Dragon Hatchery!!

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    I got one! I think! Does it show up in my signature? You said the 3rd code down which is the url=http code… is that the right one? Does my white egg show?

    YAY! It does and how ironic since white is my least favorite color! But I’ll settle for any egg. Now I hope it survives for Im not around online much at this time!

    Help my long sought after egg!


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    It worked with Yahoo and there were 3 EGGS waiting to be stolen!!! I tried to click one and it said to take it I had to register. I had already done it but had to go to Yahoo to hit the verification link. When I did, it brought me back to the cave and the eggs were gone with same old message. 🙄 I’ll never get one

    Don’t lose hope!! I thought I wasn’t going to get any either, but just today I got two! You can do it!


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I got one! I think! Does it show up in my signature? You said the 3rd code down which is the url=http code… is that the right one? Does my white egg show?

    YAY! It does and how ironic since white is my least favorite color! But I’ll settle for any egg. Now I hope it survives for Im not around online much at this time!

    Help my long sought after egg!

    Actually I guess it’s the second one down, but PM the egg to DM, and he will post it up with the others on the first page.
    Yay! A white one for Pheonix Tears!


    It shows… can you see the white one in my sig area?


      Congrats, PT…I know how much you wanted one. 😀


      Weird, but the egg isnt showing up in any of my previous posts even though it’s set as a signature. Usually when you change a sig or avatar, it applies to ALL your previous history posts. That kinda blows since Im not online too much and cant make too many posts.

      I hope my dragon egg doesnt die. I’ll be so sad- no really… sad.


      Thanks LAM! Pretty funny that it turned out to be a white one! My other choices were the same- two with orange radiating auras. But when I clicked this first one, it didnt say it would be white- it said it was devoid of dirt and scratches. I was so eager to grab it, I didnt do the math to realize it would likely be white. But I’ll be happy as long as it doesnt die. Ive had enough of funerals!


        PT, it is showing up in your previous posts… It should be just fine. Sorry it wasn’t the color of your choice, but it must have been the one meant for you, right? 😉 😆

        Edited ’cause “duh” at me. 🙄


        Thats true Lam!!! I also just snagged a GREEN one so they could have company. Hopefully at least one will survive. I really want to foster one or more for some reason. Bio clock ticking (though medically, mine was born on snooze). 🙁

        But I love my eggs here so I hope everyone clicks.

        DM, please put them in the hatchery, whatever that means! Please! Grats 😀


          This is the hatchery thread (hence my “duh”) and DM is gonna be mad at us ’cause we’re talking and muddying it up. He should probably start a Phase 2 thread for the new ones anyway… 😳 😆


          Oops! Sorry DM. I didnt know we werent allowed to talk. Im new at this so I’ll shut up now <3


            I got a new egg and decided to keep this one. I abandonded the eggs I got from breeding. I like the fact you can abandon them right away now rather than waiting for a day.


              DARN!!! I just checked the cave and there was a reflective metalic one the only time I have EVER seen one and it was taken when I chicked it. I clicked as soon as I realized which one it was but I was too late, why is that the story of my life??


                PhoenixTears wrote:

                Oops! Sorry DM. I didnt know we werent allowed to talk. Im new at this so I’ll shut up now <3

                You can talk and chat. The only rule I would liek to keep is keeping this to eggs and hatchers only. Please do not post them in your responses so we can keep the hatchery clean of eventual adult dragons


                Hee hee hee! Im just addicted to grabbing them now but cant keep them all, I know! I want different colors though! Purple would flip my omelette! BTW, the two in my post are different than the 2 in my signature so give them a break and click them all! Wish I could change colors so ppl would know they were different!

                Edited to say to DM that I will not post any eggs i responses after this, in this thread. Others- probably but not here cause I understand what you mean. If those in my response here actually hatch, I’ll edit this post and take them out 😀

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