Another one for John

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    Here’s another one for John. Either a repaint or a knock-off. Either way they seem to be trying to sell it as a Windstone Original.

    I already sent an email to John.



      Looks like a true knock off. You can see the chip on the tail and it doesn’t look like there is any other paint under it so it doesn’t look to me like a repaint…I could be wrong of course 🙂


      Yea, if it was a repaint, I can’t imagine them painting over the eyes. And the description does say that there is no felt on the bottom.


      About the eyes- did windstone ever make dragons with vertical pupils like cats? I thought they were always round black pupils? Im inclined to tell the seller that at the very least, this is a repaint of a Windstone and nothing that they have ever sold and they should check with Windstone as to authenticity.


      Those eyes aren’t glass. Windstone has always used glass. If it was real, there would be Windstone stamped on the bottom, if it dosen’t have a felt pad. But, I don’t think the young was ever sold without a felt pad.


        Wow…I don’t have any words to say… its kinda disapointing though. 🙁


        Isn’t it a pyo? Why would they paint over the eyes though? O.o;


        It’s not the worst copy we’ve seen by any means… I can’t decide which is more offensive, hideous copies that look like Franken-windstones or ones like these that actually almost look legit. Makes me wonder if they know what they’ve got 😕


          I’ve just emailed it to John. Nobody should buy it or notify the seller. Let John deal with it.


            PaperCut wrote:

            Isn’t it a pyo? Why would they paint over the eyes though? O.o;

            Nope that isn’t a PYO… that is the Young Dragon… repanited….

            And I am not sure about the eyes…. 😯


            …oh lmao okay it took me this long to realize the pyo and young dragon sculpts are different. XDDD; *always thought they were the same for some reason* 😳

            I’m smart, really I swearz 😆


              No, it’s not even a repaint. It’s a fake casting of a Young Dragon.


                Eww…. very ugly looking eyes!


                  That chip on his tail sure looks like gypsum but it could also be plaster 😕 …she or he did say in the description that they could not find any identifying marks (the one that should be at the base of the tail in the back area, PENA 88 )

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