Where's Windstone? Four turns from anywhere in the world.

Anxious to see what Windstone Editions was all about, I drove south of Corvallis a mile, then turned right at Murphy’s Tavern onto Wake Robin Ave., a long, straight, dead-end that I had never explored in my 15 years in Corvallis.

I passed humble houses and an apartment complex on the right, cows and a kiln-making shop on the left. I crossed a little-used railroad siding and passed a fenced warehouse where a Volvo older than my own was parked. Within sight of the road’s end, just beyond the barking dogs at the Corvallis Kennel and Cattery, I found Windstone Editions.

The blue metal building stands by itself, giving no hint of the unlikely enterprise being uncrated inside. Few residents even know it is exists, though it is familiar to United Parcel Service and FedEx drivers who have been making deliveries for years.

I was struck by an irony of Windstone’s new location. Though is it tucked away in a small city that few people have ever heard of, Windstone is just four turns from the Portland International Airport, and thus just four turns from the world. It’s a right, right, left, and right.

If Windstone someday holds a Grand Opening at its new northwest location, collectors will probably fly in from around the world to visit Melody Peña and John Alberti in their quaint, country environment. Once they land in Portland, their 85-mile drive south will be no more complicated than my drive across town.

Tucked at the end of a dead end in Corvallis, Windstone Editions is just four turns from the world.

Corvallis, Oregon

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