
PYOs 1

Windstone Editions

Get Creative

For those of you with an artistic bent, Windstone Editions offers a variety of paint-your-own sculptures so that you can make your own contribution to the world of fantasy art. A paintbrush and some acrylic paint are all you need to get started. When you’re finished, show off your work in our Online PYO Galleries.

PYO Keeper Dragon

Your secrets are safe with our Paint-Your-Own Keeper Dragon Choose from a spectrum of eye and jewel colors to complement your paint job.

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Paint-Your-Own Keeper Dragon
Windstone Editions PYO sculptures

Paint Them All

Fair warning: painting sculptures can be addictive. But as addictions go, it’s a pretty healthy one, and we’ve got all the animals you need to feed your habit!

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Guardians of the Temple

Chinese guardian lions, often called “Foo Dogs,” can be seen in front of temples, palaces, tombs, and other important buildings, fiercely keeping an eye on things. Paint them to your liking and set them to work keeping your home safe.

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Windstone Editions PYO foodogs