
Happy Capital Ex

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    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    Ok so one of you in edmonton needs to come and get me so I can come and play I will be in Slave Lake tomorrow πŸ˜† .


    I’m confused?

    Sorry but I’m not allowed to drive my brother’s car πŸ˜› And the fiancee will be at work.

    And anyway, Slave Lake’s a bit far πŸ™‚ Though I used to go there when I was a kid!


    Ahh yes it is but closer than Fort Mac, and I can not drive in the city, LMAO. I am trying to convince the other half that Alex and I NEED to attend this year, so far no go though.


    What’s Capital Ex? Was what I was confused about…

    EDIT: Woohoo officially a Chatty Windstonian!


      Ah. Ironic isn’t it?

      At 11 PM I left Edmonton for Stony Plain.

      At Midnight I left Stony Plain for Slave Lake.

      Arrived in Slave Lake at 2AM.

      Found out at 6AM that when we passed through Westlock at 12:30, we missed the event. We stopped for gas, and 2 blocks away, little Mr. William was appearing .. *early*. We had no idea. But, I was curious why we didn’t pass the ambulance on the highway… now we know.

      So, packed up the truck, the bags, the dogs and Madeline!! of course.. who got left behind when the ambulance left for Edmonton.

      Deposited dogs, bags, clothes, etc. in Stony Plain at Grammas and went to work for two hours, then off to the hospital to meet my new nephew and Maddie’s new brother.

      Maddie welcomes her new brother with a kiss!

      So… the in-laws are 300 miles away from home.. my car is 100 miles off in the country, I’m driving someone else’s truck… I put on about 700 miles without sleep in the last 24 hours in two vehicles that I’ve never driven before plus my own.

      Yes Tami dear, I know you’d love to have your own. For now you can spoil those two.

      But hey, all in a typical day for me right?


        That’s awesome snap! Congrats to you, and your sister!!


        Aww he’s cute Snap!

        Where you been? Haven’t been around for awhile! Welcome back (at least temporarily)!


        HUH? What’s capital ex?? It is the big fair that is happening at northlands right now.

        Anyhow I made it there, spent way to much money, made the boy very very happy and had a freaking blast.


        Know what’s funny? I live down the street from it. Hahahahaha……. *hides face in shame*

        I’m thinking of taking our friends who is coming up to it next week, if admission isn’t stupid.

        It’s the replacement for Klondike Days, right?


        yep, it is like 10 bucks to get in, 40 bucks buys you a wristband to all day rides.


        Or it’s $40 to stand in line all day, right? πŸ˜†


        If you go during the week it might not be as bad as it was on the weekend though, but I would suggest to go early.


        Well I was thinking Wednesday or something. Go in the morning.

        Yay for the Northlands being down the street πŸ™‚


        I think the gates open up at noon, at least they did on saterday, but it got really really busy about 4ish so I would go before then.

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