Dragon Hatchery!!

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      khat7 wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      Well I finally got in and was able to breed 2 and got this
      Now I can’t see the cave with the eggs

      Well I got in. But my dragons are still covered in fog?! πŸ‘Ώ
      Do a hard refresh (press the F5 key on your keybord) as your computer probably still has the fog covered dragons in its cache.


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      khat7 wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      Well I finally got in and was able to breed 2 and got this
      Now I can’t see the cave with the eggs

      Well I got in. But my dragons are still covered in fog?! πŸ‘Ώ
      Do a hard refresh (press the F5 key on your keybord) as your computer probably still has the fog covered dragons in its cache.

      That did it Thanks
      and one lonely lil egg
      Bred egg
      and another bred


        Blah. I’m not having any luck getting new eggs. I even tried to breed all 4 of my females and only ended up with one egg. I’m gonna try to freeze it as a hatchling (if I remember in time).


        Maebnus3 wrote:

        Blah. I’m not having any luck getting new eggs. I even tried to breed all 4 of my females and only ended up with one egg. I’m gonna try to freeze it as a hatchling (if I remember in time).

        That’s what I plan on doing πŸ˜†
        I’d like to get one of each at least, as an adult, and than freeze hatchlings


          Well, I guess my luck was just delayed :lol:. I stole some eggs! Though I’m debating abandoning the two dragon eggs. I need hatchlings in those colors, but I could potentially breed those myself (if I’m patient), so I might give ’em up.
          [edited to remove eggs from post since I’ll never remember to remove them once grown]
          Yay! I got a chicken!


            2Huberts wrote:

            I have 4. any secret to showing them all since the siggie box won’t hold them all only 2, besides this way?


              Most folks just keep the two that aren’t in their signature in a text document or something and paste them at the bottom of all their posts.


              Who-Hoo! I FINALLY got one!!

              It’s really nice to see the forum littered with eggs again!


                OK I did the updates I could see. If I missed any just PM me.
                2Huberts I could not get the 2 in your signature so if you want them added to the first screen just PM me the codes


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  OK I did the updates I could see. If I missed any just PM me.
                  2Huberts I could not get the 2 in your signature so if you want them added to the first screen just PM me the codes

                  on their way!!


                    NOW I’m ticked!! I looked fo reggs and tried to get an egg that didn’t look like it belonged and had spots which I do not think we had EVER seen before but it still was not allowing me to log in and I think I FINALLY logged in and by that time all the eggs where gone
                    GGGRRR πŸ‘Ώ


                      All the new ones hatchers and adults are here

                      I can’t figure out how to get to the cave or log in
                      can anyone help me figure out how they changed it?


                        I just went in thru someones egg the first time, then tried to grab one and had to sign in and reverify.


                          The Eggs used to be available on the hour. Any idea when they are available now?


                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          All the new ones hatchers and adults are here

                          I can’t figure out how to get to the cave or log in
                          can anyone help me figure out how they changed it?

                          I got help here

                          When I sent my verification email I was not receiving any answer. Apparently msn doesn’t like them. I tried a different email and got on right away However my dragons were still covered in fog.
                          I tried a “Hard refresh” (Thank you Pegasai) and
                          wha la dragons πŸ˜†

                          Now that I finally got that done MORE frustration. A spotted egg came up but when I clicked on it I got a message that it didn’t exist! 😯 πŸ˜†
                          What ever πŸ™„ I’ll just try latr afer Doctor Who. Maybe he can fix it 😈 πŸ˜†

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