Sugar PLum Poads

I painted a batch of Sugar Plum Poads!

This was fun, since there seems to be no consensus on what the heck a “sugar plum” IS, exactly, I was free to interpret it my own way.
These poads are airbrushed with layer upon layer of metallic paint. I used contrasting colors to subdue and darken the bright underlying hues, resulting in a color that has as much complexity as the “Autumn Leaf” color.
They have deep plum colored heads that blend into red, copper and finally into a slightly unripe looking green bum. Their shoulders are dappled with interference blue markings to give them a frosty look, and they have been dusted with magic invisible paint to make them glitter under a point source light.
Jane, our mold maker, has ended up with the job of mixing the special plum colored glass paint for their eyes. These two poads each have a different, new eye color: the one on the right has the plum color, the one on the left has a dark purple, almost navy blue eyes. I like them both.
Which do you like?

You can comment here, or on my facebook page like everybody else.

We will have these in the store soon as we get eyes and Poad cards finished, hopefully this week!

“Poad” is a trade mark of Melody Pena

11 thoughts on “Sugar PLum Poads”

  1. I LOVE those dark blue eyes! But I’m sure not everyone will agree with me–is it possible to do a batch of each?

    Time to spend my life haunting the Windstone Store again! =D

  2. I like both eye colors–the one on the right is more of a contrast but I like the purple ones–so different! Why don’t you just put one of each color! Can’t wait for these to hit the store–has Snap fixed that store rush problem? These are absolutely lovely! [wiggles with anticipation]

  3. I think the store rush problem is fixed. I am not the one to give the technical explanation of how it was done though! I think it got moved onto its own “server”, does that sound right? I picture it like a troublesome hamster that got moved into its own cage.

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