is a warning to prevent you from killing your egg by clicking a link. If you try again and it keeps happening, make sure your browser sends referrers. If you are not sure how to check, click this link.

      Q: What are clicks, views, and unique views?
      A: Views, Unique Views, and Clicks are statistics that determine if your egg will hatch and if your hatchling will grow. Views are accumulated every time someone views your egg/hatchling/adult. Unique Views are obtained in the same way, except only one unique view is given per egg per person. A “click” occurs when someone clicks on your egg in your signature or wherever you place it. As with Unique Views, clicks are only given once per person.

      Q: How many clicks does my egg need to hatch?
      A: There is no set amount. Hatching is based on a ratio of clicks, views, unique views, and time, so there is no magic number that you must reach. It is, for example, possible for an egg to hatch with 0 clicks. In addition, different breeds may require more or less views/unique views/clicks

      Q: My egg is cracking. What is wrong?
      A: Nothing is wrong. In fact, cracking is a good thing, as it is a sign that your egg is beginning to hatch.

      Q: When I try to enter the main site, I get the “Permission Denied” message, what is wrong?
      A: You may be using a proxy server. A proxy server is a tool that allows you to hide your IP from the site. This can be used for cheating purposes, thus proxies are blocked. Some popular “web accelerators” have been known to act as proxies as well. If you are not sure whether you are using a proxy or not, click here. In addition, you may be blocked from using the site if your account is banned for whatever reason.

      Q: Why can’t I name my egg?
      A: Eggs cannot be named. Wait for your egg to hatch and you will be able to name it.

      Q: Why does the ink disappear when I try and name a dragon?
      A: The name you wish to choose may be taken. There are many named dragons, so simply choose another name. However, you may also see this message if the name you wish to choose contains invalid characters. Names can only contain alphanumeric characters, as well as ” ” (space), “‘” (apostrophe), or “-” (dash).

      Q: Why is my egg or hatchling sick?
      A: Egg and hatchling sickness is caused by abnormal conditions in the egg. For example, if your egg has more clicks than unique views, then it may become sick.

      Q: How do you abandon an egg/hatchling?
      A: If you have had the egg/hatchling for at least one day, click “Actions” then “Abandon”. Once an egg or hatchling has been abandoned, it cannot be reclaimed.

      Q:How do you breed dragons?
      A: The “Breed” action is available on the actions menu for female dragons. If you click it, you will be presented with a list of eligible male dragons. Select one of those and breeding will be attempted. Breeding is not always successful, however, and may fail to produce an egg.

      Q:Why can’t I breed?
      A: The breed action only appears for adult female dragons. Also, you cannot breed more than once every week per dragon (Both males and females).

      Starting Dragon Cave

      Q: How do I get eggs?
      A: First, make sure you have a scroll, as registration is required to take eggs. When new eggs are released every hour (at :00, GMT-based), go to teh home pageYou click on them when they appear every hour, go to the entrance of the cave and click on the eggs. Remember, many other people are also vying for eggs, so you have to click fast.

      If there are abandoned eggs (which can appear at any time), you can take one of those. You can take an abandoned egg when you see this text:
      “Near the entrance to the cave, there are some abandoned eggs. If you don’t want the dragons inside to die, you can take one of those instead.”

      Q: Why can’t I get another egg?
      A: You may not be clicking fast enough to get an egg from the entrance. There is also a limit to the number of eggs and hatchlings you can have at any one time. If you have either 4 eggs or 4 hatchlings, you will be unable to take or adopt another egg. This limit is increased to 5 when breeding.

      Q: How long will it take for them to hatch/mature?
      A: Just try and get as many different clicks/views as you can. Every one counts. Time is a factor in the hatching process too, so even if you have a lot of clicks, you may have to wait for your egg to hatch.

      Q: How do I know if my egg is dead and if it is, how do I get rid of it?
      A: A dead egg is denoted by the egg graphic being broken in half horizontally. If you wait 2 weeks, it will disappear from your scroll on its own.

      Q: Why does it say “Service Unavailable”?
      A: This is when too many people are trying to access the site at once, all you can do is wait.

      Q: How do I get my dragons into my post/signature?
      A: Click on your account, then click ‘Get Code’ for that dragon. Then you can pick your code from 4 different types, HTML, Neopets code, BBCode, and BBCode with TinyURL. Your best bet to use on forums is the regular BBCode one. You take that code then you go to your signature editor. Paste your code in there, and your eggs/hatchlings/adults will appear in your signature!’


      Q: How do I name my hatchlings?
      A: From your scroll, click on “actions”, then click “Name”. You can only do this once, and once done, the name CANNOT be changed.

      Q: What’s ‘Freezing’?
      A: If you ‘freeze’ your hatchling, it will not mature into an Adult. However, it will also not die when its 7 day growth period is over. This action is completely irreversible.

      Q: What happens when I kill my dragon?
      A: It may die, or it may avoid your attack.


      Q: What happens if I kill an Adult Dragon?
      A: It dies and is replaced by a tombstone graphic. The tombstone will be removed from your scroll two weeks after death, similar to dead eggs.


        On that same note…it has been confirmed on the Dragon Cave Forum, that even if your egg/hatcling has enough views/unique views/clicks it will not hatch/mature until 4 days have passed.


        Ok so here’s a question- if I’m clicking everyone’s eggs each morning am I really doing anything or is it only counting them the first time I click someone’s new egg and then never counts from me again?


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Ok so here’s a question- if I’m clicking everyone’s eggs each morning am I really doing anything or is it only counting them the first time I click someone’s new egg and then never counts from me again?

        I tried looking it up when I first got eggs and I thought it was once per day. You just cannot click several times a day on the same egg and clicking your own eggs does not count. I’ll see if I can find it again later. Right now I have to talk with the guy who’s going to remove our dead trees and than get dinner before the kids leave for karate.

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