
The Veligent – page 110

Serence has had a long day


  1. prezaurian

    Lol. Indeed. And if this is any indication, it’s not going to get any shorter or end any sooner. I think we can all relate to that in one way or another. 🙂

  2. etruscan

    Poor Serence! Panel 4, the comma after “fight” is in the wrong place, i.e. it is now fight [space],but

    I’m still waiting (sort of) patiently to find out if all the rebels are “demons” or whether the rebels and the demons are allies.

  3. Melody

    Rebels are called demons, or “the enemy” by Serence and many of his people.

    A king who thinks in these terms probably isn’t going succeed in deescalating this hostile situation, even if he is making an attempt.
    I’ll fix the coma.
    And fix the size of the little guy in the middle panel. He seems to of shrunk.
    -and adjust the color on the whole page so it isn’t soo yellow-greenish.

  4. Blue Mountain Cat

    I love the look on Serence’s face and the face/palm. “Why me?”
    I get the feeling that Ayonah is sitting back somewhere snickering and that this is all part of
    a long range plan to get Serence to lighten up – either that or drive him totally round the bend.
    I’ve only recently discovered Reptangle and this story and I look forward to every other Monday.
    The story and the characters are delightful and the artwork is gorgeous.
    “More please”

  5. Adaneth

    Those poor guards….they look SO proud of themselves. Priceless!

  6. Melody

    Thank you so much for taking time to read this, and leaving a comment!
    Makes me so happy!

  7. Melody

    Demon wrangling is a tough job! Veligent wrangling is even harder.

  8. Maplecarver

    It slipped past me the first few times, but in the very last panel, the guards raised eyebrow and amused but tentative expression is the “stuck in an ‘interesting’ workplace” look. The whole panel’s fun, but that’s just icing on the cake.

  9. CHeMnICORn

    Lol veligent wrangling! XD
    I love how even your extras have unique personalities. I like the wild looking, blond-haired guard.

  10. Falcolf

    This is one of the most wonderful ‘face palm’ moments that I have ever seen haha.

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