Dragon Hatchery!!

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    Dragon Master wrote:

    I was just heading here to say I’m too tired and SCREWED up the name I’m sorry Eaglefeathers831!!!
    It was an emotional few days

    How are you? You mentioned something earlier about a memorial? I trust everything went well, emotional but still OK.
    If you don’t want to answer here that’s OK. I don’t me to pry


    khat7 wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I was just heading here to say I’m too tired and SCREWED up the name I’m sorry Eaglefeathers831!!!
    It was an emotional few days

    How are you? You mentioned something earlier about a memorial? I trust everything went well, emotional but still OK.
    If you don’t want to answer here that’s OK. I don’t me to pry

    Yes, I hope everything went well! It’s okay that you mixed up my name! 😉 I updated the nursery this morning (more like afternoon), and I will compare my eggs to your, I’ll PM the codes of any that aren’t in yours, and then I’ll delete this nursery! 😀


      I was irritated with my aunt and cousin since they got to Tahoe so late and that made me feel as though they did not care.
      They finally got there and we actually had a VERY nice time.
      We drive from South Shore to North Shore and found the gate the leads to the spot the ahses where scattered at. I wish I had not put so much in teh machines though.
      I will be starting a part time job VERY soon and thaat was how I justified it. I go in for my drug screen on Monday I hope the results come back quick so I can start

      All in all we had avery nice time and drove around the lake on the way out and stopeed several times to just see Mother Natures beauty

      Thanks for asking


      Does anyone want the dino-egg I picked up? I got it because it was abandoned (I am a sucker for those) but I don’t really want dinos, at least not until I have the dragons I want. I won’t abandon it, though, unless someone else wants it. just let me know.


        I found this ABANDONED eggs O_o
        I had no idea eggs could be abandoned!! how sad!

        this one only has one day left:


        cryptarch wrote:

        Does anyone want the dino-egg I picked up? I got it because it was abandoned (I am a sucker for those) but I don’t really want dinos, at least not until I have the dragons I want. I won’t abandon it, though, unless someone else wants it. just let me know.

        We can trade? How do you do that?


          tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

          cryptarch wrote:

          Does anyone want the dino-egg I picked up? I got it because it was abandoned (I am a sucker for those) but I don’t really want dinos, at least not until I have the dragons I want. I won’t abandon it, though, unless someone else wants it. just let me know.

          We can trade? How do you do that?
          I’m not sure how to but you can abandon an egg for someone else to pick up, but to my understanding if no one picks it up it dies


          yeah, dropping it off with someone ready to pick it up is the only way I know to “trade.” It doesn’t assure that the person wanting the egg gets it, but it assures that the egg doesn’t die of abandonment.


          Hey yay! I got myself a BLUE egg! Can it be added to the page that has all the eggs so that it’s a one stop shop to click? THANK YOU!


          Argh! Weird and frustrating! You guys know Ive been dying for a purple egg. Well, I just got the blue one and all went well. I refreshed as normal and there was a purple one. When I clicked it, for the first time it told me I had to sign in. When I tried, it told me that user name was already in use or taken… yea, duh, it’s me!

          Well, by the time I back tracked and “signed in” for the first time ever since the beginning, eggs were gone. Dang, that purple was so close!


          My white and black eggs only have a day left 🙁 And there’s not even a hole in them yet 🙁


          i clicked! but then I click every day on the list…


          gold! ^_^


          I’m sorry, Koishii and tatt2d, about your eggs! I’ve been clicking every day!

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