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  • #944020

      I second this. I’m sorry that PYO’s are not money makers, but they are all I can really afford. I look at each PYO I buy as an investment. I am a skilled enough artist that I can paint them exactly as I want them to be.

      Airbrushed production pieces, and other factory pieces are too simple in my opinion. I like detail. All airbrushed pieces I have, or have seen up close are too simple, and (dare is say this…”Too sloppy”). *ducks head from flying heavy objects* …Yikes!
      I think that Airbrushing really detracts from the amazing potential the sculpts themselves hold. Although, in some rare cases, simpler coloration’s really do SHOW OFF the details of Melody’s sculpts in the right instance. But, unfortunately…most often, I feel a little disappointed once I see them in-hand.

      I know, there has to be a delicate balance to maintain between labor, and profit in the Factory; If all pieces were as richly painted as some manually brushed special items and PYO’s have been done, the prices paid would be more worthy.

      Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist….I don’t know. I am just being honest.

      Yikes. Well, if everything were hand-brushed (or a combo of airbrushed and hand-brushed), the prices would have to be extremely high to offset labor time invested.

      Alternatively, Windstone could make more PYO pieces but increase the price on them to better reflect the costs of running a business, but I think people would be upset about that, too.

      Anyhow, this isn’t to start a debate over airbrushed vs. not airbrushed, let’s keep voting on what we want to see from this chicken. 🙂 Chickens are good. Everyone needs a chicken.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        I don’t paint but I think it would be interesting to see how many different chickens appear on the Forum as a PYO.


          I’m really hoping this will end up a pyo. I don’t have the luxury of being able to do grab bags. I can’t afford it, but that’s just me I guess. Regular runs of pebble chickens would be fine too, but again for my own selfish reasons, I know I’d get much more enjoyment out of being able to paint them. But in the end it’s your call, Melody :bigsmile:

          I second this. I’m sorry that PYO’s are not money makers, but they are all I can really afford. I look at each PYO I buy as an investment. I am a skilled enough artist that I can paint them exactly as I want them to be.

          Airbrushed production pieces, and other factory pieces are too simple in my opinion. I like detail. All airbrushed pieces I have, or have seen up close are too simple, and (dare is say this…”Too sloppy”). *ducks head from flying heavy objects* …Yikes!
          I think that Airbrushing really detracts from the amazing potential the sculpts themselves hold. Although, in some rare cases, simpler coloration’s really do SHOW OFF the details of Melody’s sculpts in the right instance. But, unfortunately…most often, I feel a little disappointed once I see them in-hand.

          I know, there has to be a delicate balance to maintain between labor, and profit in the Factory; If all pieces were as richly painted as some manually brushed special items and PYO’s have been done, the prices paid would be more worthy.

          Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist….I don’t know. I am just being honest.

          😀 Sometimes I feel this way too. So it’s a relief to hear someone else say it! That’s why the PYOs are my favorite sculpts. They’re the ones I can afford most readily and also the ones I can get to look just how I want. Whether I’m painting it myself or commissioning another artist to do so.

          I guess in the end I would have to vote PYO. I’d rather buy a chicken to paint. It would be cheaper and because I don’t collect chickens for myself…I’d never shell out more than PYO price for one. So GB and LP would have no interest to me.


            She’s cute. I like chickens (more so roosters), but to me it wouldn’t matter. Either way. I don’t collect chickens (or pebbles), and I doubt I’d paint it. But I do like the sculpt. Would be interesting to see what others might paint it as.


              😀 Sometimes I feel this way too. So it’s a relief to hear someone else say it!

              Me as well. I’m going to get hate mail for this but the white dragons (or white any sculpt)? I can’t fathom why they are so popular. Most boring color out there. I even had a white once, so I’ve seen them in person. Ugh. Yes, I agree and understand DTS and you.


                This is the wonderfulness of the variety of Windstone (PYO, Production or Grab Bag) Sculpts and colors – Something for Everyone!

                I’m not really a ‘Chicken’ person either but she looks marvelous with her detail, and a little tempting if she were a PYO. I also agree with Kujacker – a Rooster would be more tempting for me to paint. All those lovely tail Feathers! 🙂

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                I second this. I’m sorry that PYO’s are not money makers, but they are all I can really afford. I look at each PYO I buy as an investment. I am a skilled enough artist that I can paint them exactly as I want them to be.

                Airbrushed production pieces, and other factory pieces are too simple in my opinion. I like detail. All airbrushed pieces I have, or have seen up close are too simple, and (dare is say this…”Too sloppy”). *ducks head from flying heavy objects* …Yikes!
                I think that Airbrushing really detracts from the amazing potential the sculpts themselves hold. Although, in some rare cases, simpler coloration’s really do SHOW OFF the details of Melody’s sculpts in the right instance. But, unfortunately…most often, I feel a little disappointed once I see them in-hand.

                I know, there has to be a delicate balance to maintain between labor, and profit in the Factory; If all pieces were as richly painted as some manually brushed special items and PYO’s have been done, the prices paid would be more worthy.

                Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist….I don’t know. I am just being honest.

                Yikes. Well, if everything were hand-brushed (or a combo of airbrushed and hand-brushed), the prices would have to be extremely high to offset labor time invested.

                I know…I know. I didn’t intend on offending some folks but, I did say that not ALL Airbrushed pieces look Sloppy.
                Raising PYO prices would not help. People would just buy even less. The current price point is satisfactory. That allows room for the painters to make a better profit off of their own hard work, if they so choose to sell. A business is a business; I get that.

                I have been following Melody, and her work for many, many years: 20+ …And I feel that some “Airbrushed” pieces detract form the beauty of the sculpts themselves.

                So…Yeah, Chickens! Maybe even a “Silky” Variety? That would be super cute! Fluffy heads, and fluffy feet….Fluffiness all around! ^^ Definitely not a pebble option though. (too much fluffiness) XD


                  I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS CHOOK. Alfhough I am bedridden and unable to paint, my sis can try painting one for me.


                    Would love either.


                      I think PYO, simply because of all the little feathered details that might be polished away to make a pebble!


                      In case my vote counts….. PYO 🙂


                        Not sure if you’ve made a decision yet on these beauties but if not, may I change my vote to PYO please? I just learned how to paint sculptures and now would absolute looooooove to do some chickens! :love:

                        .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                        I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS CHOOK. Alfhough I am bedridden and unable to paint, my sis can try painting one for me.

                        Wolfrott, have you tried getting a rolling over the table bed? Thats how I painted when I had all the seizures adn was bedridden myself three winters ago. I found one at staples for $70 and its still one of the most used surfaces in my home.

                        Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

                        As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                        Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


                          I’m really hoping this will end up a pyo. I don’t have the luxury of being able to do grab bags. I can’t afford it, but that’s just me I guess. Regular runs of pebble chickens would be fine too, but again for my own selfish reasons, I know I’d get much more enjoyment out of being able to paint them. But in the end it’s your call, Melody :bigsmile:

                          I second this. I’m sorry that PYO’s are not money makers, but they are all I can really afford. I look at each PYO I buy as an investment. I am a skilled enough artist that I can paint them exactly as I want them to be.

                          Airbrushed production pieces, and other factory pieces are too simple in my opinion. I like detail. All airbrushed pieces I have, or have seen up close are too simple, and (dare is say this…”Too sloppy”). *ducks head from flying heavy objects* …Yikes!
                          I think that Airbrushing really detracts from the amazing potential the sculpts themselves hold. Although, in some rare cases, simpler coloration’s really do SHOW OFF the details of Melody’s sculpts in the right instance. But, unfortunately…most often, I feel a little disappointed once I see them in-hand.

                          I know, there has to be a delicate balance to maintain between labor, and profit in the Factory; If all pieces were as richly painted as some manually brushed special items and PYO’s have been done, the prices paid would be more worthy.

                          Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist….I don’t know. I am just being honest.

                          I agree with you completely. Airbrush is simple, cheaper, and can be sloppy. Brushwork takes more skill and results in better detail, more interesting and valuable designs, TBPH. Airbrushing is like powder coating – churned out by the numbers, quick paintjob!


                            I’m guessing at prices here, but a $25 PYO versus a $75 LP piece – maybe $110 as a Grab Bag. Which would be more profitable in the long run?

                            I, myself, would never pay $75 for this size sculpt, and never ever ever $110, no matter how much I like it. I can see $25 for an unpainted one, I’d be thinking maximum $50 for a nicely done LP or Grab.

                            So I vote PYO. (I am one of those who stopped buying Grab Bags, they just got too expensive to justify).

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