This month we got a deep, deep blue male dragon as the raffle prize. I am not sure who painted him,( maybe PS or Brandi?) He is deep midnight blue ( so deep, the camera did NOT want to focus on him! This is a terrible photo! He’s even darker blue in person.) with lighter blue highlights and silver trim. He has silver eyes and light blue jewels.
He looks like lapis lazuli.
If you would like a chance to win “Lapis” send me an email with the subject line of “September 2015 raffle” with your name,address and forum name in the body of the email.
My email address is: reptangle ( at) gmail ( dot ) com
Deadline for entries is Sept. 30th at 6:30 PST. I’ll pick a winner then!
Yay the image posted this time!
Wow he’s so pretty! The male dragon has always been my favorite. I would so love to enter, but I had won the raffle years and years ago ( the silver wolf council candle) 🙂
I still can’t believe I won him. I look at him every day and marvel at how gorgeous he is.
The picture absolutely does not do him justice.
Thank you, Melody!