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  • in reply to: Anyone have a pic…..? #572709

      Nambroth wrote:

      siberakh1 wrote:

      Nam, was he (the brown OW) named from Flight of Dragons?

      I so wish they’d come out with that on DVD…

      I have a DVD, but after I got it found out it’s not an official copy 😕

      Hehe… if I ever get a Green Male or young dragon, I planned on naming it Gorbash! 😀

      in reply to: Windstone Photography #565854

        KoishiiKitty wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        Really nice pictures. What is that next to the Ruby lap dragon?

        the thing next to my LAP is a piece of raw amethyst that is set in silver. it is a pendant and on a necklace..but the back is flat so i can lay it on the shelf and the crystals stick up.

        I think she’s meaning the sculpture thing (red with blue stripes with wings) next to the lap. It looks neat but it’s head is cropped out of the photo!

        in reply to: Getting Mold off a outdoor statue. #572650

          Yuck! My cousin’s soon to be ex’s house (since she’s going through a nasty divorce – he’s been seeing someone else, and totally turned Mr. Hyde on his family – half his blood relatives are unhappy with what he has done) is riddled with it. Her son won’t even touch the doors on the third floor. The door to one room up there is totally black from it (and much of that floor is becoming the same color). He never spent most of what he was supposed to in fixing up the house and he never goes there. No one is sure where that money went to. The house just got assessed for at least $160K too (what was the realitor thinking!) 😯 The house honestly just needs to be bulldozed at this point. It’s not healthy to step foot in. The mold is throughout the walls, the floors, the air ducts, and the third floor has large sections of black. The basement isn’t good either.

          My cousin lives with her mom at the moment, so she is out of that living situation. Good thing she’s been documenting things from the start!

          in reply to: Anyone have a pic…..? #572706

            Nam, was he (the brown OW) named from Flight of Dragons?

            I so wish they’d come out with that on DVD…

            in reply to: Windstone fakes… Again…. #566716

              That same seller has another ‘Windstone’ lightswitch auction up now, in addition to that one. The new one is for a double light switch. For a while they just had the one.

              in reply to: Getting Mold off a outdoor statue. #572641

                Yeah. If my parents end up buying this place this year, the neighbors are getting kicked out and it will be one family again. That wall needs to be sheetrocked anyways. Only one wall in my room was done a while back. The rest are still slatboard and those old square nails (my house is old… like 200+ years old).

                in reply to: Getting Mold off a outdoor statue. #572639

                  I’m assuming, if it’s indoor/outdoor that it can get wet, correct?

                  If so, then mix some clorox (or other bleach) with some good warm water. A bit on the stronger side versus weaker is better. I think I had a one part clorox to 2 or 3 parts water. Take a cloth and rub it down or, if it has little nooks and crannies, use a brush, like a tooth brush or something. We use it on the birdbath when it gets icky every so often and needs a good scrubbing. Works like a charm 🙂

                  I just used it on my wall yesterday. Stupid upstairs neighbors left their AC unit in all winter and it leaked down my wall last summer. Seems to have cleared up the wall just fine, since it was pretty much surface mold. Going to have to repaper though. Idiots…. 👿

                  in reply to: Colors for production SKs?? #572203

                    *Squeak Squeak Squeak!* Autumn Leaf SK as production or direct sale!

                    in reply to: Colors for production SKs?? #572200

                      I’d love to know if Autumn Leaf would be considered for a production SK, if they ever go into production or direct sales, especially if Autumn Leaf ends up becoming a production color (I know Melody, and many of us hope for this *fingers crossed*).


                        I do. He has a base coat of white brushed on and has light yellow eyes. He’ll become a snow leopard of some kind… when I get time to do one for myself 😛 The masking fluid is the only real clue that he is getting painted.

                        in reply to: Summer Movies #571767

                          Nithreus, the tiger! Secondary totem for me anyways and the description fit me too! 😆

                          The Golden Compass(if they don’t screw up the story from the book – it’s one of my favorites and it will make me cry if they do :cry:)
                          Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
                          Stardust (based off the Neil Gaiman book)
                          Shrek 3

                          The Simpsons and a few other smaller production ones look good, but I’ll probably end up seeing them on video (especially the smaller production ones… they never seem to make it up this way). Haven’t seen Pirates 2 yet so I’m not really in a rush to see Pirates 3. Loved one, but I know many were extremely disappointed with 2, so, maybe rent 2 and then see three the next day? If I have time, but not a huge priority.

                          in reply to: Poll: Waiting Lists #571790

                            Voted for the Green Fledgie (not a huge fledgie fan, but I like him in that color and never saw the auction until it was gone in what? 3 seconds?). If he ever reappears.

                            Also would like to see:
                            Birman Flap Cat (went to order one and he was gone)
                            Odd eyed (or blue eyed) white Flap Cat
                            griffy chicks in black
                            griffy chicks in brown
                            Black Gold Rising Spectral

                            Sometime this summer is good. I’m patient 😀 Spreads things out over paychecks 😉

                            in reply to: Emerald and peacock prototype old warriors? #571860

                              I know I paid under $300 (around $240?) for my Emerald Prototype OW last summer. I got somewhere in the middle of the run (I’d have to figure out what number, I don’t honestly remember!). I’d been wanting an emerald one for several years and since the prototypes were up, I figured an extra hundred or so for something special (and with all the extra ‘battle scars’) was worth it to me. I just waited it out until the price was in my range (and I was able to catch the end of an auction :))

                              Why not try for one of the Black Violet ones coming up if the ones currently are too high for you? Gives you a little more time to save some pennies too to snag a beauty 😈 The prototypes really are worth snagging one! The emerald ow pop up on ebay once in a while and usually multiply to a couple around the same time, but then disappear for long stints, but they do pop up.

                              in reply to: Have you visited the new store yet? #570919

                                starbreeze wrote:

                                I wonder why we can’t get to the store from the main Windstone web page and also why only a few people were notified of it’s existence? 😕

                                I was notified when I sent an email order in and they were like, “Hey, we are working on this new web store. Do you want to try it out and see how it works?” So they were testing it on a small scale first, kinda like beta testing a new software, before they made it full knowledge. Helps work out kinks and get suggestions before everyone starts using it and they find out there is a major glitch with it. I think it just came down to who were putting in orders at that time and not really selecting people on purpose to know first. 🙂

                                in reply to: Flion question?? #570620

                                  Melody wrote:

                                  Ok , since we got an anime thread going .. I ask this question all the time, but nobody knows what I am talking about..
                                  When I was a kid.. (that would be 1954-until now) -perhaps around 1960? I saw a anime movie about a young reindeer. The story involved a tiger king and an evil jackal or wolf, for the bad guy character. The doctor was a hedgehog, I think.. anyway it was a beautiful,and very well animated movie; not choppy like anime usually is. Has anyone any idea what this movie was called or who made it? It must of been from a major studio.
                                  I think the baby reindeer’s name was Kim, but I could be mixing it up with Kimba.

                                  Hmmm… I’m not sure. There are a lot of older anime that is out there or things that were western animated movies in the 1960s that were inspired by Japanese animation. I poked around some of the sites for the big studios in Japan, but nothing seems to match up. I’ll keep looking and ask around. Now I want to know! Anything else you can remember about it?

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