
March 2011 raffle prize!

This is “Sedgewick”, the male dragon. He’s been lost all week, but we finally found him just in time for the end of March raffle!
This dragon is airbrushed in a queasy combination of copper, serpentine green and aqua blue. He really doesn’t look too bad! I like his colorful feet.
He has spots of aqua blue and gold on his body and metallic gold trim. His eyes are orange and he has nice bright green jewels in his forehead.

Like most of the raffle pries, he is a little odd; he was cast with The top of one wing slightly bent. You’d never notice.

If you would like to have a chance to win Sedgewick, email me your forum name,withthe words March 2011 raffle in the subject line.
If you haven’t entered a Windstone raffle before, include your real name and address.
My email is reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com

7 thoughts on “March 2011 raffle prize!”

  1. Ms.Melody,I think he is a gorgeous dragon and perfect for Spring.I would love to have him but I wouldn’t give up my Toasty for any of them.Good luck to all that enter.Bless you for being such a kind and generous person. :crown:

  2. I did some black and white drawings of Windstone pieces for “coloring book” pages that could be printed out for kids. I thought it would be fun, but we haven’t sorted out the copyright issues yet.

  3. He’s so handsome! I love his coloration. I had a dream that a similar mish mosh of colors became a production color and it was called “Magenta Rainforest”.

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