Copper PYO Dragon

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Copper PYO Dragon

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    OH MY GOD. I’m just about to speed over to my friend’s house to ask her to take pictures of this guy!!! I bought the PYO dragon specifically to sell, and now I regret painting it my favorite color.

    Had to post this cause I’m so excited! Pics in a little while! 8D



    Oh I can’t wait to see! I was thinking of painting one with a turquose background and then each scale in copper like a statue with patina! I wonder how close it will be! I think it will be magical!


    Ripe and ready for eBay! Finally got to break in my airbrush 😀


    Wow, that is really nice. It reminds me of the brown dragons.


      I’ve been thinking of a brass/broze/copper dragon myself. And I love the marble on his tail.


      He’s beautiful, Quill. Reminds me of the brown dragons, too.


      dragonessjade wrote:

      Wow, that is really nice. It reminds me of the brown dragons.

      In person, it’s far more metallic 🙂 but yeah, I agree, the pics make it look brown. The random blue scales don’t help, either ><;

      I call her… Penny 😀

      And thanks!


      Beautiful! I would love to have him! 😥 But I haven’t been paid yet..

      Awesome job with the airbrush too! I’m currently airbrushing my gryphons. 😀


      I’m planning on waiting until my other auction ends in like, 5 days. No worries 🙂

      Airbrushing is WAY more fun!


        WOW! That looks like Windstone quality X_X She’s gorgeous! I wish I could add her to my brown dragon collection. She’s amazing! Do you have an expensive airbrush? I’ve seen them at craft stores for like $25, and obviously I know you wont get such good quality work, but aside from that I know nothing of airbrushing.
        You did a 100% perfect job on Penny


          WolfenMachine wrote:

          WOW! That looks like Windstone quality X_X She’s gorgeous! I wish I could add her to my brown dragon collection. She’s amazing! Do you have an expensive airbrush? I’ve seen them at craft stores for like $25, and obviously I know you wont get such good quality work, but aside from that I know nothing of airbrushing.
          You did a 100% perfect job on Penny

          I have like a $300 airbrush with 3 diff tips and stuff…..and no clue how to use it…..I seriously doubt I could get that quality with it


          WolfenMachine wrote:

          WOW! That looks like Windstone quality X_X She’s gorgeous! I wish I could add her to my brown dragon collection. She’s amazing! Do you have an expensive airbrush? I’ve seen them at craft stores for like $25, and obviously I know you wont get such good quality work, but aside from that I know nothing of airbrushing.
          You did a 100% perfect job on Penny

          Thank you so much!! My airbrush was actually a high school graduation gift- it’s an Iwata Eclipse BCS.

          I’ve never airbrushed a sculpture before, but I’ve done airbrush tattoos for several years, so I have some experience with them.[/url]


            it looks perfect…..(whining in jealousy)….I really do like it though….


              Hey! Thats prettier than mine! Knock it off!!! J/K Just a little jealous because my best is no where near this good. How beautiful.

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