Draco statue :o

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      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Anyone ever seen this one?

      Yup! Own one… got it for less than $75 on ebay a couple of years ago. πŸ˜€

      It’s on our wall at home… with Sting, Eowyn’s sword, Balian’s sword (from Kingdom of Heaven) and a couple of misc daggers to the left of it… and Arwen’s sword, Hadhafang above it. ^.^

      I’ll take a pic of the wall tonight. πŸ˜€ I rather like how our swords look together. ^.^


        ladybrooklyn wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        Anyone ever seen this one?

        Yup! Own one… got it for less than $75 on ebay a couple of years ago. πŸ˜€

        It’s on our wall at home… with Sting, Eowyn’s sword, Balian’s sword (from Kingdom of Heaven) and a couple of misc daggers to the left of it… and Arwen’s sword, Hadhafang above it. ^.^

        I’ll take a pic of the wall tonight. πŸ˜€ I rather like how our swords look together. ^.^

        any idea how much they go for these days?


          I haven’t been looking for one… but I’d bet they’d go under $100… The demand was never that great for them… you SHOULD be able to find it under it’s retail of… $225? or so…

          I think the only sword we paid full retail value for was Arwen’s sword… cause my BF was insane and went to the local “Knife shop” rather than ebay. πŸ˜›

          Let’s see… AH! piccie!


          I’d take a better one (Bowen’s sword is a bit dark) but my camera’s batteries just died… πŸ˜› and I should be in bed. ^.^


          Wow, what a neat sword collection! I like swords too, but I only have two so far: the rapier looks like this and the long sword looks like this (Museum Replicas doesn’t make those swords anymore, those are the ones that look most similar). I have mine hanging on a wall too…need to get a picture sometime…


            Very classy swords, Mimi.


              Very nice! Love Museum Replicas. πŸ˜€

              It just makes me sad to think… that as soon as my boyfriend and I get around to getting married and having kids… the swords will have to come down. ::sighs:: Especially since all except Balian’s and Bowen’s sword have sharpened edges. :

              Sting is especially sharp! πŸ˜†


              ladybrooklyn wrote:

              I haven’t been looking for one… but I’d bet they’d go under $100… The demand was never that great for them… you SHOULD be able to find it under it’s retail of… $225? or so…

              I think the only sword we paid full retail value for was Arwen’s sword… cause my BF was insane and went to the local “Knife shop” rather than ebay. πŸ˜›

              Let’s see… AH! piccie!


              I’d take a better one (Bowen’s sword is a bit dark) but my camera’s batteries just died… πŸ˜› and I should be in bed. ^.^

              Wow, those are cool. What did you use to hang the one sword horizontal? I will have to post pics of my swords and knifes someday.


                Just heavy duty nails… 3 nails below it… and one slightly curved around that protrusion near the hilt. πŸ˜€

                Arwen’s sword came with a stand… Unlike Sting and Eowyn’s sword have the plaques. I don’t have a mantle to put it on… πŸ˜› So… yeah… had to figure out something. πŸ˜€


                ladybrooklyn wrote:

                Very nice! Love Museum Replicas. πŸ˜€

                It just makes me sad to think… that as soon as my boyfriend and I get around to getting married and having kids… the swords will have to come down. ::sighs:: Especially since all except Balian’s and Bowen’s sword have sharpened edges. :

                Sting is especially sharp! πŸ˜†
                Yeah, you have to be really careful with kids around! I don’t have any kids, but I didn’t get either of mine sharpened because I was afraid that someone might cut themselves on it accidentally. As it turns out, that was a good idea because years ago I bumped into the rapier and it fell on me! Anyway, since then I’ve gotten some sword hangers and I tie the sword hilts to the hangers with very thin pieces of wire so that they can’t ever come off — the wire is almost invisible unless you looking at it very close up.


                skigod377 wrote:

                Very classy swords, Mimi.

                Thanks! πŸ˜€ I like the ones that I have better than the versions that Museum Replicas is making now, so I’m really glad I got mine when I did. I just took a picture, so here’s what they actually look like:




                    Nice! Very classy swords. πŸ˜€

                    Hum… wire idea is intersting… Hum….

                    As far as sharpening the blades goes… they all CAME that way! 😯 I didn’t ask for any of them to be sharpened… because you’re right… I’m so clumpsy if there wasn’t a table in front of them… I’d knock into them and cut an appendage off… πŸ˜†

                    For some reason it’s Sting I worry about… it’s so light… and that tip is sooo sharp… πŸ˜† I feel like if I look at it wrong its gonna stab me! πŸ˜€


                    ladybrooklyn wrote:

                    Nice! Very classy swords. πŸ˜€

                    Thanks! πŸ˜€

                    ladybrooklyn wrote:

                    As far as sharpening the blades goes… they all CAME that way! 😯 I didn’t ask for any of them to be sharpened…

                    Interesting…I didn’t know that some swords came sharpened. I’ve only bought from Museum Replicas, and they used to sell them unsharpened unless you requested them to sharpen them (use to be $10 extra). I haven’t got any for quite awhile now so I’m not sure what they do nowadays.

                    ladybrooklyn wrote:

                    Hum… wire idea is intersting… Hum….

                    … because you’re right… I’m so clumpsy if there wasn’t a table in front of them… I’d knock into them and cut an appendage off… πŸ˜†

                    For some reason it’s Sting I worry about… it’s so light… and that tip is sooo sharp… πŸ˜† I feel like if I look at it wrong its gonna stab me! πŸ˜€

                    You do have to be careful with the sharp blades if you have kids! Even if you tied them securely to the hangers, they could still grab the blade and cut themselves…once they’re tall enough to reach that high… πŸ™‚


                      Well… Sting came from ebay… Arwen’s sword from a local knife shop (don’t think my boyfriend asked for it to be sharpened…) and Eowyn’s sword came from ebay too…

                      The horse dagger I got on the way to our Renaissance festival… on the side of the road… and Balian’s sword came from Museum Replicas… not sharpened. πŸ˜€

                      I guess it all depends on where it comes from. πŸ˜€


                        I LOVE sword too. I have a cheap one somewhere but I’m not sure where it is right now

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