9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread

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  • #903522

    Seriously, there is way too much cute in this thread.


      Here is the adorable little tadpoad! There is actually a little hint of blue at the bottom of her rump. I think it’s one of the only tadpoads (the only one?) with greenish eye spots (at least from looking at the photos). The top of her head is pink and the bottom of her hair is an pinkish-orange. There is a tiny hint of green (only sometimes noticeable in person) at the very tip of her hair tuft. So cute! :3

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        Okay, here’s mine. These little things are cuter than a bug’s butt!

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        The backside does look like a face of some sort.


        They’re all much more unique than I originally thought, but I couldn’t really buy more than the colt this month regardless.

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        This one has been my favourite so far 🙂


          I want a small army of these guys. I just love their attitude!

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          I got mine and I’m so excited. I almost died of cuteness overload. I hope Melody paints a ton more because I’ll wait with baited breath for the sale! I haven’t taken a picture of mine yet, but I can see it in the middle of the top picture on the first page in post #6. It’s all this gorgeous metallic yellow with a bronze bottom and deep green eyes. It’s a bit plainer than some of the other more colorful ones, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it all the same. Even my hubby went ‘awwwwww’ when he saw it. No one has commented on it yet, but they have the CUTEST butt. Seriously. You just wait for the little tail to wiggle.


          Oh my, so many cute poads! I can´t wait to see wich one I got. I hope he well arrive soon 🙂


            Mine is scheduled to arrive Monday 10/7 – can’t wait!

            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


              Here’s My Little Poadie:

               photo poad2_zpsb2b1a502.jpg

               photo poad_zpsc96f727e.jpg

               photo poad1_zps6407490c.jpg

              I apologize for the last pic, the glare is terrible. She has iridescent purple around her eyespots, and the cutest purple beak! <3


              Okay I took some pictures! I’ve decided its a he. And while he’s a little monochromatic, I do totally totally love him. To me he looks like a bright copper penny that’s moved into molten gold at the top. I’m totally in love.

              Gosh I so love these! Please make more! Lots more. I mean LLOOOTTSS more!


                I am loving all these little guys! Mine was just delivered, but I am still at work, booo. I can’t wait to get home to see who I got and I’ll post pix.


                  Today i got my tadpoad and she is quite lovely. I have listed her to ebay. I had to take the pictures with my web cam and they do not do her justice. here is the link:



                  She’s a beauty! So sorry that you are not able to keep her….


                    Ooo I love my tadpoad! She is purple and gold, with a silver stripe down her back, black mask and grayish tuft. She has two cute eye spots. She is just way too adorable! She goes very well with my young poad.
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                      Here is my adorable little Tadpoad!

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