Death of a FORD TAURUS…55mph collision PIC HEAVY

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    Then there is NJ – where we have no fault insurance and some of the highest rates in the country. πŸ™„ It’s a disaster – a lot of people try to get around the rates by registering the car in PA or another state.


    I guess this is my wake up call that I need to get my insurance back, it lapsed last month and I haven’t had the funds to renew. Better find a way quick.

    I’m sorry about your accident, WC, but I am glad you are okay. I hope you don’t end up with too many problems due to the no insurance.

    I too protest using credit reports against people…it is especially abusive when they use it to determine whether or not they will employ you!

    Anyway, things will work out. If my engine wasn’t blown, I’d give you my Escort, but the engine is toast and my husband cannibalized the seats.



      So sorry to hear this WC. I’m glad everyone is uninjured. **HUGS**

      I’m almost ashamed to admit that I do not have any sort of attachment to my car. I never have. It gets me where I need to go and carries what I put in it.

      On the other hand I once had a Datsun B210. That was the worst piece of junk ever manufactured. To this day I will not even consider a Nissan.


      Please stop arguing in this thread about insurance and uninsured motorist coverage. πŸ™ I KNOW I was at FAULT. I EXPECT to have to pay for THEIR car. I never said otherwise. I DO NOT blame THEM. Yes, they hit their brakes rather quickly, but it was my fault for messing around and not looking up at the time.
      I advise you Kyrin, to get that insurance. $30 a month is well worth it should something like this happen to ANYONE.
      I know uninsured motorist coverage will take care of their car, and then the insurance company will take me to court for the cost of the vehicle I damaged. :spank: Yes, it sucks for me, and for their insurance company. I don’t believe it will raise their rate due to the fact it was my fault.
      I did NOT put this thread here to start arguments amongst the forum members. πŸ˜₯

      Thank you all for your kind words. I hope everything works out for the best. I have 2 bright spots in this…One, I get away from this building full of crackheads and lunatics. πŸ˜€ Two, I am currently driving a 2000 Grand Am GT. It will eventually be my replacement vehicle, but I do believe I won’t have a license for atleast a year, or however long it takes me to pay for their car. It depends on what the court decides. I will however be trying to get a work permit so I may work to pay off my debts. πŸ˜•


      Ok I’ll stop now then. I put in my two pieces and I was happy, I thought that …. nevermind. Shutting up.

      Still glad everyone was okay. Car accidents suck. *hugs*


      I wasn’t trying to be nasty. I just hate to see any of you guys arguing here. πŸ™ I come here to get away from the daily crap I have to put up with. (I’m sure alot of you do! πŸ™‚ )

      Plus…I am sore and a bit grumpy because I just packed up about 1/3 of my collection to haul 15 miles, and unpack it again. πŸ‘Ώ Of all things, I think I HATE moving the most! πŸ˜› And it only took me 10 hours to wash and pack a third of them…Good Lord, I am gonna hate myself forever! πŸ™„


      Man, WSC, I wish I had your griffin in progress so I could finish him and send him to you to perk you up. πŸ™


      I am so glad you are all right! As much as it will bite not having insurance, you can never be replaced!


      I know how you felt about that Taurus. I am driving my fourth Taurus,(a 2000) and probably my last as Ford has stopped making them. I absolutely adore it and every time I get into it, I am so thankful for it, for exactly the reasons you expressed. I know that car looks like a mess from the outside, but is it a mess on the inside? Is the engine or the tranny blown? Is it salvagable at all? Sometimes the local colleges have programs where the automotive students practice on cars, maybe working out a deal with them. Maybe getting some enterprising highschool kids and and a cooperative mechanic who will let them use the shop. I don’t know, but sometimes there are ways that show up when we get creative. I don’t know enough about mechanics, I do know about asking the universe for help and getting it in amazing ways. But maybe you don’t want the Taurus anymore, you said you were driving another car now that you were ok with. All this were just suggestions for the Taurus, maybe because of how I feel about mine! Sorry about that!!
      I’m glad you are OK too! πŸ˜† I wrecked my dad’s Ford when I was 17 coming up over a hill and seeing 2 little kids in a wagon in the road with a car coming the other way. It was either hit the car, hit the kids, or hit the ditch. I hit the ditch, snapping the front axle and tearing off the bumper, bending the grill and puncturing the radiator. I think I tore off the oil pan too. The other car stopped and pulled me out, the kids went on their way unaware. I was dazed for several minutes, unhurt, except for a bad bump on my forehead from hitting the steering wheel. We didn’t have airbags then. The whole thing took just seconds. Amazing how fast one can think in just seconds! Turns out the occupants of the car were 4 Marines on leave with nothing to do, so they literally pulled the car out of the ditch and kicked the tires onto the axle at 1 mph back to my dad’s house and spent the weekend fixing the car, fascinated by the fact that every tool they asked for, dad had.(of course, the fact that I was 17 and cute at the time may have had something to do with it! That was 19ooh long time ago!) I still remember that feeling of unreality and suspended time when I made that decision to hit that ditch. But again, good ole Ford! That was a stick shift dad taught me how to drive(one of the more useful things!) (The car still had a lot of work left to do on it, but it was functional)
      Anyway, Good Thoughts with it all, my sympathy meter is running a 10 of 10. You hang in there, and don’t let it getcha down! πŸ™‚


        drgnlvr wrote:

        I know how you felt about that Taurus. I am driving my fourth Taurus,(a 2000) and probably my last as Ford has stopped making them.

        Actually, Ford is still making the Taurus. There is the Taurus X too. They just look a lot different than the last model. But, I do believe there was a brief period of time when they did stop making them. There are 2008 models available though. Just go check out Ford’s website.


        travistie wrote:

        drgnlvr wrote:

        I know how you felt about that Taurus. I am driving my fourth Taurus,(a 2000) and probably my last as Ford has stopped making them.

        Actually, Ford is still making the Taurus. There is the Taurus X too. They just look a lot different than the last model. But, I do believe there was a brief period of time when they did stop making them. There are 2008 models available though. Just go check out Ford’s website.

        Is the Taurus the one that people say last for a really long time? We might have to get a car soon, and we did look at a couple of Taurus’s.


          I don’t know about anyone else, but my family has had nothing but good luck with them. My grandfather drove the same one for about 7 or 8 years. He just upgraded to an Edge last year. My aunt also had a Taurus for a long time. That got passed onto my cousin to drive about 2 years ago, when he started college.

          I think they are dependable, and obviously so do quite a few others that have posted here. I’m not getting one anytime soon though. Not till my Mustang kicks the bucket. πŸ˜† I’ve only had mine for about 4 years.


          drgnlvr wrote:

          Turns out the occupants of the car were 4 Marines on leave with nothing to do, so they literally pulled the car out of the ditch and kicked the tires onto the axle at 1 mph back to my dad’s house and spent the weekend fixing the car, fascinated by the fact that every tool they asked for, dad had.(of course, the fact that I was 17 and cute at the time may have had something to do with it! That was 19ooh long time ago!)



          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          travistie wrote:

          drgnlvr wrote:

          I know how you felt about that Taurus. I am driving my fourth Taurus,(a 2000) and probably my last as Ford has stopped making them.

          Actually, Ford is still making the Taurus. There is the Taurus X too. They just look a lot different than the last model. But, I do believe there was a brief period of time when they did stop making them. There are 2008 models available though. Just go check out Ford’s website.

          Is the Taurus the one that people say last for a really long time? We might have to get a car soon, and we did look at a couple of Taurus’s.

          Mine was a 1994, 217,500 miles, and I found out that it would have taken a crash of atleast 28 miles per hour to even trigger the airbags. 😯 I was definately surprised. I also can attest that these cars can take a beating…I am a nascar fan, and threfore, I always thought, Taurus=racing. πŸ˜†
          I know a guy who has a Ford Ranger that has 500,000+ original miles on it. The Ranger and Taurus in the mid 90’s both had the same engine in them. V6, 3.0 fuel injected engines. My boss has my ex-boyfriend’s Ranger, he bought it from him 3 years ago, and it still runs even after being used to haul 300 gallon loads of asphalt sealant over and over.
          I like the Grand Am, but I really miss my Taurus. (I have been looking for another exactly like it though. πŸ™„ I guess I am old for my age when it comes to the change thing. πŸ˜† )

          Also, if truth is to be told, my car had gone 8 years without a tune-up, that’s, plugs, wires, etc. all 8 yrs old. 7 years since the last tranny service (about 100,000 miles). and over 6,000 since it’s last oil change. πŸ˜† (Not to mention when it had that oil leak and was run on little over a quart of oil for I don’t know how long…And when the radiator leaked everything out, and I didn’t notice that either.) That is one tough puppy of a car πŸ˜€ . The saddest part is that it didn’t even have a tick or knock after all of that πŸ™ . I think if it had been on it’s last leg that it wouldn’t bother me so much to have lost it. πŸ˜•


          The Castle [Dave wrote:


          drgnlvr wrote:

          Turns out the occupants of the car were 4 Marines on leave with nothing to do, so they literally pulled the car out of the ditch and kicked the tires onto the axle at 1 mph back to my dad’s house and spent the weekend fixing the car, fascinated by the fact that every tool they asked for, dad had.(of course, the fact that I was 17 and cute at the time may have had something to do with it! That was 19ooh long time ago!)


          Aw, what a sweet story. πŸ˜€

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