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Managed to get one for a good price from E-bay . Now I’ve got my fingers crossed that he gets here OK 😆 .
Hi everyone . I got my first griffin recently – the pearl sitting griffin chick – and it’s true love . So now I’m looking for the crouching chick to have the set . I know there is one on E-bay at the moment but I was hoping to get one from a forum member . Got everything crossed that someone can help so life is going to be uncomfortable for the forseeable future 😆 . (not easy typing with crossed fingers 😯 )
I PM’d you earlier but I don’t know if you got it .
😯 No it was kinda more like MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW . Kitty’s fine now – recovered quickly when threatened with mouth to mouth from concerned catslaveperson complete with dragonpoop over whole of visage – Does that count as a use 😕 ?
Well it doesn’t seem to do anything as a face mask – WAIT – nope that was just the cat fainting .
You mean no-one collects dragonpoop – heck thats bound to have some serious magical powers 😯
I think they’d have to wait for them to be digested first 😯
Problem is with Nessie the only leglisation niche the EU could put her into was the one for dangerous dogs . All dangerous dogs require to be muzzled & leashed in this country ———- you get my drift . Most folk only have to contend with finding Nessie but these EU demands seem way over the top to me as usual . 😉
Duh ! I meant souls not soles . 😳
Jeez you folk are just so generous I don’t know where to put myself but I guess I’ll just stay here as your all so great 😀 . Thanks for the offers especially from those trusting soles who know me not from Anjelina Jolie – we look like twins – no really – but only on a dark night – with no moonlight – 600ft down a cave – with paper bags over our heads – so Brad Pitt told me 😯 ! I sent Goldendragon2 a PM as some of her Windstones have been accepted into the Windstone fold this side of the pond so she has all my details etc but I will keep note of the other generous offers made & hope you will do the same with me in that if I can help ship Windstones etc to you in the US ( I draw the line at Edinburgh Castle , the Scottish Crown Jewels & the Loch Ness Monster – all too difficult to wrap & sky high insurance) you know you only have to ask . Thanks again to all who took time to read but especially those who replied to my post – I appreciate it .
Hi everyone . Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking 😳 – I tend to hovver on the edges & PM when I build up the courage to say anything so I reckon this is about 6 months worth of courage used up – I wanted to ask this question . It is no way meant to be cheeky or offend but would anyone be prepared to be my shipping buddy – someone who would be prepared to accept Windstones on my behalf & then ship them over to me in the UK when the seller won’t ship directly ? I have spoken to several members of the forum over the months but did not want to put them on the spot by asking them directly & reasoned that this was the best way of asking without pressurising anyone . I would be responsible for all the shipping fees & would hope to come to an arrangement with any willing person for their time and any extra packing etc . It goes without saying that I would be willing to return the favour if they bought anything over here that couldn’t be shipped directly to the US .
I was also unsure if you meant that you would sell your white dragons as I am on the lookout for a white mother dragon as my single parent male is having quite a tough time looking after the fledgling on his own – he’s not got the hang of multi-tasking yet 😆 !
Hi there . I’ve PM’d you .
Is there a company in the US I can get items bought within the US shipped to , who will then ship over to the UK ?
I think postage is based on a combination of size & weight & how quickly you want it shipped . The buyer is responsible for the custom charges which I think is about 18% 😯 of the total value of the item(s) & the UK postal sevice also adds a handling charge so it’s a fair whack on to the total 😈 .