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      YAY..I snagged one… 😉 But everything was soooooo SLOWWW….LOL…I was worried i would miss them.. 😀


      *sigh* I was up here until about 4, then took a break! Look what happens! *so frustrated* 🙄


        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        I didn’t know you bought Windstones :scratch:

        I do. Susie ships them to me, and I never take them out of the box.

        I just moved a pile of them to cold storage. There’s a large box that cost $76 to ship through the post office, that’s never been opened. It came last July. Now it’s in storage.

        Maybe if we get the house in December I can unpack them.


          Didn’t get a curl (didn’t want) but while looking at the curl, I checked another part of the site… and I got a patina oriental! Only one in the store (when I saw at least) 😀

          I dunno. The curled patina looks more like a copper color to me. Not enough of the green stuff I guess lol.


            Kujacker wrote:

            Didn’t get a curl (didn’t want) but while looking at the curl, I checked another part of the site… and I got a patina oriental! Only one in the store (when I saw at least) 😀

            I dunno. The curled patina looks more like a copper color to me. Not enough of the green stuff I guess lol.

            Good, you got your oriental patina! Sometimes that’s how it works–you check in the store for no real reason and there something is! Happened to me a few times as well as WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTT! I missed this and that???!!!! All in the day of a Windstone collector–part of the journey. XD


            Adraenyse wrote:

            drag0nfeathers wrote:

            I didn’t know you bought Windstones :scratch:

            I do. Susie ships them to me, and I never take them out of the box.

            I just moved a pile of them to cold storage. There’s a large box that cost $76 to ship through the post office, that’s never been opened. It came last July. Now it’s in storage.

            Maybe if we get the house in December I can unpack them.

            Gee….I wonder what costs that much to ship? HAHAHAHA What color did ya get? :shrug:


              Not an SK.. I think it’s a couple sets of bookends.


              Ooooh. I love my bookend sets! And, I can understand the cost of that shipping now! 😳
              What would you do with an SK Snap? :shrug:


                LadyFirebird wrote:

                Kujacker wrote:

                Didn’t get a curl (didn’t want) but while looking at the curl, I checked another part of the site… and I got a patina oriental! Only one in the store (when I saw at least) 😀

                I dunno. The curled patina looks more like a copper color to me. Not enough of the green stuff I guess lol.

                Good, you got your oriental patina! Sometimes that’s how it works–you check in the store for no real reason and there something is! Happened to me a few times as well as WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTT! I missed this and that???!!!! All in the day of a Windstone collector–part of the journey. XD

                Still need the young, and the amethyst oriental… So I still have to keep checking for awhile yet! But one down 😀


                You must post pics when your Oriental arrives Kujacker! Pwease! 🙂


                  Adraenyse wrote:

                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  I didn’t know you bought Windstones :scratch:

                  I do. Susie ships them to me, and I never take them out of the box.

                  I just moved a pile of them to cold storage. There’s a large box that cost $76 to ship through the post office, that’s never been opened. It came last July. Now it’s in storage.

                  Maybe if we get the house in December I can unpack them.

                  Besides the house (should you get one), it would be like opening presents! Boxes full of surprise! 8)


                  Another race against the clock. These threads are so much fun to read – as long as one isn’t disappointed for having missed another batch of pretties. Congrats to all who snagged one!


                    WindstoneCollector wrote:

                    Ooooh. I love my bookend sets! And, I can understand the cost of that shipping now! 😳
                    What would you do with an SK Snap? :shrug:

                    :shrug: use it as a weapon?


                    But that’ll put chips in it! And anyway, a baseball bat is cheaper than one of those babies.


                      But … if you saw a baseball bat coming at you, wouldn’t you duck?

                      You see this fancy colored texture coming and you’re like “hey, that’s pret .. *THUD*”

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