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I must say that I agree with BiPolar Bear. You already have what sounds like a very full schedule, and add a thesis on top of that? That’s a good way to cause some major stress in your life. I know that wanting to be done with it all is really tempting (it took me 12 years to get through my major) but a thesis is not something you want to rush or jeopordize because you are just too tired to do it properly. I’m sorry, but my vote would be to wait a little longer for that part of the education. Everything in its’ proper time and place. Good luck! 🙂
here’s an interesting bit… been digging through the family history with my mum lately and ran across a couple of names that were vaguely familiar; John and Elizabeth Proctor. My skin started to crawl… so asked mum some questions to confirm my suspicions and, yep our John and Elizabeth Proctor are the same ones that were convicted during the Salem witch trials. John was one of the first men hanged for being a witch. His wife Elizabeth was not hanged because she was pregnant. 😯 My maternal line descends from John and Elizabeth’s child. So, I guess that the sign on our porch that reads “If the broom fits, ride it!” is really appropriate, especially at this time of year 😯 😯 😯 Happy Halloween everyone! (and the story is for real. i’ll show you the genealogy if you want…)
laphon1 wrote:twindragonsmum wrote:my back and abs are sore from having to sing diaphramatically; could hardly roll out of bed this morning i was that stiff and sore.
twindragonsmumI was the same. And the longer I had gone without singing, or without lessons, the worse it was. I swear it is just like an athlete during the off season. Letting yourself go and then having to work twice as hard, or harder!, to get back in shape.
I’m a mezzo and my idol was Marilyn Horne.
i’ve not sung seriously since before my twins were born and they’ll be twelve next month. my idol? Sally Ann Howes, especially her rendition of “Send in the Clowns” hear it here: gorgeous!
Barrdwing wrote:Does he burble? Call him Jabberwocky! 😛 Or . . . he’s wearing bright 80’s colors and heavy eye makeup . . . Boy George?
eighties boy with the eye makeup? gotta go with Adam Ant 😈
Ooo, I like Bach! and it’s a nice fit because kittyboy is German, like J.S. Bach 😀
BRoS wrote:(but to be completely honest, I like to have him on the show, Zachary’s interpertation of him amuses me, he´s a great actor and nobody has done insanity better, at least not so I can remember)
yeah, but are we going to be able to watch him on the big screen as Spock in the new Star Trek movie? or will we all just see him as Sylar? (that’s a creepy thought; Sylar as Spock! 😯 *shudders* ‘tho I think Zachary will make a great Spock 😀 )
what about Bubba? Long stretch for football connection would be for Bubba Paris; played for the San Francisco 49er’s from 1983-1990. lived up the street from us in San Jose, Ca when I was a teen; kinda cool to have half the team show up on your doorstep with their kids for Halloween 😯 (lot’s of great big people!) if kittyboy still draws blood occasionally he sounds like he’d make a good offensive lineman. 😀
hey all,
just heard from my brother who lives in australia (oz as they call it) and he and his family are big Heroes fans as well. thought i’d share one of his comments:
‘Loving the second season of Heroes, although we’re all pretty upset, ’cause last season on the finale, we were yelling, “Don’t just leave him for dead! Chop off Sylar’s head!!!” *sigh* No one on TV seems to have ever seen a scary movie in their TV lives…’
gotta a big chuckle outta that one; but Dave’s good at chuckles! 😀 😀 😀
travistie wrote:He is so beautiful! The colors on that guy are so rich and vibrant. I love him! But I do love most birds anyway. 😆
Hmmmm…. names. Let me think…. he’s a tough one!Hey, how about Maestro?
Maestro is good! Still working on something to go with the rest of the choir
Maebnus3 wrote:Oh, how I envy you… I’d love to be part of a choir again. And being in a community like that sounds rather lovely. Around here, if you’re not in school, churches are the only places with choirs (not my thing & it’d be disrespectful to go just for that). My high school’s top choir was divided into 8 parts, I believe (everyone split in two, except Baritone & I think Tenor). I’m normally an Alto 2, but can sing Soprano 2 quite comfortably. I’m only an adequate singer too though. I’m awed by people with incredible voices….
I must disagree that everyone can sound good though :shock:. My 2 best friends from high school couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and the one [who enjoyed singing & thought she was good] made me wince uncontrollably every time she sang. 😐
we are so lucky here! we’ve got voices from all the different church congregations/denominations, from the high school, middle school, elementary school and anyone in the community who just wants to sing or who can play an instrument. our family has been here just about a year, but we’ve learned that this community has turned out quite a few fabulous voices including one belonging to a Hans Gregory Ashbaker who left Idaho and lives in Germany where apparently he is a world renowned opera star having been mentored by Pavoratti and Leonard Bernstein. He also conducts an award winning children’s choir. they are very proud of him here!
Scooby is my all time fav cartoon! and you have a darling little Scoob!
October 30, 2007 at 12:23 am in reply to: my horse, symphony, NEW NAME NEW HOME! and new pic #627740he looks very contented! 😀
how ’bout diablo ’cause kitty-boy is/was such a little devil 😈
like i said, i’m an adequate alto 😀 i wasn’t blessed with a voice like my younger sisters; they both are glorious sopranos. one of them has a three octave range 😯 . i’m lucky to be able to hit c above middle c and that’s with lots of warming up!