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  • in reply to: CLOSED #819940

      I’m pinching pennies right now, but if you still have that guardian a month from now I want him!! My husband got laid off a month ago, but goes back next month, so I’ll be back to buy some Windstones!! 😀

      in reply to: Windstone Ebay Auctions CLOSED!~ July 28 #792138

        I want to mortgage my house to get that pebble kitty!! 😥

        in reply to: Classic Tabby Pebble Cats- AMAZING!! #821314

          I’m lovin’ the cute cat colors, that tabby makes you just wanna pet him!! 😀

          in reply to: Classic Tabby Pebble Cats- AMAZING!! #821306

            WOW!! Please Please Please choose that color for some production pebble cats!! It’s GORGEOUS!! I wasn’t too excited when I saw them in white, but this tabby is IRRESISTABLE now I’m so excited I could piddle!! 😳 The dark swirls make her look so round and smooth and classy!! I LOVE IT!! I LOVE IT!! Beautiful idea, Ms. Melody!! 🙂

            in reply to: UNIQUE TRADE UPDATE! Pg 3 & 1st Post as well! #821194

              Darn!! I only have 1 kirin!! If it works out well, will you do commisions later for them? I’m on the edge of my seat!!

              in reply to: Which castings do you have? #821126

                Can we get a little preview to drool over? Like the pebble dragon?

                in reply to: Silver Curled Dragons #821111

                  If you click on them in the store, it says there will be more eventually. Keep an eye out!!

                  in reply to: Paypal question #820952

                    I’ve had my account on paypal for years and I’ve never had a problem. In fact, I learned the hard way that paying a website through paypal is safer than using your debit card. I paid a website for some computer software once and that company used my debit card everyday for an entire week-charging me several hundred dollars for $30 worth of software!! When you pay using paypal, stores can’t charge unless you authorize it first. So I’m actually a big fan of paypal rather than typing in my debit card!!

                    in reply to: More Potter's Cats? #802066

                      I think he’s a great sculpt, It doesn’t matter to me how you release them, I just REALLY want one!! **enter begging emoticon here!!**

                      in reply to: More Potter's Cats? #802056

                        purplecat wrote:

                        I would love a potters cat….especially one without stone finish. 🙂 I’d say many others would be fine with the original edition as well.

                        I agree!! I would love to see them done in “cat colors” instead of stone. He would look so adorable chillin’ on a shelf (like my real cat)!! 😀
                        SQUEEK!! squeek* SQUEEK!!

                        in reply to: More Potter's Cats? #802052

                          I am DYING for a Potter’s cat!! I think he’s such an adorable, lifelike scupt!! Is it possible that more can be produced for a few limited batches? **holds breath!!** I LOVE that little kitty!!

                          in reply to: Owls #820647

                            I love owls too, but I’m not a fan of the stone finish on them. “Real” owls would be neat to see!!

                            in reply to: Windstone Ebay Auctions CLOSED!~ July 28 #792093

                              KoishiiKitty wrote:

                              purpleturtle wrote:

                              KoishiiKitty wrote:

                              mister Zebra looks like he was a pain in the but to paint! 😀

                              That Emp. drooooooooool
                              man. I may have to see if any one is willing to trade a few hand painted pyo’s and maybe some other things for a Nam painted piece or ebay piece. That stuff is so out of my budget.
                              I hear that!
                              It kinda sucks to see all of the lovelys and know that you don’t have a snowball’s chance to win any of them. Oh well. I just save the pics to my computer 😉 .

                              Yeah, me too. :yes:
                              I thought I was the only one who saved them to drool over!! I feel better knowing I’m not the only person who has a collection of 2-dimensional Windstones!! :shrug:

                              in reply to: Do you go on Vacation? #820084

                                We haven’t been on a “real” vacation in 10 years, but this year we took our 2 year old twins to the beach for the first time. They learned that sand doesn’t taste very good!! :yum:

                                in reply to: Ideas for a Raffle for Ein's Itchies? #819693

                                  Adaneth wrote:

                                  Or you could raffle a commission for a PYO keeper painted by you, since tastes vary. 🙂

                                  Quite understand the ‘not wanting to just throw drugs’ at the issue feeling. Poor dog. 🙁
                                  Great idea! Or a general commission, I would love to have one of your kirins, just don’t have that much spare cash at the moment!

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