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      Lol 😀 I just got done watching Birdy The Mighty (seasons 1 and 2 at least) so I’ll review it here in a bit <3

      Every time I see the picture for the anime at the top of this page I want to watch it though – the little pink pokemon looking guy is SO CUTE!!

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        HAHAHA! I loved Kyo Kara Maoh!

        I never saw the whole thing… is it even finished yet? I got through the first 2 seasons roughly.

        Oh, and as soon as I get back from the con this weekened I promise I’ll post some more reviews ^_^ I’ll be all anime-ed up! I just finished Coyote Ragtime which was great and I had been wanting to do one for E’s Otherwise so NOBODY BUYS IT >_<

        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          The black one from XXXholic is better ^_^ LOL!

          Got a busted Windstone?

          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            LOL! I’m on the first season of Birdy! 🙂

            xxxHOliC is on the shelf waiting its turn, as we are currently on Soul Eater at the moment. So awesome… that one will defintiely get a review when finished. And I do believe there is a 3rd season for KKM.

            So much anime, so little time. :bigsmile:


              Wow, you guys have completely different taste in anime from me. XD


                Wow, you guys have completely different taste in anime from me. XD

                Got any recommendations? 😀 I’d love to hear what your favorites are!

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                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Title: Birdy the Mighty

                  View the Trailer here!

                  Synopsis: (From Wikipedia) Birdy Cephon Altera is a Federation agent chasing interplanetary criminals to the planet Earth. While in pursuit of one such criminal, she accidentally kills a high school boy named Tsutomu Senkawa. Fortunately for Tsutomu, there is a way to keep him alive. He ends up being merged into Birdy’s body and must remain so until the repair of his body is complete.

                  So, Tsutomu is stuck sharing a body with an attractive, strong, and impulsive space police agent while trying to keep his family and friends from finding out about Birdy. In the meantime, Birdy continues her investigation. Together, they take on a secretive group of evil aliens planning to perform experiments on the unsuspecting inhabitants of Earth.

                  Star Rating:

                  Review: Let me start off by saying that I had been avoiding Birdy The Mighty on my Netflix queue because their synopsis of the show sounded horrible. I can’t remember it all right now, but it basically made it sound like this was a show about an alien who disguises herself as a pinup model. Yes, this is a part of the show, but it’s a very very small part! Of course, the images of Birdy in her alien garb really did nothing to make me want to watch it either. However, when I gave it a chance I found that I really enjoyed it!

                  At this point I should say that I believe the version of Birdy the Mighty that I watched is a remake of the original. When looking up trailers for the show I came across several that looked like an early 90’s cartoon and that had a slightly different animation style than the one I watched. The one I saw is the most recent to come out on DVD.

                  There are currently two seasons of the show (I am unsure if they ever plan on creating a third season or if it’s just running into the manga at this point), and although the second season may leave you wanting more, it also has a lovely “ending” feel to it, where most of the storylines have some sort of conclusion, or at least allude to one.

                  The fight scenes are stellar in this show – the animation is fantastic, and the style in which they do action scenes is gripping and fun to watch. A warning that comes with this however, is that there is DEFINITELY blood and violence in this anime!! If you can’t handle the first episode, do not watch the series!!

                  The characters in Birdy develop fairly quickly and will easily find a way into your heart. Birdy in particular is a very interesting character with an interesting back story. One thing that you need to get used to fairly quickly is the idea that there are two people in one person’s body in this show. This means that the two people will “talk” to one another, which is shown via split screen, and can also change their appearance to one person’s or the other’s at a moment’s notice. It is done very well and is quite easy to follow (probably much easier to follow than my explanation!).

                  I watched this anime on Netflix instant play with the English Dub, and I thought it was great! I loved it and would highly recommend it to any anime fan that prefers a decent balance of action and storyline.

                  Warnings and Praises: I apologize that I can’t be specific here, but I believe there is some nudity in this series!! The reason I can’t be specific is because much of the time when I’m “watching” anime, I am also painting at the same time so I dont exactly see every frame! When I went to look for a picture of Birdy for this thread though, it was very hard NOT to find many pictures of a nude scene which must have come either from the series or the OVA (which I have not seen).

                  Other than that, Birdy (as you can see) tends to dress in very scantily clad outfits, and there are a few mild swears in the series as well.

                  As far as praises, I thought the English dub of this show was great! There were a few parts that didn’t sync exactly right, but there were no awkward sentences or phrases or anything to detract from the anime.

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                    Title: The Sacred Blacksmith

                    View the Trailer here!

                    Synopsis: (From Wikipedia) 44 years ago, a great war known as the Valbanill War ravaged the land. One of the war’s most dangerous weapons was the Demon Contract, where humans sacrifice their bodies to become powerful demons. Realizing the damage the contracts have caused the land, the surviving nations made peace and banned the use of the Demon contracts.

                    Cecily Cambell is a 3rd generation Knight from Housman, one of the cities of the Independent Trade Cities, a democratic federation of cities. As her grandfather was one of the founders of the Independent Trade Cities, she is proud of her heritage and wishes to protect her city as a knight, like her father and grandfather before her. One day, she fights a mad veteran of the war causing trouble in the market, and, inexperienced and overmatched, faces defeat. But she is saved by a mysterious blacksmith named Luke Ainsworth. Cecily is impressed by Luke’s katana, a weapon she has never seen before, and asks him to make one for her. Her involvement with Luke will bring her to an adventure she never expected.

                    Star Rating:

                    Review: I’ll start by saying that I really like the world that this anime is set in. I like the idea of “Demon Swords”, people who have been, for one reason or another, turned into demons who can turn themselves into magical swords when they wish it. I like the medieval setting and the animation in general is lovely. Luke and Lisa’s backstory is interesting and Luke’s character in general is a definite point of interest in the story. However –

                    (yeah, you knew I was going to do this just by looking at the star rating!) However, this anime was cancelled after the first season so it doesn’t have that going for it. The way it was set up was to continue on to more seasons and it did not. This doesn’t mean that the series ends in a cliffhanger – it doesnt – it does leave you with the impression that there should be more episodes (cued by the fact that one of the main characters vows to kill one of the antagonists at the end and of course he is very much alive at that point).

                    I have watched a few anime that end abruptly and are still fantastic. This one didn’t catch my fancy for more reasons than that it only has one season though. I found the main character to be fairly one dimensional and predictable, and I didn’t like the fact that although she was trying very hard to be someone many people didn’t think she could be (which could be considered a positive trait – she’s very determined), she consistently fails miserably and must be saved several times by a man. Over and over, we see her run headfirst into a doomed situation only to be cut down and immediately saved by her hero.

                    Now, I’m not the type of girl who doesn’t like animes where the main character is a reasonably weak female whos life is saved constantly by other people. I am a HUGE sap for romantic stories in which the vulnerable female has a hero that she can count on. The reason it bothers me in this anime is that I get the distinct impression that this particular female protagonist is a ditsy tart who can’t tell which end of a sword she should be holding but bounces happilly into imminent danger anyway just for the sake of “because she wants to protect people”. This stereotypically weak female is further pushed into this category because of the constant reminder of her unusually large chest (see Warnings and Praises), and how much everyone likes to stare at her breasts. The whole thing unfortunately left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m all for humor and the breast thing would not have bothered me if it wasn’t paired with that particular character as well.

                    I guess at the end of the story I can only remember the protagonist as a stupid girl with big boobs, and I really hate feeling that way about anyone – real or not! It was a turn off.

                    As always, our opinions may very well differ so if you’ve disagreed with me on an anime before you may well disagree with me here! I did watch the entire series so that has to say that it was interesting enough for me to keep with it, but the bottom line for me is that this is not an anime I would recommend to anyone that didn’t have an unusual obsession with boob jokes.

                    Warnings and Praises: WARNING – there is full frontal female nudity in this anime!! Although the lower half of the female’s anatomy is not detailed in any way shape or form, there are definitely bare breasts in this anime as well as MANY, MANY jokes about the protagonist’s chest. It is a running joke in the series, and if you find this type of humor offensive, do not watch it! These jokes appear in every single episode.

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                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      Wow, you guys have completely different taste in anime from me. XD

                      Got any recommendations? 😀 I’d love to hear what your favorites are!

                      Me too! While I normally stick to the fantasy/supernatural stuff, I’m always looking for something different that might catch my eye. 🙂

                      Hannah, thanks for the review on Sacred Blacksmith. I have been wavering back and forth for a while now on whether or not I wanted to watch this one. And while I have absolutely nothing against boob jokes, I think I’m going to pass on this one. LOL!

                      If you like the idea of people turning into weapons, you actually might want to try Soul Eater. This is quickly becoming one of my favorites… I’m crossing my fingers for a good ending.
                      EDIT: I found a little teaser trailer for you. :bigsmile:


                        Hannah, thanks for the review on Sacred Blacksmith. I have been wavering back and forth for a while now on whether or not I wanted to watch this one. And while I have absolutely nothing against boob jokes, I think I’m going to pass on this one. LOL!

                        If you like the idea of people turning into weapons, you actually might want to try Soul Eater. This is quickly becoming one of my favorites… I’m crossing my fingers for a good ending.
                        EDIT: I found a little teaser trailer for you. :bigsmile:

                        Well I’m glad that my review helped! I hate to be totally negative about shows because I know someone else may absolutely love what I really don’t, but hey that’s kind of what reviews are for I guess XD

                        Yes!! I have Soul Eater on my queue in Netflix and I hadn’t thought about watching it for a while – I’ve got almost every anime that Netflix has on instant play in my queue so it’s hard to choose one sometimes XD I’ll definitely check it out now that I’ve seen a preview though, thanks! I love darker animes and Soul Eater looks like it has a lot of color pallettes that remind me of Halloween – black, red, purple, orange! And the animation looks fantastic too!

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                        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                          I finished watching this one faster than I expected. LOL

                          Title: Soul Eater
                          <img src=";

                          Synopsis: Welcome to the Death Weapon Meister Academy, better known as the DWMA! This special school, founded by none other than Death himself, exists to protect humanity from the threat of kishins. The DWMA’s young meisters and their weapons must collect the souls of humans who walk the path of evil before these humans turn into kishins and become more powerful. The ultimate goal is to collect 99 evil human souls and 1 witch soul. This grants the meister’s weapon the title of “Death Scythe” and the honor of becoming one of Death’s personal weapons. But as the students soon find out, the DWMA has a dark secret sealed away beneath the school… a secret that when unleashed will plunge the world into madness.

                          Star Rating:

                          Review: This was totally freakin’ awesome! This one’s probably not for everyone, but it’s definitely now one of my top favorites. It has a somewhat surreal cartoonish feel, but the animation is great, especially when the action kicks in. I REALLY loved some of the fight scenes. It’s outrageously (and randomly) funny, a little violent, slightly bizarre, and occasionally heart-warming. The characters are great, each with their own little quirks. Stein has a screw loose (pun intended…lol), Soul needs to be cool, Kid is OCD, and I swear that Black Star is Naruto’s long-lost brother. Plus, any anime that has witches, a werewolf, and a blue zombie… and constantly reminds me of Halloween… gets major bonus points. :bigsmile:

                          In the first 3 episodes, they introduce the 3 main meister-weapon teams – Maka and Soul, Black Star and Tsubaki, and Death the Kid with Liz and Patty Thompson. Things start to intensify a bit after episode 6, and as the anime progresses, the plot thickens and some of the characters begin to struggle internally. I really liked the fact that the characters are “human” in the sense that they have flaws. There’s a lot in the series that deals with friendship, trust, doubt, fear, and failure. It’s not just about the humor and action; it reaches down and plays with emotions. I always looked forward to the next episode, and while I found it wrapped up a little too quickly, I was happy with the ending (if that makes any sense). I would really love a second season!

                          Warnings and Praises: There’s some blood and violence, but with the way the series is drawn half the time I felt like I was watching Looney Tunes… but with a bit of blood. XD It may be a little violent and bloody, but it’s not gory. Some of the scenes will have a slight “creepy” feel to them, but it’s not a horror/scary kind of creepy. It reminded me of The Nightmare Before Christmas. With that said, the episodes that deal with Asura’s revival are a tad on the freakish side.

                          The series also has some sexual humor (quite a few nosebleeds in the beginning of the series) and mild nudity. When the weapons are in their weapon form, their unclothed human forms are sometimes reflected on the weapon surface or are shown on a dark screen when they talk with their meisters. It’s usually a head shot. If not, it’s strategically drawn, shadowed out, or drawn with a simple outline. Asura’s revival would be the exception due to the full un-shadowed rear view.

                          There’s also a tiny amount of potty humor. In one episode, Black Star said he was going to beat someone up and condemn them to being his “ball-washing rag”. This was in the Japanese version. I checked the English dub out of curiosity, and it wasn’t said… so I’m pretty sure the couple of poop jokes have also been edited. LOL. On a positive note, the few dubbed clips I have seen are actually pretty good for a FUNimation dub, especially when it comes to Soul’s voice.

                          Another thing I should mention is there’s a lot of what I like to call random acts of stupidity throughout the series. If you’re not one for off-the-wall utterly random humor, then you probably won’t like this anime much. There’s plenty of it throughout the series.

                          Teaser Trailer
                          Opening theme
                          Part of Soul Eater and Black Star’s fight with Death the Kid


                            Wow, you guys have completely different taste in anime from me. XD

                            Got any recommendations? 😀 I’d love to hear what your favorites are!

                            Me too! While I normally stick to the fantasy/supernatural stuff, I’m always looking for something different that might catch my eye. 🙂

                            Hrm…well maybe not all of you are completely different taste-wise from me, but I haven’t seen anything in quite a while that really made me go wow, 5 stars! o_o; I think I’m just a harsher critic.

                            These days, most of what seems to come out is either T&A or ‘moe’, which makes me want to barf. Gag/comedy anime…not really my taste either, with a very few exceptions. I’m not a fan of yaoi or yuri, although I do enjoy a bit of light shounen-ai in manga form. Never seen boys-love anime that I liked. I like shoujo, but not if the girl cries a lot/has to be ‘saved’ all the time. Sooo tiresome. I also detest Shinju Mayu, and any mangaka that writes anything similar (people who romanticize rape piss me off). I like to read Bleach (the anime was okay until the first arc ended), don’t really give a fig about Naruto. I’ve read some of it/watched some of it, was never drawn in, and I really hope Sasuke dies, preferably at Sakura’s hand. =) I read manga almost daily, but since we’re talking about anime…the ones that stick out in my mind the most (I actually purchased them, and I don’t do that unless I think they have rewatch potential) are :

                            Eureka Seven and Toward the Terra. Really nice animation on both (loved Terra E enough to buy an $80 doujin artbook, lol), and I even liked the theme songs. Did not care for the three constantly crying/screaming/whining children in Eureka Seven, though. Sheesh. Um, other anime I liked enough to buy were Samurai Champloo (watched it at least 3 or 4 times, and it makes me lmao every time!), Last Exile, Mushi-shi…hmm, Paradise Kiss, either of the FMA series (although I did not like the ending to the first, and have not finished the second), Hare+Guu (hilarious until they got to the second half of the story, at which point I was bored and quit, lol). Studio Ghibli movies I really liked were Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Nausicaa. The rest were just ‘good’ or ‘cute’, but I don’t watch them repeatedly like those three. Oh, I liked the Ah! My Goddess movie, and both the Card Captor Sakura movies a lot. Didn’t really care about the anime series, although I do like the manga for both quite a bit. Hellsing Ultimate, Samurai 7, Twelve Kingdoms, Cowboy Bebop, Glass Fleet, Seirei no Moribito, The Third, Juu-Ou Sei, Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto, Emma, Princess Tutu, Peacemaker Kurogane (love Shinsengumi stuff)…those were good too. Actually, I didn’t like Twelve Kingdoms enough to buy, but I did buy the novels (and some doujinshi, hah hah), even though it is very disappointing the novel series was never finished. Also watched Romeo + Juliet a while back (did not buy). The inevitable depressing ending, but Romeo & Juliet was never my favorite Shakespeare. I prefer his funny stuff.

                            Things I liked many moons ago, but wouldn’t watch now because I’m pretty sure my teenage illusions that these were the most awesome thing to ever awesome would be ruined – Fushigi Yuugi, Rurouni Kenshin, Fancy LaLa, Escaflowne, uhh…actually, I don’t have any illusions about how silly Sailor Moon is, so I could probably watch that and still be amused.

                            Things I recently (relatively speaking) watched but did not buy…Summer Wars. Good movie, ‘bittersweet’ is an excellent word to describe it. I watched Eden of the East too (series, not the movie). It was weird. Interesting, but weird. Lots of naked NEETs, lol. Also rented and watched Chrome-Shelled Medios. It wasn’t too bad. Didn’t inspire any serious interest, though. Also saw the first half of Casshern : Sins, which is dragging along like cold molasses (I fell asleep at least twice), but I’m curious enough about the end to want to watch the second half, if that toad that rented it while I had part one would ever frickin’ return it (he’s like 2 weeks late)! Also watched X’amd (same studio that did Eureka Seven). Less crying children than E.S., but I didn’t like the mecha designs. They were…weird. Just really unattractive. Peh. I also didn’t really feel attached to any of the characters. It was just kinda…eh. *shrugs* o_o; I did start watching the new Birdy the Mighty series, but it turned out the second disc was a misprint (it had DBZ on it), and our store has never gotten a new copy in to rent…so I haven’t gotten anywhere with that. What I saw was okay, but it didn’t blow my mind or anything.

                            I’ve also been forced to watch a lot of the shows you guys have already reviewed by a friend who pretty much likes anything, as long as it’s anime. She would loan me these shows (since I wasn’t going to tell her I had sampled them and already decided I didn’t like them, when she was squealing about great they were…), so I felt obligated to watch them, even though I was usually passed out cold halfway through, or fast-forwarding through the boring (to me) bits. XD I am not sure how successful I was at pretending enthusiasm when she would want to talk about them after I had returned them. >_>; Oh well.

                            You know what they say…to each his own. e.e


                              LOL! I’m being bad right now… I’m sneaking a peek while at work. :spank: I’ll post one for Trigun when I get home later. Love and Peace! 😆

                              I have another odd one I might add as well. 😈

                              Title: Trigun

                              Synopsis: Vash the Stampede has a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head for the destruction of an entire town… an event he has no memory of. Vash is an expert gunman, good-hearted, and always tries to help those in need during his travels. Two insurance company employees, Millie and Meryl, follow him during his travels in order to minimize the damages that seem to occur wherever he goes (that are usually caused by others trying to collect the bounty on his head). The truth about Vash’s past is slowly revealed as the anime progresses.

                              Trigun opening theme
                              Trigun AMV to “Wanna be a Cowboy” I forgot just how much humor and action is in this series. You’d never know from the opening theme. This AMV has a small spoiler, but it sums up the humor well. 😆
                              Trigun clips to “The Beer Song” Please forgive me… I stumbled onto this while looking for the opening. LOL.

                              Star Rating:

                              Review: While Trigun is not one of my favorite animes, it’s a damn good one. It has great characters, superb animation, and a slowly unfolding storyline packed with humor and action that gets darker near the end. The space western theme isn’t one of my favorites, but I really enjoyed this one. It’s definitely worth it.

                              Love and Peace! 😆

                              Warnings and Praises: It definitely takes a darker turn near the end, especially when Legato enters the picture. Can you say mentally disturbed? After watching for so long, enjoying the antics of Vash, laughing at him trying to impress the ladies (and failing miserably), there were moments when I sat there going, “Dude… that’s messed up.” It’s just a little bit of a shock because the tone of the anime dramatically changes, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from watching. It’s a must see.


                                Hrm…well maybe not all of you are completely different taste-wise from me, but I haven’t seen anything in quite a while that really made me go wow, 5 stars! o_o; I think I’m just a harsher critic.

                                That’s actually good to hear… because I have been wavering for quite a while on whether or not I wanted to watch Jyu-Ou-Sei. I like the concept, and the animation looks really good. Recently, Amazon was selling it for only $18 bucks, so I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered it. Hopefully, I can get to it soon. ^_^

                                As for yaoi and yuri… I have too many gay friends (as well as 2 in-laws) to see it as anything other than a relationship. They’ve ruined the whole fangirl thing for me. lmao. The series better have a good plot and characters, or else I’m just going to consider it nothing more than worthless crap/fanservice. :~

                                And I also had a friend who was really big into anime and would introduce me to a few series. Two random episodes of Black Lagoon was all I could handle o.O… so yes, to each his own. LOL.


                                  Went through my list and found another…

                                  Title: Bamboo Blade
                                  <img src=";

                                  Synopsis: (taken from AnimeNewsNetwork) Toraji Ishida is a high school kendo teacher. His friend and fellow kendo teacher makes him a bet: if Ishida can assemble a girls’ kendo team that can defeat his girls’ team in a practice match, he’ll treat Ishida to free meals at his father’s sushi restaurant for a whole year. Now Ishida must find five girls to join the team.

                                  Star Rating:

                                  Review: While the series may start off as a bet between instructors, it changes direction fairly early on and becomes more of a friendship/rivalry story. I liked the fact that it’s not “our good team” will beat “their evil team” scenario. It focuses on the progress and hurdles they face both as a team and as individuals. Not everyone on the team is awesome, and they have some issues. They face rivals, and they do lose matches. It’s about their love for kendo and what the club has brought into each of their lives.

                                  I enjoyed this one quite a bit and found it refreshing from the fantasy and supernatural genre stuff I usually watch. There’s some humor, the animation is good, and I thoroughly loved the last few episodes and many of the matches. I also enjoyed the ending. 🙂

                                  Warnings and Praises: There’s nothing offensive to note for this one. The only thing I would add is that to really enjoy this series it’s best to have some kind of love, interest, or appreciation for the practice of martial arts. Many of the episodes are focused on their kendo practices and tournament matches, but I felt these were the better episodes in the series. I really, really enjoyed many of the matches. If you have no interest in kendo or other traditional martial art sport, then this one will probably bore you… maybe even to the point of unconsciousness. LOL. There are no DBZ-style fighting techniques… no one is shooting energy blasts at their opponents. It’s just kendo. 🙂

                                  You learn really quickly that Tamaki is unbelievably talented. I had to keep reminding myself that the reason Tama is so exceptionally good is because her father owns a dojo, she’s been practicing kendo since she was 4 years old, and she often spars with adults. It’s not a hobby for her; it is part of her daily life. That kind of helps to keep things in perspective.

                                  Opening theme

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