Dragon Hatchery!!

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    Dragon Master wrote:

    Barrdwing wrote:

    I’ve found that the best way to be able to grab eggs is just to stay logged in on the Dragon Cave site. (I hope this doesn’t drive the moderator crazy. :/) When you go to the site, log in; when you leave, simply don’t log out. You’ll remain logged in indefinitely.

    I NEVER log out officially I just close the window unless that logs me out???
    I dont’ knwo I have not been seeing any new eggs I want recently since I lost the Gold one

    That’s what has worked for me. I just don’t log out. Closing the window doesn’t log me out–I don’t know why 😕 –and when I go to the site again, I’m still logged in. You can tell because it goes straight to the page that has the phrase “Having been here before, you have started a scroll . . .” in the second block of text.

    I hope some eggs you want come up for you!


      I never log out either, but since the most recent server upgrade, it keeps making me log in every time. 😡

      Just a suggestion/reminder for folks… (since I forgot at first too). If you’re going to freeze any hatchlings, make sure you tell DM which codes to remove from the first page. They don’t need clicks anymore, and he won’t know that they can be removed if they don’t ever grow up. 😉


        My little guys in my siggy could use some clicks :X


        mine too ^_^


        Ok, I know this is a forbidden topic on Drag Cave forums, but I want to know about the dead dragon, sick dragon, and any other secrets out there. Supposedly, I asked about a “kill limit” when it comes to the eggs, and someone said it has to do with a secret topic, but that was all I got. I guess the kill limit is 10 eggs, but no one seems to know if it is permanent, or if the number re-sets after a few weeks (6 I think).

        Also, there is speculation as to how to get a dead dragon, and some think you have to have a certain kind in your possession before you can successfully revise one.

        As for the sick dragon, I have only heard that it doesn’t have to be sick, just left alone to die.

        I am sure there are more to these secrets though. What does everyone else know?

        *edited to say that I found out it’s not necessary to kill eggs manually, but I guess killing eggs still might have something to do with a secret?


        YAY! Im a mommy of twins! And a mom of four! Cant believe they hatched! Im gushing!

        DM- what is the next step? Do you put them in the nursery? Cause I want them to grow up and keep getting clicked on. Can you do that for me, for I dont know how? Thank you Godfather! 😀


        PhoenixTears wrote:

        YAY! Im a mommy of twins! And a mom of four! Cant believe they hatched! Im gushing!

        DM- what is the next step? Do you put them in the nursery? Cause I want them to grow up and keep getting clicked on. Can you do that for me, for I don’t know how? Thank you Godfather! 😀

        Godfather 😆 😆
        Does that mean we are starting the Dragon Mafia 😆 😆 JK

        They need to be added to the first page of the Hatchery. If your eggs were there (I believe they were) Than they now show up as hatchlings 😀 Also post them anywhere else you can for clicks
        Mine have done fine on here. Most, but not all, have. Myspace lists them as Spam 😛 Facebook just shows the code and no link 😛 😛
        They were being posted on Gaia butI believe there is a problem with that since Dragcave changed servers. I’ll let you know if I hear any thing new. 😀


          Ok, now that the website seems to have settled down a bit…here are my two!


            khat7 wrote:

            PhoenixTears wrote:

            YAY! Im a mommy of twins! And a mom of four! Cant believe they hatched! Im gushing!

            DM- what is the next step? Do you put them in the nursery? Cause I want them to grow up and keep getting clicked on. Can you do that for me, for I don’t know how? Thank you Godfather! 😀

            Godfather 😆 😆
            Does that mean we are starting the Dragon Mafia 😆 😆 JK

            Let’s talk!!
            I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse!!
            *scrateched chin*


              Arya wrote:

              Ok, now that the website seems to have settled down a bit…here are my two!

              I can’t get to the codes in your signature you need to PM methe codes and I’ll be more then HAPPY to add then to the hatchery!!


              Hey DM, I’ve bred a silver egg. Do you want it?


              Just a reminder for anyone with eggie questions.
              Check out the pinned topics here:



              I just noticed the kind responses to my eggs hatching! Thank you! We are celebrating over here… cats running into walls and such cause they get no traction on tile. .. hehe!

              Im off to click tons o-eggs and dragonions! And yes, DM, I call you the Godfather cause you do so much for us in helping these babies come to life and grow. You deserve the distinguished position that goes with the title Godfather- however you look at it! 😀


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              I just noticed the kind responses to my eggs hatching! Thank you! We are celebrating over here… cats running into walls and such cause they get no traction on tile. .. hehe!

              Im off to click tons o-eggs and dragonions! And yes, DM, I call you the Godfather cause you do so much for us in helping these babies come to life and grow. You deserve the distinguished position that goes with the title Godfather- however you look at it! 😀

              I think it is well deserved, and kinda cute 😆


              I’ve started collecting eggs:

              I tried a couple of breedings, but they aren’t interested in each other anymore.

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