
ART CARD SWAP 2 – New Deadline to Mail JANUARY 31

Home Forums Miscellany General Art Discussion ART CARD SWAP 2 – New Deadline to Mail JANUARY 31

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    kitsunelady wrote:

    Argh, I wrote “Midwinter’s Eve” on the backs instead of “Midwinter’s Night”!! *pulls out hair* :spank:

    I knew I should have re-read the first post before I did something dumb (again).

    I sent three. >.> They aren’t on cardstock, but it *is* my favorite kind of paper (Pentalic’s “Paper for Pens”)! Also, they make one large picture if placed next to each other…but can also be enjoyed separately (I hope, anyhow..hurrr).

    lol, you make me laugh! you worry too much 🙂 i don’t think any one will mind. and cardstock in NOT required! always encouraged to try something new 😀


    first cards to arrive are from Purpleturtle. and…. wow… i am in love with these! i wish i could keep them for myself! 😥

    (btw… if anyone is trying to go back and look at images from the last swap i posted, i’m having trouble with my hosting account so i have to get that back up at some point. sorry if that’s any inconvenience!)


      Cute!! 😀 @ cardinal griffin


        kitsunelady wrote:

        Cute!! 😀 @ cardinal griffin

        I agree, and I love that dragon on the dream catcher! 🙂 Those are beautiful cards!


        Awesome PT! 😀

        I’M SORRY!!! 😥 I will be a few days late, because of course I left my drawings on the kitchen table and of course my little brother would spill fruit punch… 🙄 😡 I got more cards and am running to finish.


        I’ve had a lot of folks drop out of this swap so far and the rest I have yet to hear from (I did receive cards from Skylover, Kitsunelady and Pegasus4240 which I still have to scan). So…. I’ll see where we are at next week and go from there. If you haven’t contacted me yet, please do if you need more time/have to drop out/etc.

        (I knew I should have listened to that little voice that said everyone was going to be too busy for a swap right now!)


          Well, If we have another week or so, I could probably get one or two done?


            I’m willing to wait. o.o


              kitsunelady wrote:

              I’m willing to wait. o.o

              Ditto . I’m in no rush 😉 .


                I don’t mind waiting either.


                GREAT IDEA! okay…. new deadline to mail will be January 31. Hopefully that will give everyone some extra time who wanted to participate but ran out of time. I totally know… I am so swamped with work right now I am just going insane. 😈

                I will send everyone a PM who signed up in case someone doesn’t read the art forum regularly.


                  daydreamer wrote:

                  (I did receive cards from Skylover, Kitsunelady and Pegasus4240 which I still have to scan).

                  I would really love to see Skylover and Kitsunelady’s cards. Scans please. 🙂 Thanks.

                  -- Angie


                  so sorry for the delay… what an insanely crazy week. here’s the rest of the cards that i have received. i’m so excited to share, they’re all amazing!

                  am i waiting on any other cards? i did send an update to everyone on the list with the new deadline but not sure who is going to take me up on the extension or not. let me know if you’re still planning on sending something in… thanks!


                    Didn’t realize I’d colored out of the lines so much >.< yay for good scans lol


                      Leigha wrote:

                      Didn’t realize I’d colored out of the lines so much >.< yay for good scans lol

                      Is your dragon about to eat that rabbit? o.o

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