Raffle prize for April

This is “April” the Windstone forum raffle prize for April.

This is a test painted Lap dragon that has been painted over so many times her detail has begun to fill in, but she is still very pretty in her various shades of copper, ruby, gold and deep red. She has probably been painted by both Olimpia and I. This old girl has been doing her job as a test paint guinea pig long enough, and now she needs a good home where she can stay the same color!
If you would like to enter the raffle for “April” and have entered Windstone raffles before, just email me your forum name with the words “April Raffle” in the subject line.
If you haven’t entered before and would like to, do the same thing but include your forum name, real name and shipping address.
My email is Reptangle (at) gmail(dot) com
I’ll draw a winner around the end of April. That’s soon!!

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