Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper

At last, the Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper is finished. Took me a few years to get around to completing her!
This dragon sculpture is cast out of gypsum and hand painted by me, Melody Pena. She is seventeen inches tall and weighs over thirty pounds.
My poor back.
This color is lovely. It is also very complicated. The dark colors are created by layering gold, transparent ruby red, copper and emerald green over each other. She is painted in the colors that my garden is now, a deep mucky rich mix of everything. She even shows a a little bright blue of the empty mothball package that is lying out there.( Moth balls DON’T keep deer out, by the way.)
This one -of-a-kind test painted Secret Keeper.
She will be going on ebay today, December1st.

3 thoughts on “Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper”

  1. This is the SK of all SK’s I have been waiting for, for so long. There have been several SK’s I’ve wanted, but refrained from bidding because I knew The Autumn Leaf would be available at some point. I am thrilled that she is finally ready to go!

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