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  • in reply to: Was it this week the chicks were supposed to hatch? #546546

      *blinks* I missed the chicks? When did they get listed?

      I’ve been in a meeting all day arguing over Army Family Programs.

      Wow. o.O

      If anyone bought multiples, could I PLEASE buy one from you?

      Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

      in reply to: What's your "DREAM" windstone? #547744

        frozendragon wrote:

        really…I totally missed that…it’s too cool

        I’m so proud of her. She’s based on my fursona’s colors. πŸ™‚

        As for the Windstone Factory thing…

        I’m the Travel NCOIC for my unit and I can prolly get a GREAT deal on a charter bus. Whaddaya think?

        Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

        in reply to: What's your "DREAM" windstone? #547713

          skigod377 wrote:

          Is this it? How very cool!

          *gryns* That’s them!

          I also have the candlelamp, gargoyle, and my lone cat, Puffin….. (and unpainted PYOs) and that’s it for Windstones. πŸ™‚

          Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

          in reply to: What's your "DREAM" windstone? #547710

            skigod377 wrote:

            Tyrrlin wrote:

            I have a PYO gryphon based on Tyrrlin’s colors, painted by Meldoy, herself.

            Have we seen pics? I dont remember this one… And who is Meldoy? πŸ˜† J/k

            Um…I know I posted a pic of my gryphons in the thread where we were showing the female gryphon. My two little PYOs in front of the male gryphons are from Melody. Would you like me to try and re-find the pic, Ski?

            Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

            in reply to: What's your "DREAM" windstone? #547708

              littleironhorse wrote:

              Tyrrlin wrote:

              Hee, like DM, I already have my dream Windstone.

              I have a PYO gryphon based on Tyrrlin’s colors, painted by Meldoy, herself.

              *sighs in happiness*

              …though that Sun Gryphon is gorgeous… *eyes her tax return*

              Hee hee hee. πŸ™‚

              Tyrrlin, you must be extatic with all those griffin that are coming out? New sculpts, new colors, special editions and everything!

              *I’M* ecstatic, but my checkbook is crying. πŸ™‚

              Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

              in reply to: What's your "DREAM" windstone? #547705

                Hee, like DM, I already have my dream Windstone.

                I have a PYO gryphon based on Tyrrlin’s colors, painted by Meldoy, herself.

                *sighs in happiness*

                …though that Sun Gryphon is gorgeous… *eyes her tax return*

                Hee hee hee. πŸ™‚

                Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                in reply to: Male 'Sun Griffin' #547138

                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  I know several members have mentioned intentionally driving up prices on pieces they don’t want/already have just so a seller would make more money. I say let it go up naturally. Sure the seller may not make as much, but then it will be a better deal for the little buyer.

                  I really hope you’re not referring to my “give ’em a run for their money” comment. I will only bid on an item I want and I will bid up to what I think I can afford (or more if I get into it). If it goes high, so be it, that just means someone wants it more than I do. πŸ™‚

                  It took me over a year of waiting and three tries to get my claws on a tan male gryphon. I still haven’t been able to snag one of Jennifer’s *beautifully* painted gryphons.

                  I’m also military and sometimes we have to “suck it up and drive on” when funds are low. I’m single and I work a second job (plus occasional art commissions) to help pay the bills and afford my “Windstone habit.”

                  There are Windstones that pop up for reasonable prices on eBay, you just have to be patient and look. If you’ve got some talent in restoration work, you can get a damaged Windstone for much less than a mint one. I’m sure one of the Forum members would be happy to re-paint a Windstone for you…browse the galleries to see examples of our work. πŸ™‚ I can hazard a guess that most of us will take commissions.

                  I hope you do stick around, pegasil, a lot of this forum has to do with being silly…just check out the Poad thread! πŸ˜€

                  Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                  in reply to: Male 'Sun Griffin' #547128

                    Keplilly wrote:

                    What in the world is going on in this thread??? 😯 It went from admiration of Nam’s great artwork to….

                    *chuckles* Doesn’t EVERY thread on here wander off-topic? I thought it was a rule. πŸ™‚

                    Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                    in reply to: Male 'Sun Griffin' #547125

                      Nam, Nam, Nam…..

                      Killing me here. I’m going to have to start teaching *both* weekend days in addition to my military duties just to be able to bid on that one! He looks absolutely GORGEOUS! I hope you get a nice bonus for him!

                      *gryns* If someone else gets him, though, they get him, but I plan to give ’em a run for their money! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

                      Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                      in reply to: Poads #546624

                        Melody wrote:

                        Tyrrlin wrote:

                        Re-posts the infamous pic….

                        This is on my desktop.

                        o.O O.o O.O Really?

                        Wow. Thank you.

                        Now, go finish your comic! πŸ˜‰ LoL

                        Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                        in reply to: Poads #546618

                          Re-posts the infamous pic….

                          Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                          in reply to: Griffin Chicks Idea? #530342

                            Gah…I have to work as well.

                            I’ve got two BIG tours to finish up the travel details for. Please wait until after 5pm EST?


                            Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                            in reply to: Griffin Chicks Idea? #530338


                              Wow…guess my new gryphon mates are gettin’ busy QUICK!

                              *evil gryn*

                              Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                              in reply to: Griffin Chicks Idea? #530327

                                whippetluv wrote:

                                Sorry to drag up an old post…but it was the newest about the baby gryphons!
                                I am working on saving up for them…but I need some PYOs too. So since I won’t be able to afford both at the same time, can you update us with…

                                About when the pearl babies will be ready. no need to be real close, just a broad idea. Within a month…a few months…you know kinda that idea.

                                And Mommy and Daddy were 250 each…what about the babies? Will they be sold as a pair? And vauge price ideas?

                                I know I am a pain in the butt to ask…sorry.

                                Ditto…my checkbook is crying in anticipation. πŸ™‚

                                Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                                in reply to: Talk about a BIG MOMMA…. #541788

                                  skigod377 wrote:

                                  It looks like a hot chick walking by a construction site!

                                  *laughs* Very apt!

                                  Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1,066 through 1,080 (of 1,137 total)