Pebble Bat Eared Fox – Grab Bag Edition


Grab Bag Pebble Bat Eared Foxes! “No Nitpicking Edition”

This batch of grab bag pebble “Bat Eared” foxes are airbrushed in an array of various animal colors and markings such as: Huskie, German Shepherd, Merl, a few cat colors, stoat, marten, badger, raccoon, lemur, wolf, red fox, maned wolf, a few spotted things, and more! I had painted a few like African wild dogs, but I liked them so much I did a entire unsigned limited production batch of them. We’ll offer them as a separate batch. I also plan to paint these as normal colored Bat Eared Foxes as soon as we cast more -they will be unsigned limited production. This Grab Bag batch is signed.

Since all grab bag colors are test paints, it is possible that I could do any of these as standard (unsigned) color batches in the future. I (Melody Pena) have signed and dated these on the bottom pads. Their pads are made out of a thinner, silkier material than our normal felt pads. Feels like suede.

This is a Signed “No Nitpicking” Grab Bag Edition released December 5, 2014. These grab bag pieces are all packed in identical white boxes and then mixed up before shipping. Nobody knows which one you have until you open the box!

Weight: 0.4lbs

Dimensions: 2.25" L x 2" W x 2.5" H

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SKU: 5204-GB Category: