
There is a Special raffle this month!
Griffin, our son, is in a robotics club at Corvallis High School. Each year the team designs and builds a robot to compete against other High School level robotics clubs in the region. This year there were 60 teams that competed in the regional competition.
The Corvallis High School club WON!!!

Now the team qualifies to go to the National competition in Atlanta Georgia!!!
… but the team needs to raise the money for this trip. They have almost made it, but are still a bit short of their goal.
Too help with this cause I am having a special raffle to raise money for team 997!

This is totally honor system. Anyone who emails me with “For Team 997” in the subject line, and say that they have donated ten bucks to the 997 Corvallis Robotic team fund can enter this special raffle for a chance to win their choice of one of the four pieces pictured here:
Either a flame point flapcat named “Hot Paws”,
a grey Savannah male griffin named “Pierce”,
a black and copper prototype Old Warrior dragon named “Opopanx”
or an overo grulla male unicorn named “Stormy”.
The variety of choices is so that lots of people will want to enter.
You can enter once for each ten dollar donation. In other words, if you donate $30, I will enter your name three times.

To enter this special 997 raffle:
Donation info is here: http://chsrobotics.org/nationalsfundraisingletter.pdf
Donations can be sent here:
c/o CHS Robotics Team
Corvallis Public Schools Foundation
1555 SW 35th St.
P.O. Box 3509J
Corvallis, OR, 97330-3509
(make checks payable to “CPSF”, with CHS Robotics Team 997 on the memo line) Any questions can be e-mailed to spartanrobotics997@gmail.com

To enter, continued:
Email me, Reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com with “For Team 997” in the subject line, and say that you have donated ten bucks or more to the 997 Corvallis Robotic team fund. Tell me the amount if it is over ten dollars so I know how many times to put your name in.
If you haven’t entered a Windstone raffle before, include some alternate contact info so I can be sure to get hold of you if you are the winner!

I decided to change the dead line for 997 raffle entries ( it turns out the team doesn’t need all the money immediately, they can borrow funds to make the trip and pay it back ). The new 997 raffle entry dead line will be Friday April 23rd.

You are welcome to enter this special 997 raffle even if you have already won a previous Windstone raffle.
AND If you win this special raffle you can still enter future Windstone monthly raffles.

This month, the winner of the regular monthly forum raffle for April can have their choice of one of the remaining three pieces.This raffle is a separate raffle for members of the Windstone forum.To enter the Windstone forum raffle, email me your forum name with the words “April raffle” in the subject line. (No donation requested for this one!)

Check it out! Griffin is driving “Spartacus”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xVgYL5sYy4