Curios and Shelving to Show off your WIndstone..

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    I am still looking for a large curio that will give me more room than my current built in glass cabinets.

    What do you all think about this one…and could you share pics of your cabinets / shelving to give me some ideas?



    That’s a lovely curio, Kaya! Perfect to display your Windstones.
    Here are mine – cheap IKEA stuff, gotten for even less since it’s used. 😀
    What is now the Old Warrior Display Case (this is an older pic; I don’t have any others of it full-sized right now):

    This one has frosted lining and isn’t so great, but it works for smaller pieces.


      That’s a pretty cabinet. One thing you will want to keep an eye on if you go with glass shelves is the weight limit for the shelves. Don’t want to put too many pieces on the shelf and have the shelf break causing a Windstone disaster.

      All my windstones (11 equines) sit on a shelf on my computer desk. It’s solid wood and just over 1 inch thick. The two wolfs are in the bedroom on a dresser.


      That’s a really pretty cabinet.

      When we get ours, I will send you pics…it’s too complicated to explain, but gorgous.



      pegasi1978 wrote:

      That’s a pretty cabinet. One thing you will want to keep an eye on if you go with glass shelves is the weight limit for the shelves. Don’t want to put too many pieces on the shelf and have the shelf break causing a Windstone disaster.

      All my windstones (11 equines) sit on a shelf on my computer desk. It’s solid wood and just over 1 inch thick. The two wolfs are in the bedroom on a dresser.

      I didn’t think about that! Do they usually have weight limits listed in the the info about buying? Right now mine are in a built in wood cabinet with wood shelves.


        keschete wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        That’s a pretty cabinet. One thing you will want to keep an eye on if you go with glass shelves is the weight limit for the shelves. Don’t want to put too many pieces on the shelf and have the shelf break causing a Windstone disaster.


        I didn’t think about that! Do they usually have weight limits listed in the the info about buying? Right now mine are in a built in wood cabinet with wood shelves.

        It’s possible that the information should be with the info with buying. There’s been discussion before about glass shelves and Windstones, but I’ve never heard of glass shelves actually breaking. I have a doll cabinet that has glass shelves and the top one has some pretty heavy pieces on it and I’ve never really worried about it breaking. My mom has adoll cabinet from when she was about my age or younger (so 30+ years) with glass shelves and she has a ton of 6-inch dolls on them. No broken shelf there yet.

        The best thing to do may be to spread pieces out evenly across the shelf, that goes for wood shelves too because I know some of the “chip/press board” shelves will bow over time if you put too much weight on them.


          Pegasil wrote:


          There’s been discussion before about glass shelves and Windstones, but I’ve never heard of glass shelves actually breaking.

          I have. I also collect Eskimo and Native American soapstone carvings. I had a display case with glass shelves on which my soapstone carvings were displayed. I have no idea how it happened but the top shelf broke and cascaded onto the lower shelf. Voila! Many badly damaged pieces. Some smashed to smithereens. Several years of collecting up in smoke. No more glass shelves for me. And the glass was supposed to have been tempered.

          So now it is only plywood shelves with veneers for me. No particle board type shelves either.


            Ouch! No fun at all.


            Oh man, laphon, that’s awful!


            Owchie laphon.

            I planned to put my heavier pieces on the lower shelves, with my someday SK being on the very bottom of the cabinet on the wooden bottom shelf.

            I think that my current collection is small enough that weight issues won’t come into the picture for years yet.



            I ALWAYs worry about the weight that i can place on shelfs as i love glass, i have two of these cabinets another smaller single one and lots of shelfs but my windstones are squished into the bottom 🙁


            I got mum to buy me a brand new shelfing unit especially for my windstones the otherday 😀 I was going to go for wood but this thing is steel and thick tempered glass, i could fit a tonne of Windstones on each shelf 😀 I wouldn’t be able to fit one windstone piece in the other display cabinets because of their weight! 🙁
            Ive got a whole cabinet to fill with windstones when i get it now.

            I always weigh EVERY dragon i get and make sure i don’t over load the shelfs, i get dad to fix them all together and i get him to check them ever so often 😕


            (Copy and paste the link)


            laphon1 wrote:

            Pegasil wrote:


            There’s been discussion before about glass shelves and Windstones, but I’ve never heard of glass shelves actually breaking.

            I have. I also collect Eskimo and Native American soapstone carvings. I had a display case with glass shelves on which my soapstone carvings were displayed. I have no idea how it happened but the top shelf broke and cascaded onto the lower shelf. Voila! Many badly damaged pieces. Some smashed to smithereens. Several years of collecting up in smoke. No more glass shelves for me. And the glass was supposed to have been tempered.

            So now it is only plywood shelves with veneers for me. No particle board type shelves either.

            I’d have cried if that happened to any of my collections!


              keschete wrote:

              What do you all think about this one…and could you share pics of your cabinets / shelving to give me some ideas?

              That one’s more ornate, but otherwise very similar to mine. The shelves are 5/16″ thick
              Why the heck does my pic look monstrously huge if I try to IMG it in?


              Keshetie, those are beautiful shelves- where can you find them?

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