I’ve been trying to come up some kind of bright production color for the griffins.
What do you think about this Kingfisher griffin? He is pale blue with shading of jade green on top , copper and gold and the underside, with black and white trim.
I’ve been trying to come up some kind of bright production color for the griffins.
What do you think about this Kingfisher griffin? He is pale blue with shading of jade green on top , copper and gold and the underside, with black and white trim.
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Beautiful!!! Love the colors!!! :love:
I love it, I’d maybe perhaps trim the bottoms of the wings with black? Even so I love it either way!
[quote=drag0nfeathers]I love it, I’d maybe perhaps trim the bottoms of the wings with black? Even so I love it either way![/quote] Yeah he needs some black trim on his wings…
The gold and green is really attractive. I haven’t bought any Griffins yet because I’m not sure what color I want, but I would definitely be interested in these.
Love the black beak. A little black on the ears or wings would look beautiful, and help offset the vibrant colors.
Agreed. Its really pretty now, but if you tie the black in just a little more on the wings it would be really striking!
I like him! he looks very regal!
SOLD!!!! Send me one of each please!
Wow, I think it’s lovely! My only nitpick would be the front feet though; I’m not sure I personally like that they blend in with the feathers. Maybe white like the tips of the back paws? Actual kingfisher feet seem be orange or brown in color. A darker brown or copper wash to go in between the scales, maybe? Something subtle to transition from the color of the feathers to the claws. Like I said, nitpicking. The style overall is gorgeous and I can imagine him glowing from all different angles.
WOW! I love this! make it happen please!
I like this colour on a griffin. I like the colour on the raffle dragon that was just given away even more although not sure how that would look on a griffin but I would love to see some more colourful griffins!
Oh wow he is stunning! I would love to see a family in this color!
I’m a huge, huge sucker for blue/yellow and blue/orange colour combinations. I never had a favourite single colour, but without hesitation those are my favourite colour combinations. So needless to say I think this is fantastic! A little more black to balance it would make it.
He’s gorgeous!! He just needs a little orangey color on his wings. I love that teal color, but its a little much as is. Orange gems in his collar would be nice too
I would definitely buy the whole family! I love blues/greens with yellows, oranges, and/or browns, so the Kingfisher colors are something I would be all over (when I had the funds, of course). While I would buy them as is, I do agree that adding some black along the wing, and darkening the front legs would help make them even better.
I agree with adding more black trim coloring to balance. Perphaps added to the tips of the longer wing feathers, at the juncture of the last smaller feather set and the longer feathers to accent, and maybe black claw nails to echo his black beak.
I think this is a nice color for the Griffin.
Absolutely gorgeous! I would love a Griffin family in this color scheme.
Please forgive if this sounds critical…I was an art student…I can’t help it sometimes. Let me FIRST say, that this looks amazing so far, and I can’t wait to see it in production! I promised myself no more griffins, but looks like I’m going to have to make an exception… I’m also very happy you’re planning on making it production–means I can save up for it like a responsible person 🙂 Things I’d like to see changed from the as is: Mainly, I’d like to see both black and gold put on the wings to pull the whole thing together–perhaps black feather tips that go up the vane, with a gold tear-spot? Second, I’ll echo what’s been said by a few others, in that I think there should be some sort of separation between the leg feathers and scales, perhaps even just antiquing could accomplish this. Third, I think the teal and black chinstrap could go–it would simplify a bit to accommodate time for detail elsewhere, and make a nice saddle-shaped flow-line from head around to chin, that could echo the saddle shape already on his shoulder. I’m on the fence about the black beak, I’m not sure if a more mahogany color or darker orangey brown might be better, but regardless of whether or not it changes, I think the claws should match.
Again, sorry to nitpick/critique, but it’s shaping up as an absolutely lovely scheme that I’m very excited for! (Plus, it’s super fun that you even involve us at all in your design process–that’s a unique feature I really appreciate about you guys <3 )
This looks great! It’ll be cool to see these if they come out!
Now when I look at it on my home computer, the chinstrap doesn’t feel as out of place to me after all. I’m still waffly about it, but in a very minor way.
OH Boy!! 😀 I’ve been waiting and waiting for this guy to make an appearance! :p Let me just say that I agree with the separation of the feathers and the front talons, and black on the wings and front claws have my vote. I can’t wait to see these in the store!! 😉 THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! 8)
Starhorse – If you want to see similar patterns without the “chin strap”, PS painted a couple:
Barn Swallow http://windstoneeditions.com/content/barn-swallow-test-paint-1-5
Golden Sunset http://windstoneeditions.com/galleries/windstone-products-gallery/ebay-gallery/patricia-smith/male-griffins/golden-sunset-test-pa
Yeah, the chinstrap is growing on me. Maybe it just needed a day or two to distill. I’m super excited for this to roll out.
Gasp. Drool. WANT. :love:
I agree with Starhorse about some black trim on the wings, and more definition between the scaled and feathered portions of the front legs, and black claws/claws that match the beak. I am a HUGE fan of blues and greens with black, and the shades of gold chosen on this guy set the blue/green/black off beautifully. Regarding the much-disputed “chinstrap”: I could take it or leave it; I’m a big sucker for a malar stripe on griffins, so I kind of like it, but its shape isn’t exactly like a falcon’s stripe, it’s more doing its own thing.
But this is absolutely fabulous. I LOVE this color scheme!
LOVE HIM !!!!!!!!
The kingfisher one is pretty, but I was thinking if you want to try more ideas, this might be a great combo for a colorful griffin:
Kestrel photos by my dad:
I think it would work especially well with cheetah markings considering both have the dramatic black by the eyes:
Kestrel – blue, copper or auburn or ruby, black, white
Cheetah – gold or copper, black
And both have yellow/amber eyes.
Of course all that patterning would probably be a pain to paint. Sure would look pretty though!
If you really want to go crazy with colors you could do a macaw patterned griffin.
Like a Blue & Gold macaw (yellow, blue, green, black, white) + white tiger (the black & white eye skin/feathers tie in with the tiger stripes)
Scarlet Macaw (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white) + black cat/panther to let the rainbow colors really stand out against the black.
Plus the macaw beaks aren’t far off from raptor beaks, so it just feels like they fit well.
I think it is lovely and would surely try to get one of those.He is a beauty and a touch of black would really set it off.IMO
I agree with Kim on the raffle white griffin you did.WOWOW! THAT is a lovely griffin and would really love to have a family of those..
Oh, I have done Kestral griffins! The point of painting this one is to come up with a colorful bird/ griffin of some kind, rather than earth tones. (I much prefer earth tones myself!)
Those photos are fabulous!!
I know macaws well-but,I think they are a little over-the-top color wise! My favorite bird colors are bee-eaters and mot-mots, but those names are too weird.
[quote=WolfenMachine]He’s gorgeous!! He just needs a little orangey color on his wings. I love that teal color, but its a little much as is. Orange gems in his collar would be nice too[/quote]I did another two or three test paints with different variations of color on the wings before I did this one…eh, none look that great to me. Still working on this color.
[quote=Barrdwing]Gasp. Drool. WANT. :love:
I agree with Starhorse about some black trim on the wings, and more definition between the scaled and feathered portions of the front legs, and black claws/claws that match the beak. I am a HUGE fan of blues and greens with black, and the shades of gold chosen on this guy set the blue/green/black off beautifully. Regarding the much-disputed “chinstrap”: I could take it or leave it; I’m a big sucker for a malar stripe on griffins, so I kind of like it, but its shape isn’t exactly like a falcon’s stripe, it’s more doing its own thing.
But this is absolutely fabulous. I LOVE this color scheme![/quote] Oh the photo doesn’t show it well but the legs are actually pink. I don’t like the grey claws. Maybe this will just be a “kingfisheresque” griffin, and Ill change all the coloring around. Make the chinstrap into a malar stripe and add black trim where needed.
[quote=Starhorse]Please forgive if this sounds critical…I was an art student…I can’t help it sometimes. Let me FIRST say, that this looks amazing so far, and I can’t wait to see it in production! I promised myself no more griffins, but looks like I’m going to have to make an exception… I’m also very happy you’re planning on making it production–means I can save up for it like a responsible person 🙂 Things I’d like to see changed from the as is: Mainly, I’d like to see both black and gold put on the wings to pull the whole thing together–perhaps black feather tips that go up the vane, with a gold tear-spot? Second, I’ll echo what’s been said by a few others, in that I think there should be some sort of separation between the leg feathers and scales, perhaps even just antiquing could accomplish this. Third, I think the teal and black chinstrap could go–it would simplify a bit to accommodate time for detail elsewhere, and make a nice saddle-shaped flow-line from head around to chin, that could echo the saddle shape already on his shoulder. I’m on the fence about the black beak, I’m not sure if a more mahogany color or darker orangey brown might be better, but regardless of whether or not it changes, I think the claws should match.
Again, sorry to nitpick/critique, but it’s shaping up as an absolutely lovely scheme that I’m very excited for! (Plus, it’s super fun that you even involve us at all in your design process–that’s a unique feature I really appreciate about you guys <3 )[/quote]
I think if I simply change the name of this griffin color to "turquoise" or something,rather than "Kingfisher" then I'll feel freer to change around the markings. I was trying to match the bird, but , yeah your points are well taken. When it don't work, change it!
He’s beautiful! I really like the idea of gold claws/beak on him.. like the gold on the chain. I always feel a lil bummed when a beak or feet kind of ‘disappear’ into solid black.. the gold brings out a real nice accent, and keeps things from blending right into the shadows.
‘n just my opinion, I like the wings without the black.. normally I’d be all for the black on the wings, but I’m really loving this guys bright tones 🙂
[quote=Melody][quote=Barrdwing]Gasp. Drool. WANT. :love:
I agree with Starhorse about some black trim on the wings, and more definition between the scaled and feathered portions of the front legs, and black claws/claws that match the beak. I am a HUGE fan of blues and greens with black, and the shades of gold chosen on this guy set the blue/green/black off beautifully. Regarding the much-disputed “chinstrap”: I could take it or leave it; I’m a big sucker for a malar stripe on griffins, so I kind of like it, but its shape isn’t exactly like a falcon’s stripe, it’s more doing its own thing.
But this is absolutely fabulous. I LOVE this color scheme![/quote] Oh the photo doesn’t show it well but the legs are actually pink. I don’t like the grey claws. Maybe this will just be a “kingfisheresque” griffin, and Ill change all the coloring around. Make the chinstrap into a malar stripe and add black trim where needed.[/quote]
I’m going to back-pedal a little bit and just say that I would buy this guy in a heartbeat as he is pictured!! NO changes made!! Melody…PLEASE keep it the way YOU want it!! 😉
Beautiful! Love it, so bright, I’d buy one 😉
I love Bee-eaters and Motmots! But I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise, since I like Kingfishers, haha. It’s the colors.
I don’t usually feel compelled to comment (this is certainly my first one!) — I’m usually in the, “Derp, they’re all really pretty!” camp. But this guy REALLY grabs me. I LOVE this color scheme.
And, I think this is much better than a psittacine design (macaw, conure, etc.). Not only are psittacine colors a lot louder, but I think they’d be too familiar/obvious for the average viewer, which I think could be distracting. (Not that it wouldn’t be kind of interesting to see, say, a blue-and-gold macaw griffin … Or a Budgie griffin, ha!) … But with this guy, I can pretend that this is a natural color phase of real, actual griffins. 🙂
Absolutely magnificent! Would love a whole family of these!
So I had this picture up all day, trying to think of what might make it even better since everyone else has added their opinion, double-checked to make sure I’m not repeating something that’d already been said, and decided to post to say that I think he’d be awesome he had flashes of deep maroon-y purple accents, and maybe black wingtips like Drag0n suggested [maybe barred?]. I also wondered why no one suggested hummingbird gryphons in this thread. Other than that, I think he’s spectacular so far ^w^
Melody, I hope you are still planning on doing this production line. 🙂 I also thought that you might like the color scheme ont hese guys, the fairywren https://www.google.com/search?q=fairywren&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Q5YtU_7PJsnW2gWk04DgCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCQQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=809
I think it’s beautiful, but it could definitely use a pair of orange or scarlet eyes. I love the shiny wings.
I really hope that you all are still considering making these a production item. I bid on the most recent one (the one pictured in this blog actually!) but lost in the last two seconds. I would love to have another chance to own one in the future.