
Here are some snapshots of the OW and Lap dragon with the “Garden Dragon” for a size comparison.
The pictures are a little bit deceiving, because from the front, it almost appears as if the Garden drag and the OW are close to the same size, but if you compare them from other angles you can see how much beefier the garden dragon is. I purposely bulked her up so that she could hold her own in a garden setting. I also made her taller, so that she would show above grass. This makes her look a little odd next to a normal frumpy house dragon.
The lap dragon and Old Warrior dragon are two fine finish dragon that we produce now. The “Garden dragon” is an unused sculpture I did when we were casting outdoor cement pieces. She has been sitting around for a long time because I didn’t know what to do with her. Still don’t.

She is very similar to the Lap dragon. They were the same dragon design, from the same concept sketch. I did the Lap after we decided that we weren’t going to use the Garden one.
I don’t know why I thought it would matter to have two dragons in a similar pose! Who cares?