
It is probably hopeless for you to try to judge the color of these two curlie dragons on your computer screen , but these are test paints of the solid Amethyst color. The one on the left is the more intense violet, like the color on the “intense violet Emerald Peacock” dragon’s color, the one on the right has the intense violet on his wings, face and spine, but has more of the blue-violet on his body. The blue violet is the color of violet on the production Emerald Peacock dragons. If you have any of those around, you can see the actual paint I’m using.
These are pretty, and very purple. The trouble with Dioxazine purple is that any color you use with it, even if it is also an intense purple itself, will appear to be a different color when used beside it . For example; the blue violet on the right hand dragon appears to be just blue. When I tried using lavender as a trim color, the lavender appeared to be pink. This Amethyst color may end up being one of the monotone ones, at least on a small dragon.
What do you think about the eye color? These are the two I liked the best, (and I don’t like the blue that much!) The lavender colored eye I tried just appeared to be beige when set against this dragon color. The other color I could use is something that is a total contrast, like green.
I have a batch of curlies I plan to paint in Amethyst, which one of these do you like best? Intense violet? Or the bluer one?
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