Castle in the Background…

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      I hope so too. πŸ˜€


      Melody wrote:

      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      And just think, I had to open my big mouth about them. Instead of jsut asking behind the scenes. πŸ™„ Where I might have been able to get one.

      I think there are 8 of these mystery castles in existence. I get one of them, that leaves 7. Should be plenty for each of you to get one…
      oh wait, I just counted ten of you…

      Thanks Everyone! Melody said there are 8 and 7 for Ebay…and they are all supposed to be different test paints, I believe…..

      Good luck on the next one Ski!


        Thanks all!! I would wish the rest of you luck in getting one, too, but that would go against my plans now, wouldnt it?! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰



          Good luck all you castle fans…that’s cool that there are more of them.


          Please post pics when you get it, Kaya!

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