Dragon Hatchery!!

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    There have been people on here with the two headed. Can’t recall who off hand. The egg used to be red and green and the dragon was green. Now it’s the split blue egg and the dragonis dark blue


    Dragon Master, I will PM you the codes, but don’t rush. I know you’re preparing to leave.


    PM’ed you, Dragon Master! 🙂


    So now I have a baby and 4 eggs but I can’t put them all in my signature what now 😥


    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    So now I have a baby and 4 eggs but I can’t put them all in my signature what now 😥

    Unfortunately, 2 is all that will fit in it.


    You need to go here

    and PM your codes to Eagle feather. She is keeping the mall on top there until DM gets back

    Also post your eggs where ever else you can to get clicks 😉


    khat7 wrote:

    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    One of mine hatched! Ok I’m still learning- when I click on actions it says kill or freeze.. why would you kill it? Why would you freeze it? Why would you abandon it or hide it? Thanks guys!

    I don’t know why you would kill one, unless you wanted to try and revive it and I don’t think that works with hatchlings.
    You might want to freeze one if you already have plenty of adults in that color. That’s what I’m doing with some of mine 😀 You would hide it temporarily if it has gotten sick from too many views or clicks. Abandon if you just decide for whatever reason to give it up and hope someone else picks it up.

    Hi! Thank you for replying!!! 🙂 How would I know if he is sick? Too many clicks? Wouldn’t that just make him hatch? It seems there is a limit, it won’t let me pick up any more eggs… so when you say plenty of adults does that mean once these grow up I can get more eggs? I don’t know why you would kill it just to try to bring it back to life..? Weird lol


      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      khat7 wrote:

      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      One of mine hatched! Ok I’m still learning- when I click on actions it says kill or freeze.. why would you kill it? Why would you freeze it? Why would you abandon it or hide it? Thanks guys!

      I don’t know why you would kill one, unless you wanted to try and revive it and I don’t think that works with hatchlings.
      You might want to freeze one if you already have plenty of adults in that color. That’s what I’m doing with some of mine 😀 You would hide it temporarily if it has gotten sick from too many views or clicks. Abandon if you just decide for whatever reason to give it up and hope someone else picks it up.

      Hi! Thank you for replying!!! 🙂 How would I know if he is sick? Too many clicks? Wouldn’t that just make him hatch? It seems there is a limit, it won’t let me pick up any more eggs… so when you say plenty of adults does that mean once these grow up I can get more eggs? I don’t know why you would kill it just to try to bring it back to life..? Weird lol
      If they are egg form and get too many views but not enough clicks or unique views the eggs will say they are soft like there is something wrong with them, the hatchers will say they are sick and not eating or moving much. When you click on the eggs or hatchers it will be in the descriptions


        So here are some of my new dragon eggs…. 😀
        I have had no luck for the longest time and i finally got some today… 😀




        Here are my 2 newest eggs! I had one hatch today too!


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Here are my 2 newest eggs! I had one hatch today too!

        Aren’t they cute. I lov e the new blue hatchling


        mmloda wrote:

        So here are some of my new dragon eggs…. 😀
        I have had no luck for the longest time and i finally got some today… 😀


        Don’ forget
        You need to go here

        and PM your codes to Eagle feather. She is keeping the mall on top there until DM gets back


          First of all THANK YOU Leigha for keeping up the list while I was on vacation!!
          My first spotted egg literally JUST hatched!! I did a copy past on the first page to get the hathcery update so I’m back on top of things
          Thanky ou so much!!


          that’s not me lol that’s eaglefeather

          I was just being nosy and telling you to update 😛


            I was just heading here to say I’m too tired and SCREWED up the name I’m sorry Eaglefeathers831!!!
            It was an emotional few days

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