
Death of a FORD TAURUS…55mph collision PIC HEAVY

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    Well, I figured I would post this since it is going to have a reprocussive effect on my whole life.
    I recently had to drop my car insurance since I couldn’t support my bills. My last order from Windstone was over a month ago. Long before they closed the store down. Since then, I have been having trouble making my bills, but I will be damned if I will give up my collection. It is going into storage soon. It makes me want to cry more than the fact I just lost a great friend…My car. πŸ˜₯ I have had this car since April of 1997. It is (was) a 1994 Ford Taurus. It had 217,500 and a few miles on the odometer, and it would have gone 100,000 more. It ran like a top, and is the one thing I have had last me more than 10 years. It truely is a large loss for me, and it is beyond my monies to repair. Anyway, I got myself into this and I will have to get myself out. My chest is severely bruised, and my nose is missing skin on the end, and both my hands are bruised pretty bad, along with both knees, and my fore arms. I am lucky to have missed the house and the people’s trees and flower beds and to get out of the car and walk away.
    I was behind the people I hit for 11 miles, and they were atleast 4 to 5 car lengths ahead of me for all that time, since I knew I had no insurance I have been EXTREMELY careful…Until now. I bent down and was after the volume knob on my stereo when I glanced up and I had just enough time to see the taillights of the car ahead of me when I hit. I remember going forward, then the next thing I remember is wrestling the airbag so I could see where I was still headed…Straight at a house, and as I cranked the wheel to the left, I managed to shoot a gap of 12 feet or so with my car. I remember hearing a low tone like a bell at a church, as I threw my car into park, tore the keys out of the ignition, took off my belt opened my door and stumbled to the other car to check on the people I had hit. Never once worrying about my own injuries. All I could think of was the other people. So maybe I am not as self centered as some think. Yes, I climbed onto my pitty pot for a couple days, and now I realize my own stupidity got me here and it is no one’s fault but my own. But, it is alot to lose especially since it wasn’t so great prior to it. I want everyone to know that what deals/swaps/trades I have planned, are going to go through. Kujacker, I will send the griff out asap. Star, I think we can come to a deal eventually. πŸ˜‰ GB, man am I glad I got a head start! πŸ™„ Medley, I will be working on yours too. I keep my word, and what I have set up will be completed as was planned before this happened. πŸ™‚
    Now, for the pics…
    Bumper and rear seat…Or bumper in rear seat.

    Driver’s side 3/4 view

    Driver’s interior

    Side view

    Driver’s 3/4 view close up

    Front close up

    Passenger interior

    Passenger side 3/4 view close up

    Passenger close up

    Mind you, in 1994 the Taurus had one of the highest saftey crash test ratings. Today, I am proud to say I owned this Ford. It wasn’t pretty anymore, and had some bad rust spots, but it was mine. Now, it is toast. I would say without the airbags and seatbelt I wouldn’t be here to type this right now, and I am ever so grateful to be here wether I am in debt for a $25,000 dollar car or not. I couldn’t hit an old car…NOooooo, I had to hit a Chrystler 300. πŸ™„ My car fared better than theirs.
    None of the ladies had a broken bone or scrape. I am thankful for that too.
    But, BOOYAH to the Ford company and their Taurus. I will miss mine.



    I’m so sorry about your car but I’m glad you are not more seriously hurt and that the people in the other car are ok. *hugs*


      Oh no! I’m so sorry about this…the loss of a car is always huge, especially when it’s one you’re attached to.


      I am glad you’re fine, though!


      😯 OMG! I’m glad you’re all right!

      Take it easy and no rush on our trade. I have to wait for the store to go back up to order your piece.

      So take the time to heal and I hope you can see the end of it. I’m really glad that car was a solid one.


      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Aw man… car accidents are no fun… I’ve only been in one so far (knock on wood) and I was only a passenger… and I had to have staples in my head and stitches in my hand. At least you all walked away from it… without any huge injuries. I’m young and dumb but… what happens when you don’t have insurance and get in an accident?

        And btw, the money was sent… so you should be getting it any time now πŸ™‚


          You didn’t say, but I’m assuming the people in the other car were OK.
          I’m not sure what your repercussions will be because you were driving without insurance, but I hope it works out for the best.

          I don’t understand why you have to put your collection in storage? Storage here costs more than our insurance 😯


            I am very glad you and the other people are OK. Just remember things can be replaced people can’t. I am sorry about your car I know how you can get attached to one.


              I’m so glad to hear you walked away from this accident without any major injuries! The same for the other drivers as well. You seem to have a great attitude about it! Sorry about the car πŸ™


              I’ve been worrying about you ever since you told me about the accident. Thank God you and the people in the other car are okay. That’s all that matters. Any Windstone trades or deals are unimportant compared to that. Just take one day at a time. Everything will sort itself out with time.


                When they say “Built Ford Tough” they mean it!

                I am so glad that you are okay! Sorry that you lost your car though. πŸ™


                😯 😯
                I’m glad you and the other people are okay!!!

                $25,000 was that the cost of their car, or yours? Maybe you can work out some kind of payment plan if that’s what you owe them.

                My one accident wrecked my fiancee’s (then boyfriend of all of 13 hours) 87 tempo. But everyone was fine, and he had insurance. In order to not raise his rates, he told them that it ‘died’. Well, it did… πŸ™„ he also did it to save the driver, who is a good friend of his (and mine) from a future of high insurance rates.


                OMG!!! I’m so glad you’re okay, and I’m sorry about your car, that’s awful news!!


                *wince* Poor car πŸ™ And poor you! Hang in there, things have to improve sooner or later! (hugs)


                  😯 Oi! 😯 Thank goodness you and the other people are all right! I’m sorry about your car πŸ™ Hang in there; things can only get better from here….



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