
Dragon Hatchery!!

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      Maybe she’s referring to the hatchling ember dragons, which do slightly resemble a kitty?


        I think i just got one of those eggs
        it said it was very hot or something like that it’s my current 2nd one of the 3 eggs I have now


          2010-10-27 – And so it begins


          Halloween 2010

          Trick or Treating
          Quite a few treats (and some tricks as well) have been scattered throughout the site. Think you can collect all of them before Halloween is done?

          Event Breeding
          Pumpkin dragons are now breedable and will be breedable until November 1st. Remember that there was no limit on these dragons, and that carries over to this year. In the words of the pumpkin dragon’s creator, Christmas and Valentine’s Day are about giving, but Halloween is about grabbing as much candy for yourself as you can.

          and more…

          Trick or Treating appears to be like the Easter Egg hunt. No clue on the time between tricks or total number yet.


          Hehe…. Maybe I should READ some of the descriptions before assuming something. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜€ Yeah, I really thought Embers were curled-up kittens…

          So, you click wherever on the site for Trick or Treating? And is it something different every day, or can you probably find everything in one day?


            You must be logged in to the Dragon Cave site (not the forum) and about every 10 minutes or so you will see something small on what ever page you are on. Click it and it will be added to your pumpkin at the top of your scroll. This is what I have collected so far. I’ve seen reports of 91 treats to be collected.

            It doesn’t matter what page you are on: Main Cave, Abandoned Page, Your Scroll, an individual dragon page, an actions page, et cetera. The “treat” will be somewhere on the page (top, middle, bottom) and it should keep showing up on pages until you collect it.


              I have read it is every 12 minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚


                Found a scroll with all the current treats (92 total).


                Wow… ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Thanks for that. ๐Ÿ™‚ And here I thought it was random… Well at least I helped a ton of eggs and hatchlings with my clicks!


                  I have 10 so far


                    I have thirty- somthing. So, a third of the way there….

                    And yippee!!! Caught a pumpkin 2nd gen (pygmy parent)…. but also managed to get my hands on a Purebred pumpkin!!! That was really all the treating I needed ๐Ÿ˜†


                      Jerusha wrote:

                      And yippee!!! Caught a pumpkin 2nd gen (pygmy parent)…. but also managed to get my hands on a Purebred pumpkin!!! That was really all the treating I needed ๐Ÿ˜†

                      Well I’ll be damned. My pumpkin girl wasn’t so picky after all. I decided to give her a try with my pumpkin make and guess what I got two eggs! I did a FFA (free for all) on the DC chat.

                      And WhoHoo! I just collected my last treat.


                        Yay Pegasi!

                        I punted my 2nd gen pygmyXpumpkin and caught another PB as a free-for-all. So now I have 2 PB’s… with any luck they will cooperate next year and I can give out some 3rd gen purebred pumpkin love! ๐Ÿ˜†

                        (Plus I had caught another pygmyXpumpkin and gifted it to someone as their first holiday dragon. The first one I punted into AP also ended up one someone’s scroll as a first holiday. So everybody wins!!)


                          Jerusha wrote:

                          Yay Pegasi!

                          I punted my 2nd gen pygmyXpumpkin and caught another PB as a free-for-all. So now I have 2 PB’s… with any luck they will cooperate next year and I can give out some 3rd gen purebred pumpkin love! ๐Ÿ˜†

                          (Plus I had caught another pygmyXpumpkin and gifted it to someone as their first holiday dragon. The first one I punted into AP also ended up one someone’s scroll as a first holiday. So everybody wins!!)

                          That is awesome Jerusha!! Just what you wanted. ๐Ÿ™‚


                            Jerusha wrote:

                            I have thirty- somthing. So, a third of the way there….

                            And yippee!!! Caught a pumpkin 2nd gen (pygmy parent)…. but also managed to get my hands on a Purebred pumpkin!!! That was really all the treating I needed ๐Ÿ˜†
                            are there only 92?? I though there would be 100


                              Nope, it’s been confirmed several times that there are only 92 treats.

                              If there is going to be a Halloween release (and precedent says there will be) only an hour and 45 minutes to go (until midnight Eastern).

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