
Rueday – page 144

Even if you’ve read the whole story,this page may be confusing. It is intentional, the characters are confused also.

We are back at King Serences camp. Kade is managing to clip the poad’s overgrown toenails with the help of Peather, one of the lady guards. Podge the poad hates to have her toenails trimmed, and is ready to explode any minute.

Lord Theotherone, the monkey demigod, happens to come by and innocently asks a yes or no question… a big no-no around poads, especially ticked-off ones.

Lord Theotherone had granted Kade a wish. Kade’s wish was to for his flying air carp, Spot, to be wrong about a previous answer he had given.

Makes total sense now, doesn’t it?



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