Covid 19 Support/Whine thread

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  • #1634314
    whisker hunter west

      Sending best wishes to you and Liberty for swift recoveries, Bodine!

      Continuing the family tradition of being obsessed with shiny things.


        Hope you and Liberty are doing well, Mimi!

        For anyone who is a veteran- or their loved one is- if you didn’t know, the VA has the vaccine now. Got my hubby the first dose today yay!


          So, my 97 year old grandmother got COVID from one of her hired caregivers, and gave it to my parents and my aunt and uncle who were taking turns helping care for her. Everyone has recovered. I had heard that type O people and those with negative type blood were possibly more resistant. My grandmother and my dad just had flu like symptoms. My aunt had to go to the hospital for a few days because she got the low blood oxygen issue. My mom and my uncle both had no symptoms even though they tested positive. My uncle is apparently type O and mom is O-. What’s your blood type Drag0nfeathers?

          Bodine, I hope you and Liberty are both feeling better soon. Get plenty of rest and fluids, and go to the hospital if you feel like you are having trouble breathing or can’t get enough air.


            Bodinetoo is O pos.and it barely phased him.I am A pos,knocked me around a little but it lost the fight.I got an oxygen monitor and last night my numbers were 100 ox.,88/89 HR.For being 62,almost,I am doing quite well.My Liberty is doing well on her meds,so far,so good.Thanks for caring.

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male day🤞Dream on.


              I knew about the ABO blood types seeming to affect outcomes, but not the Rhesus factor. Interesting. May help explain my family’s outcomes, my daughter is O pos. and had basically a bad cold. My mother, despite several comorbidities, had a moderate flu. She’s A neg.

              So glad to hear you and Liberty are handling things well, Bodine! Your numbers are better than mine anyday.
              How’s Amber doing? You said she had immunity issues, hopefully she missed out on it.


              So glad ur doing better Bodine 🌟!!
              Glad Bodinetoo is doing well!!
              So glad Liberty is also doing well!!
              Biggest Hugs To All 3 Of You !!
              Is your daughter OK Bodine🌟??
              Keeping up prayers for you all.


                Thank you dears.So far Amber(immune issues) and David(childhood diabetic) are good.No issues so far,staying home,having food delivered and I am not going near her for a few more weeks.I am off quarantine today but I have a lingering cough so staying away.Thanks for asking.

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male day🤞Dream on.


                  I also noticed something weird developed.My jaws hurt like I am having toothaches.I have no teeth.

                  Yes! That is another weird symptom I had! Toothache-like pain in my jaw!
                  I was never confirmed to have had covid because there were no tests available in March of 2020, but I had all the symptoms: GI issues, fever, headache, dry cough, etc., and most notably total loss of smell and taste.
                  Get well! Both of you!

                  Bodine, hope that both you and Liberty get better. And, glad to hear that Melody got over hers too.

                  I got sick last January/February, but it was before they had tests or knew about all the other symptoms. Mine began with extreme headaches which lasted a month, wild spike in blood pressure into the stroke range, and after all kinds of blood tests (but no covid test) only thing abnormal was high D-Dimer which can signify blood clots. So, brought me back to ER for lung scan (again no covid test) to check for blood clot, which again they didn’t find. I only had a fever for two days, but the shortness of breath lasted 4 months. It wasn’t until April that I got any energy back.

                  I think this virus mutation going around now, spreads faster but less lethal fortunately. I was able to get the test for anti-bodies in June, and I don’t have any so will have to get the vaccine. But, my state is slow in distributing it. My doctor’s have gotten the vaccine, but not the general population yet.


                    J….. Ch…..!!! *Expletives* *Expletives* *Expletives* !!!!
                    My husband’s Phase Group (1C for ages 65-74) is now eligible to pre-register for the COVID vaccine in our Maryland County so he did – which is a great thing! They project the 1C group to be done between March/April. But I also found out what phase group I’m in (age 61) and when my vaccination is projected to be, and also where the County is actually at with the vaccinations.

                    I have no underlying health issues which is really good, but they aren’t breaking up the ages any further so I’m lumped in with ages 16-64 in the LAST Phase! S***! I’m in Group 3, which isn’t projected to be vaccinated until May/June. They are currently ONLY at the BEGINNING of Phase 1B and at the rate they are ACTUALLY vaccinating (5000 A WEEK – Not Day – A WEEK) I probably won’t be vaccinated until this Fall at the rate AA Co. is going – S***! *Expletives* *Expletives* *Expletives* !!!! I AM SO GLAD that I plan to retire at the end of November this year! SO GLAD! ~_~



                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                      This rollout of the vaccines and the amount on hand is completely ridiculous!! People who really need it cannot get it and people who don’t seem to be getting it. I’m so sorry Ela Hara; I know how frustrating it is! My dad has cancer and heart disease and he can’t even get an appointment to get his shot. He’s registered, but they haven’t called him yet. UGH!!!


                        I know! What’s even worse is that it gives people who are now ‘eligible’ false hope that they may be getting it soon when in fact it’s just a holding tank at this point. And they keep adding people. If they haven’t had the chance to go through at least 3/4 of the 1B eligible people WHY did they open up the pre-registration for the next group? Why? At least be realistic with everyone, not have them pre-register for a two month wait before they can hope to be given access to the actual Appointment slots to sign up for. It’s so counter common sense – that’s Government for you!

                        Good luck to your Dad – I hope his appointment gets scheduled soon. My 84 yr old Mom with Heart/GI issues is also on the pre-registered waiting list, as is my sister with cancer and my niece with immune/health issues. Hopefully their names will come up soon as well.

                        IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at

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