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  • #561606

    mimitrek wrote:

    Don’t worry about it…you’ll probably be able to get a good picture the next time that you’re mugged. πŸ˜†

    Heaven forbid >_<

    I was on the phone with my best gal pal in Ohio today and told her my sorry tale. She laughed for a solid five minutes and only stopped when I threatened to hang up on her.

    I’ll probably be called “squirrel girl” from now on… πŸ˜† (I have such nice friends…)


    Megani-chan wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Don’t worry about it…you’ll probably be able to get a good picture the next time that you’re mugged. πŸ˜†

    Heaven forbid >_<

    I was on the phone with my best gal pal in Ohio today and told her my sorry tale. She laughed for a solid five minutes and only stopped when I threatened to hang up on her.

    I’ll probably be called “squirrel girl” from now on… πŸ˜† (I have such nice friends…)
    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


    No, seriously… my friends are wonderful, they just love to see me get scared by things. For some reason they think it’s a hoot that little Meggie is scared of the fluffy, vicious campus squirrels. Well I’m not scared, just very wary from now on! πŸ˜†

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