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    $1000+ for a coiled has got to be some sort of record. I hope that means Rumsey is out of the way for the following ones, at least. 😕


      Oh my…. 😯 😯 talk about profit margin….you know it doesn’t cost them THAT much more to paint the copper gold… 😯


      I quit! She has the price well over $1000 so I am out…and she’s got the Secret Keeper wrapped up as well.


        that’s just crazy….


          I really question her sanity at this point!!! 😯


            Ouch! 😯 😯


            She/He also bought up a bunch of IVEP Pieces and sometimes more than one of each for some pretty steep prices.

            So either they have a lot of disposable income, they are speculators or they are more seriously addicted than the rest of us….

            It must cost a bundle to have all these crazily priced items shipped to the UK, with taxes, import fees, etc……

            I will just hope another pretty Copper Gold Coiled momma comes up…


              Well, I’m going to invite Rumsey to the forum. If she is that enthusiastic about Windtones (and just so happens to have deep pockets, nothing wrong with that) then she’d probably fit right in 😀 We definitely don’t have enough crazy people around here, we could use another 😉


                Maybe it’s for the Queen of England and they are going to be living in a real castle??


                  Arlla wrote:

                  it’s been bizzare on ebay lately… 😕 some things are going very high and other things are going for a pitance…

                  I have listed my Star Wars Poster twice with no bites and gotten 2 offers outside e-bay. It looks like I will have to sell for a bit less then I wanted


                    keschete wrote:

                    I quit! She has the price well over $1000 so I am out…and she’s got the Secret Keeper wrapped up as well.

                    What SK I have not been able to watch E-Bay too closely lately


                      Remember that the UK Pound is worth double what the US dollar is right now. It might still not be too much for her.

                      She’s paying half what we would pay, basically.


                      Rusti wrote:

                      Remember that the UK Pound is worth double what the US dollar is right now. It might still not be too much for her.

                      She’s paying half what we would pay, basically.

                      Maybe that is why….she sure bought a bunch and probably would fit in with us great!!!!


                      Rusti wrote:

                      Remember that the UK Pound is worth double what the US dollar is right now. It might still not be too much for her.

                      She’s paying half what we would pay, basically.
                      I don’t think the exchange rate is really a factor — per capita income of the UK is significantly less than that of the US, so in general things are more expensive for people in the UK (as compared people in the US).

                      At any rate, she’s definitely a hardcore Windstone collector… 🙂


                        mimitrek wrote:

                        Rusti wrote:

                        Remember that the UK Pound is worth double what the US dollar is right now. It might still not be too much for her.

                        She’s paying half what we would pay, basically.
                        I don’t think the exchange rate is really a factor — per capita income of the UK is significantly less than that of the US, so in general things are more expensive for people in the UK (as compared people in the US).

                        At any rate, she’s definitely a hardcore Windstone collector… 🙂

                        hmm….I don’t know about that one….they get more vacation time….and my friend was working at a make up counter at a store…..making 3-4 times what she would make here doing the same thing….(even accounting for exchange rates)

                        and the thing is you can buy something here for $3.99

                        and there it’s still 3.99 but in pounds sterling….so to us yeah that’s double…but to them…it’s still kind of cheap….

                        it’s all complicated but yeah….her spending $2000 on a SK would be kind of like us spending $1000 on one…so even with duties and shipping…

                        it’s not too bad….

                        (those are all just examples, hopefully no one takes it literally)

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