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- This topic has 53 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by twindragonsmum.
October 10, 2009 at 6:12 pm #785949dragonmedley wrote:
Just to point something out… the one-per-customer makes sense for production pieces, like the amethyst stuff. However, for the PYOs, that’s an entire different story.
The only reason I’m for one per customer right now (even on the PYOs) is because it’s been so long since so many things were in stock that it would be nice to even have a chance a getting anything. Lately everything has been listed after I get off the forum for the night. It would be nice if something would last until the next morning. Even if people are only getting two, that still means the pieces are going twice as fast as they would have otherwise.
dragonmedley wrote:‘ll ask another question, related to the rescue thing. Why do the base coat in black? Why not another neutral color? Some sort of off-white or something?
I’m curious why the black base coat as well. I have an idea for a dragon, but can’t work it with a black basecoat (plus they were gone by the time I saw the threads). If it was an off-white color, I could do so much more with it. I actually thought about getting a wolf, but the idea I have for one doesn’t need a black base coat either so I didn’t pick one up.
October 10, 2009 at 6:22 pm #785950Nowadays, whenever I get anything from the store that is LE, I consider myself lucky. I’ll have my say here and then move on–I don’t really like upsetting people but sometimes they upset me. I always honor the ‘one per customer’ if the store puts that on the item. I have bought 2 of these items only because I have sent the other to someone else. I’ve done this and never see that item but paid for it and sent it to someone else. But these pyos didn’t have that request. And yes, God strike me dead, I did buy 2 keepers–there–it’s out there but I too have always missed out on them whenever they were in the store. I’m still alive and life goes on. They will be available eventually and I won’t die without them or any other item in the store. I’ve voiced my frustration in general about missing out on something or getting sniped out of an ebay item, but I vent and then I move on. Nothing personal to anyone, but I wanted the items too.
Now, I do have an idea for the keepers, but I did see that another forum member, one who paints far better than I, say she was sorry she missed them, but oh well, have to keep her eyes peeled for the next batch. Well I happen to like this member and loves what she does and so I commissioned one to her. She just wanted one to paint and I’ll get what I want so we’re both happy. No I wasn’t stock piling and I didn’t get 2 of anything else. Didn’t have to explain but just wanted to show what horrible thoughts go through some of our minds when we become lucky enough to be there at the right time.
All this said, I love Windstones and I love this forum and there isn’t anyone that I consider a foe. We have our frustrations on missing out on items and unfortunately, they are having casting problems in the factory right now, so any item will be a long time in coming. I am very happy that I was able to get these last pyos and I congradulate all who got them, no matter how many they got. And I know the frustration of missing out, but I know eventually there will be more and everyone will be able to get one. Be happy for those to got one and they in turn will be happy for you when you finally get one. Now, go in peace.
October 10, 2009 at 6:31 pm #785951LadyFirebird wrote:I know the frustration of missing out, but I know eventually there will be more and everyone will be able to get one. Be happy for those to got one and they in turn will be happy for you when you finally get one.
I ditto this comment. I was working a full shift the day/night they came out and I missed them. Yes, I’m bummed that I missed them, but no, I don’t think the PYO’s should be one per customer. They aren’t an LE item, so there will always be more next time, and while I’m chomping at the bit to get a PYO Dragon to finally paint, I’m not going to begrudge those people who bought more than one (because if I had the choice I WOULD stockpile a bunch of them so that whenever I had this URGE to paint one, I’d have one on hand)
October 10, 2009 at 8:42 pm #785952I am sorry that I made this sound bad. In my last post I thought I was making light of it. I was not aiming any insults to anyone here. I was upset because a inlaw of mine who also buys Windstone is stock piling pyo and limited pieces for resale and personal use and finds it funny when she “beats ” me to them (we dont get along very well) She thankfully is not on the forum and even if she is without me knowing I dont care if she sees this. I was just letting off steam and obviously some took it as a personal attack which I really did not mean.I found this forum to be friendly and enjoyable but will now watch what I post and hope not to upset anyone again. I have obviously made some enemies which was the last thing I wanted to do and feel sick about it. I really dont know what else to say and hope that I will still be accepted here and if not I will miss this forum.
October 10, 2009 at 9:25 pm #785953JellyFish wrote:I am sorry that I made this sound bad. In my last post I thought I was making light of it. I was not aiming any insults to anyone here. I was upset because a inlaw of mine who also buys Windstone is stock piling pyo and limited pieces for resale and personal use and finds it funny when she “beats ” me to them (we dont get along very well) She thankfully is not on the forum and even if she is without me knowing I dont care if she sees this. I was just letting off steam and obviously some took it as a personal attack which I really did not mean.I found this forum to be friendly and enjoyable but will now watch what I post and hope not to upset anyone again. I have obviously made some enemies which was the last thing I wanted to do and feel sick about it. I really dont know what else to say and hope that I will still be accepted here and if not I will miss this forum.
Just a note from being here a long time and seeing lots of misunderstandings….I don’t think anyone here will not accept you just because of a coment that you made that pissed some people off and then explained yourself. I don’t think you should “watch what you post” every time, people are entitled to their opinions, but maybe fully explain yourself if you think that the comment might be taken the wrong way (such as you did in your above post). Sometimes it comes down to that you just didn’t know the forum etiquite and slipped up, now you know better and can be a little more….tactful…composed…in what you say in the future. I do know this from personal experience with some stuff that I’ve said and had said to me in the past. IMHO take it as a lesson learned and make yourself a better person for having learned it. Sometimes putting the comment “I’m letting off steam, this isn’t personal” goes a LOOOOONNNGG way, and using the Community forum for steam letting is a good place to start too.
On a side note, is your in-law a poster here on the forum? Don’t have to say, just curious. π *gets pitchfork and torch for storming the castle* hehehe j/k
October 10, 2009 at 10:18 pm #785954JellyFish wrote:I have obviously made some enemies which was the last thing I wanted to do and feel sick about it. I really dont know what else to say and hope that I will still be accepted here and if not I will miss this forum.
Six words ‘I don’t consider you a foe.’ Six has been used to symbolize imperfection and is associated with humankind–we are imperfect and will do and say imperfect things. Unfortunately, we never know what’s behind the written word here because we cannot read each other’s minds. It was both considerate and brave of you to realize that some feelings may have been hurt. I would hate for anyone to leave because of some off thing they posted or expressing the wrong idea, but some of us were just expressing our feelings as well. Two emotion symbols π :shout: I find them very effective in expressing frustration in general.
So—-no hard feelings [hugs], π
October 11, 2009 at 12:03 am #785955JellyFish wrote:I am sorry that I made this sound bad. In my last post I thought I was making light of it. I was not aiming any insults to anyone here. I was upset because a inlaw of mine who also buys Windstone is stock piling pyo and limited pieces for resale and personal use and finds it funny when she “beats ” me to them (we dont get along very well) She thankfully is not on the forum and even if she is without me knowing I dont care if she sees this. I was just letting off steam and obviously some took it as a personal attack which I really did not mean.I found this forum to be friendly and enjoyable but will now watch what I post and hope not to upset anyone again. I have obviously made some enemies which was the last thing I wanted to do and feel sick about it. I really dont know what else to say and hope that I will still be accepted here and if not I will miss this forum.
The timing and how you said it made it seem a personal attack against anyone lucky enough to get a PYO.
However, I too, overreacted a bit to your comment – and I apologize for that. You’re human, I’m human, what can I say?
The fact that you had the courage to apologize publicly on the forum as you did (rather then through private messages) speaks that you truly did not mean to insult anyone in the first place, and that you were just ranting a bit.
Don’t worry, I don’t hate you! Can we just hug, make up, and start over?
Hi, I’m Dragon87. Nice to meet you Jellyfish! π
October 11, 2009 at 2:54 am #785956Dragon87 wrote:I only got one…. I saw 5 but couldn’t afford more.
And anyway… it’s not like these are special pieces or anything. Although I understand the sentiment. (don’t shoot me!)
I don’t think too many of us are stockpiling. We grab them when we can, and never get enough. Certainly not enough to stockpile, as you are saying.
Tyrrlin wrote:JellyFish wrote:Sorry but these should have been one per customer. A few people get a bunch and everyone else none. π‘ It would be nice for others to have the chance to paint one of these some time. So far I have painted none because there is never any left in store because of people stock piling them I guess.
Though, I did snag a wolf. Those guys are so pretty.
Ohno, I was just musing is all. No shots required. π
Windstone collector in remission. π
October 11, 2009 at 5:32 am #785957Nice to meet you Dragon87 π and thank you.
nirvanacat as far as I know she is not on the forum. If she is our relationship has gone up in smoke long ago so dont care anymore if she sees this. I didnt state before who I was upset at because I didnt want her seeing it just incase but eh what can I do :shrug: I will state one example of how she bugs me then let it go. There was a dragon I had wanted really bad to fit with my peacock set and she had two. She held it over my head for awhile then sold it on ebay. I was willing to pay her for it but she didnt even give me the chance or tell me about the auction. She also buys items in bulk then resells them at inflated prices (not just Windstones but many things). The One per person at Windstone has slowed her down but when there is not then you should hear her brag when she thinks she got something someone else had really wanted. It is like a competition for her. I dont have the means or energy to be around someone like that. I was waiting for her to brag to my husband about snagging the dragon pyo`s because I made the mistake of saying I wanted one but surprising no call so she must not have seen them (she watches the store like a hawk) I sometimes think she must be a very depressed person if she gets her kicks like that. π
I have to laugh a bit. I didnt understand the video posted about me. I have dialup so the video was just a picture to me I just now realized it moved because when I was told it was a video of how I was acting I took a closer look. Nowww I get it π³ I really should get highspeed at some point. π
October 11, 2009 at 7:27 pm #785958JellyFish wrote:Nice to meet you Dragon87 π and thank you.
You’re more then welcome. You seem like an okay sort, and I don’t like making enemies. π Life is better when you’re not trying to hate someone…. and easier. Lots of energy goes to hating someone, but it doesn’t take much to like someone (unless it’s your mother in law and you are required to like her…. π )
Now then… back to going…. AUUUUUGH I DIDN’T GET ONE!!!! And running around like in that video Kitsunelady posted. π Cause that’s way more entertaining then where this thread was going.
Anyone got a good beating a dead horse emoticon?
October 11, 2009 at 7:44 pm #785959There are so many emotioncons we need–one that pulls pockets inside out with moths flying out to show no money–there was one I saw that someone else had in their post–one emotioncon pulls down pants and shows rear while other one spanks with a ruler–different than what we have now–it cracked–snerk, get it, ‘cracked’ me up. A screaming emotion running off would be a nice addition, let’s see, I’d like to see one that bears fangs and claws for some extreme anger. Ooooo, what if we could create our own? π
October 12, 2009 at 1:29 am #785960LadyFirebird wrote:There are so many emotioncons we need–one that pulls pockets inside out with moths flying out to show no money–there was one I saw that someone else had in their post–one emotioncon pulls down pants and shows rear while other one spanks with a ruler–different than what we have now–it cracked–snerk, get it, ‘cracked’ me up. A screaming emotion running off would be a nice addition, let’s see, I’d like to see one that bears fangs and claws for some extreme anger. Ooooo, what if we could create our own? π
I think people have them bookmarked…. I used to have a couple but I lost them when my computer went PBBBBT. π
October 12, 2009 at 1:35 pm #785961Here’s a good one for you guys;)
I have mine bookmarked in my Photobucket and twindragonsmum has hers in her Photobucket as well. Her and I “steal” from each other, too. π You are more than welcome to use any I find, but please copy them to your own album…no hotlinking please!
Here’s the one I use most Dragon87:
October 16, 2009 at 2:09 am #785962lamortefille wrote:Here’s a good one for you guys;)
I have mine bookmarked in my Photobucket and twindragonsmum has hers in her Photobucket as well. Her and I “steal” from each other, too. π You are more than welcome to use any I find, but please copy them to your own album…no hotlinking please!
Here’s the one I use most Dragon87:
I lurv the fact that lamorte and I “steal” emoticons and stuff from each other! When ever I find a particularly apt item I “hoard” it until just the perfect moment to use it and snicker and “SNORK” to myself to see what lamorte comes up with in response! XD XD XD …and jellyfish I can certainly understand your frustration with your in-law *joins nirvanacat with pitchfork in hand and tar and feathers to boot! Bad, bad, bad in-law!* No harm, no foul here from me! It’s all good! “Hi, I’m twindragonsmum and I’m a Windstone-aholic… XD XD XD
twindragonsmum π
October 16, 2009 at 2:27 am #785963π I LOVE those Lamortfille. Especially the spanking one. π
Hello Twindragonsmum I also admit to being a Windstoneaholic π I think I may have also got a local shop to carry Windstone (fingerscrossed) I reaaaaallllllyyyyyy want a free Windstone. π
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