I absolutely LOVE the Blue Morpho Hearth.She is stunning in blue.There are times I wish I had a mad money credit card.I would trade anything for her except Queen Azura and my TP family.
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.
I just have to know if a Mystic Umber Hearth happens to be in the works.
Ooo very intriguing! I’m going to try and figure out how to do the orientals in mystic umber so I might have to grab a hearth as well 😆 I love when I come up with a color that you guys all seem to like as much as I do! Even if the detailing on these guys is crazy intensive!
Oh my heavens, I am pining so hard for the Mystic Umber Coiled, but don’t get paid until the ninth uggggh (anyone know what Windstone’s Ebay payment window is lol)