Black "rescue" PYO's

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    Totally hi-jacking this thread, LMAO, but here are a few of my favs:


      πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


        Thank you, JellyFish:)

        Excellent ruffian! lol

        twindragonsmum: snicker and “SNORK”?

        I’m sorry, but who could resist using that gif at least once? πŸ˜†


          it’d be funnier if you could get her hed to bob too.. but that is really funny..


          Jelly, quite a few of us are guilty of letting off steam and stepping on toes, but we don’t do it purposefully. I have done so myself, and I am sure there are a few who will not deal with me just for that reason, and I am sorry for that loss. But, if you can judge someone on a little rant that they made when upset, well, then it is the person doing the judging missing out. I hold no ill will against you, and can see things from both perspectives. I am glad I got a Keeper PYO to paint. I spent a bit more on him than most of you have for your blanks, but I got him (Not from the store), and now I am loving every minute of painting him! Thanks again Drag0n, because without your help, I wouldn’t have him! *hugs*
          And Jelly, *hugs* to you too, it’ll blow over in time. πŸ˜€


          *raises hand* Has totally stepped on toes!!!

          I forget whos or why but I’m sure I’ve pissed someone off on here!


            I always find this soooo funny! I mean, it’s hard sometimes to really know what goes on behind the written word. We take it a face value and really, it was all about frustration and nothing personal. Then we all get in our moods and take things wrong–I know I can get quite grumpy! πŸ‘Ώ Of course I’m a bit 😈 I could have pissed someone off and not know it! That’s how 😈 I am!

            Well I did get a couple of keepers simply because I’ve never painted one and did have this idea for a pair. Well guess what, I commissioned them out so I won’t be painting any for now! I just saw a color sketch of one of them–it is going to be awesome. I’m sure the artist will post progress pictures–I told her to feel free to. I think now we should show how some of these rescues turned out! So now we can turn this into a ‘Show Your Black Rescue PYO’ thread! πŸ˜€


              Good idea Ladyfirebird. πŸ™‚ I bought a pyo unicorn instead but when I saw one of Dragon87 pyo’s I am thinking about commissioning it out to her. πŸ˜† I have never painted one before and dont want to mess it up.


                lamortefille wrote:

                Thank you, JellyFish:)

                Excellent ruffian! lol

                twindragonsmum: snicker and “SNORK”?

                I’m sorry, but who could resist using that gif at least once? πŸ˜†

                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† *SNICKER, SNORK, SNERK!!!* Let the hunt begin!!!

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


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