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  • in reply to: Question? #700444

      Can a PYO be altered? For instance,can I carve a small area say out of the chest area and set a large stone? Can they be altered like adding more hair or something??
      I was just thinking because I have this huge red fire opal that I think would look pretty cool of the chest of a dragon. Maybe sculpt a necklace/chain to suspend it from….
      I was wondering if there is a clause not to alter the PTO’s anywhere.
      I still don’t have any PYO’s but I’m hoping to soon.

      in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697883

        Well he’s sealed and his eyes are finished.
        Thought you might like to see his final colors. Someone asked what I get for them. I get from 175.00 to 200.00 depending on the size and how much time went into them.

        in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697882

          twindragonsmum wrote:

          Out of curiosity (and because I haven’t a clue how you do it 😆 ) how do you change a stance, like on the silver? Beautiful work… 😀

          twindragonsmum 😀

          I use a dremel tool with two different cutting wheels, I use the sander wheel, a buring tool, A heat gun (embossing tool). I get a picture to use a reference and dive in and start cutting. I make cuts into the joints and then use the heat gun in the area I want to move. You have to learn how long to hold the heat there or it will bubble and melt! I grind off the manes and cut off the tails, grind off the forelock. I clean the seams up, sand and then fill in areas. I use a wire support in the tail then scuplpt over it. I spend anywhere from 40 to 100 hours on each resculpt.
          To move the neck head I make cuts into the neck and sometimes the jaw line and head and move it that way. Sometime the head is removed and the neck removed and a new neck is resculpted to assure it’s somewhat correct looking, if you just move the neck and head sometimes the portions are off.
          It’s alot of work but I can get those pesky unicorns and pegasi out of my head. Since I can’t free sculpt this is the easiest way for me to create. I was once told I am a great clean up artist. I can take a rough sketch and clean and refine it. I think it’s the same with these toy horses. I clean up what I think is wrong and enjoy it.

          in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697880

            Sorry for not replying..Wensdays are very busy.
            First let me show you some stuff I finished up today. They are available for sale. Make me an offer 🙂

            Celtic Seahorse

            Those butterflies go all the way around the box and there are three tiny small ones on the back where the hinge is.

            Unicorn,Jewels are all the way around the box.

            Riverhorse, a freshwater waterhorse. There are bright colored fish all the way around.

            I woodburn the pattern then paint it then seal it in multiple coats of sealer and then line the boxes with felt.

            in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697869

              travistie wrote:

              I really like that first one.
              Looks like a customized Silver mold. Nice job! 🙂

              he was a Breyer “Silver” I wanted to change his stance closer to a picture I have of a rearing horse.I pegged those back legs and it was a real issue getting him to stand straight up with out tipping. I started adding to his tail until he balanced. I enjoyed doing him I was able to take my time and enjoy this one. He’s on my sealing table right now he just got his first coat of sealer. After he’s sealed and cured he’s going up for sale.

              in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697867

                This was a custom order. She sent the wings,the horse and the horn. I resculpted the mane and tail. He looks so fierce.

                in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697865

                  This is a”flutterbye” and it’s electric blue with metallic green accents. It’s so cute! it really came out with alot of personality.

                  in reply to: The Green-Eyed Unicorn Studio new stuff! #697864

                    So I need to limit my postings 🙂 sorry mods. So I figured the best way to discuss my latest is to make a post just for my art work and add to as I need to.
                    This is a new one 5/08. He’s had alot of modification: changed his stance and he’s gotten new mane,tail,beard, feathered leg and of course paint job. He’s a metallic black with a wash of black gold then dappled in the lighter black gold then he had the Celtic spirals freehanded all over his body. I even made him as base as his legs are pegged. This is before he’s sealed,so he’s still mattish.

                    in reply to: Very cool..horses..Dancer is home too! #691775

                      what name you give a horse is reflected in thier personalities 🙂
                      American Indian told me. So what you name them may be what you get. 🙂
                      “Cowboy” when I got him I hated that name silly name for a horse! I called him “Dragon” he was always draggin his butt ( slowwwwww) or trying to fly (bucking) after a few months of this bad behavior I went back to “Cowboy” to which he answers and comes when I call.
                      Now the mare we got she had some serious issues, she was a WITCH! when it came to loading in the trailer or doing just about anything, she ran me over and stepped on my knee once. Would not take the bit with out a battle of rearing and bolting, she snapped two halters in a month, at the vet she reared caught the bar on the back door of the trailer and bent it flat.
                      So after 5 hours at 1:00 in the morning we couldn’t get her loaded in the trailer. I was loosing my temper and getting more and more angry I had the whip in my hand and was about to start wailing on her. I dropped the whip got in the cab of my truck took my bible off the dash and prayed! I said Lord give me Patience, I swear! I heard the voice of God say I already have!! I got out of the truck and just leaned on her very hot sweaty trembling body and told her to please get in the trailer or I was going to tie her in the arena and come back tomorrow so that I didn’t hurt her. So one last time I asked her to get in the trailer and she did!!! On the drive home I told my husband her name was “Patience” and that she would need lot’s of that while we where working with her. Which she does! she has been one flaky horse. However June makes 2 years and I have been working her once a week since we met with a trainer that told us she was hopeless and get rid of her. I have her now taking the bit with out a battle and she now is reining fairly well, she also will move into a canter now with out a freak out first. She also loads right up now. She’s tied during feeding because she bolts her feed and then goes for my old boys feed too! but her manners have improved and she also has learned to stand by her feed bucket and wait till I put the feed down, she used to knock the bucket out of my hand and of course feed would go everywhere. I used to have to stand there with a lunging whip just to feed now I can point to the bucket and she calmly stands there.
                      Long point here…
                      Names are very powerful, and I have always felt names are very important, so make sure that you pick a name that you feel the horse can handle. 🙂

                      in reply to: SpiralDance wee Unicorn #692466

                        This is a small one, he’s gotten a new mane and tail tiny beard and of course his horn. He’s painted in this metallic forest green with spirals all over his body in greens and black greens. He’s really interesting. I can see him standing in the woods and blending in so well that hunters or other creatures would walk right past him. Unicorns in my world smell like the forest, of pine needles, fresh earth and the rich smell of mushrooms and leafs, with just a hint of wild roses.

                        one more with the honeysuckle

                        in reply to: ScienceFiction Fantasy Conventions? #692248

                          emerald212 wrote:

                          I mainly do science fiction conventions, and my website is actually a suppliment for convention-goers who want to browse more later.

                          With the type of art you do (lots of OOAKs), I would suggest skipping the dealers’ room and putting your items in the art auction, if there is one. Sometimes conventions’ art auctions are in a different place than the dealers’ room, and there is no table fee, but a small “hanging” fee for each piece. I would try there and see how it goes.

                          What conventions are you thinking of doing?

                          There is a big con in Dallas Texas in October.

                          in reply to: ScienceFiction Fantasy Conventions? #692247

                            Ebay…well truthfully Ebay is going down rapidly, they are about to make some major changes that will end up sticking it to the little guy (me) with under 500 feedback. They are about to require all sellers to accept PayPal and they are going to start holding payments for 2+ weeks before the seller can get thier money. They are taking the feedback away from the sellers. They are going to allow only buyers to leave feedback. If your not a powerseller the listing are about to change where the little guy (me) my listings will be at the bottom of the listings. PowerSellers will get top billing and top listings. It’s a mess!
                            My Horse mutations are OOAK I can never duplicate one. I’m sure I can get close but they are all done by hand and freehanded! there is no way for me to duplicate a horse/unicorn.
                            I have also been told because I’m using Breyer/PeterStone toy horses that I can’t show them or list them on some sites (ElfWood) that they are not “mine” that they are altered work.
                            So selling at a RenFaire isn’t possible they only allow original work. ( i consider my stuff original) they don’t because I use the toy horses to start with.
                            Longwinded there sorry.
                            I am at a loss of what to do and where to go. I am getting to old to continue back in the animal care field. Lifting 80 and 90 lbs dogs and dealing with large dog restraint I think I have to make a go at my creative side and keep looking till I find my place in the art world….I think it’s time for me to let my creative side out and not trap it back in a 7-6 job at a vet clinic.

                            in reply to: Another Unicorn #687321

                              I am so depressed! It’s been a very dry couple of months. I need to sell some of my art work so I can pay the light bill!
                              I am at a point where I need to either find a way to sell my art or I have to find at least a part time job. Anyone got any part time job ideas for me? I am really bad at math so handling money scares me, I suffer from CPS and so I am with out pain most of the time however when it flares up I have to take pain meds. I can still work but it makes me talk ALOT!! :)( the pain meds) I don’t think I can go back into animal care/medicine. I just don’t have any skills other then tech stuff. I feel like I’m being sqaushed with the money crunch,between the gas prices and everything else. I just can’t seem to sell anything. I’m worried frankly.
                              It’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet.

                              in reply to: ScienceFiction Fantasy Conventions? #692238

                                anyone do them? anyone ever sell anything at one? i’m a 43 three year old virgin and haven’t been to a con. A dear friend said it would be a great venue for me to sell at…I’m just hesitant to slap down that kind of money for a table/hotel and then not sell anything.
                                Any ideas yall? is it a good place to sell my art work?
                                my web site:

                                in reply to: CO Akita needs a home ASAP #685074

                                  I’ve been so depressed….I have 7 dogs as some of you may know, I love them all but some days they really can be a PIB and it’s so hard to love on them all with out some squabbling. I’ve been so bummed lately and I was thinking of my husky that at age 10 started having seziures and I had to let him go it was a tumor. I have always wanted a Akita. I was so down thinking about this guy and worried. I’m a strange person I know! I worry for the four legged ones. Today I log in and JOY!! happy dance! he’s got a home!! A home with all the cuddles and home!
                                  I am so silly I know that. My seven are my kids and they do get into trouble. I have one that refuses to stay in the yard! he has an acre of land and they have a dog door! why would he leave! so we installed a cable and he goes out on his runline for the day and seems content to be there he sleeps in his kennel on the porch and roams a bit on the lead but he’s happy out there. I’m just glad he’s on that cable and not out running the roads!
                                  I’m rambling…sorry I do that.

                                  WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO for a new home!!! to get back on topic!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 91 total)