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  • #625002

      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      Your green eyes were not green enought to my taste, Imagine a more vibrant green similar to my signy. 😉
      Here’s one I just modified.

      I was actually going for a shade of green like that, but the color replacement tool never likes to cooperate with me. It alwasys seems to make the colors lighter than I want. Probably due to the program settings. For all that I’ve worked with Photoshop I still don’t know how to use everything in it.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Blackdesertwind wrote:

        Your green eyes were not green enought to my taste, Imagine a more vibrant green similar to my signy. 😉
        Here’s one I just modified.

        I was actually going for a shade of green like that, but the color replacement tool never likes to cooperate with me. It alwasys seems to make the colors lighter than I want. Probably due to the program settings. For all that I’ve worked with Photoshop I still don’t know how to use everything in it.

        The program I use is called ArcSoft PhotoImpression 3.0 . I also used it for my signy. It’s simple and works great. 😀


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          Your green eyes were not green enought to my taste, Imagine a more vibrant green similar to my signy. 😉
          Here’s one I just modified.

          I was actually going for a shade of green like that, but the color replacement tool never likes to cooperate with me. It alwasys seems to make the colors lighter than I want. Probably due to the program settings. For all that I’ve worked with Photoshop I still don’t know how to use everything in it.

          I love photoshop! I took a graphics class in college and learned how to use it. It was a lot of fun! 🙂


          Mine! Mine! Mine! (like the seagulls on Finding Nemo) Hehehehehehehehe!!!!


          Wait! Stop! You are under my control! There is NO COPPER GOLD COILED MOMMA!

          You can not bid because she does not exist! There is no such thing as Ebay! You must not spend any more money on Windstones!


          Too late, keschete. She’s already dazzled everyone.


          Oooh she is lovely!


          I wonder if she’ll go for as much as the violet gold did?


            Is it just me or does $1000+ for her seem a bit steep? She is absolutely gorgeous and all (and a wonderful compliment to Olimpia’s skill), but she is so small. The auction is now getting into the range of a Secret Keeper.


            Yeah, I also think that the bidding has gotten pretty crazy, considering the size and the fact that its not a OOAK or even a limited edition.


            It’s that darn Rumsey person…she keeps uping the bid….if it gets any higher she can have her…..she out bid me on the green coiled momma and paid $455 and then I ended up getting the other one for like $350 or so……

            So if she outbids me this time she can have that and the SK…..and I’ll get a cheaper one latter…I wasn’t gonna say anything…but I am aggravated with ebay right now….and I really, really wanted her….


              keschete wrote:

              It’s that darn Rumsey person…she keeps uping the bid….if it gets any higher she can have her…..she out bid me on the green coiled momma and paid $455 and then I ended up getting the other one for like $350 or so……

              So if she outbids me this time she can have that and the SK…..and I’ll get a cheaper one latter…I wasn’t gonna say anything…but I am aggravated with ebay right now….and I really, really wanted her….

              Don’t worry, Keschete – the ending bid being very high means they’re much more likely to do more in that color!

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                Thats very true. 🙂 Its hard to win stuff lately. Everything is going so high. I have not won in a long time and I used to win often.


                  it’s been bizzare on ebay lately… 😕 some things are going very high and other things are going for a pitance…

                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                  -J R R Tolkien


                    Yeah. I’ve noticed that too. It’s been so hard to win a Male Kirin, I’ve all but given up on it.

                  Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 86 total)
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